Justiss Newsletter
December 2024
Dates to Remember
Dec. 2- PTO Meeting at 4:15
Dec. 3- Parent Cafe'
Dec. 4- Santa Pictures
Dec. 17- Third Grade Program 9:00 & 6:00
Dec. 18- Christmas Sing-A-Long
Dec. 19-Class Christmas Parties
Dec. 19- Early Release
Dec. 19- End of 2nd Nine Weeks
Dec. 20-Jan. 3- Christmas Break
Jan. 6- Students return to School
Jan. 6- Beginning of 3rd Nine Weeks
Principal's Corner
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we approach the holiday season, I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and partnership throughout this school year. The time and effort you put into your child's education make a meaningful difference, and I appreciate all that you do.
With the Christmas break just around the corner, I hope that this time provides an opportunity for rest, joy, and quality moments with your loved ones. It’s been a busy semester filled with learning and growth, and I encourage everyone to take this time to relax and recharge.
On behalf of the entire school staff, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the holiday season bring warmth, happiness, and peace into your home.
We look forward to welcoming your child back to school in the New Year, ready to continue our learning journey together.
Enjoy the holidays, and we’ll see you on January 6th.
Dustin Smyers
Counselor's Connection
Tis the Season!
Hello Everyone!
The holiday season is supposed to be all about joy, peace, and spending quality time together, but often it can be a constant hustle and bustle that can be just as nerve-wracking for kids as it is for adults. These expert tips can help decrease your child's stress and make this time merrier for everyone.
7 Ways to Reduce the Stress:
1. Stick to routines: Children experience comfort through a routine, so as much as possible, stick to the same cap times, mealtimes, and bedtimes that are usual for your child.
2. Give a heads up: Once you've figured out the family's plan for the day, provide your child with a schedule. Simply being in the loop to prepare for what's coming is a huge stress relief.
3. Schedule in downtime: When coming up with your day's events, pencil in some downtime. Even a 15-30 minute break can help kids recharge and decrease the likelihood of emotional or behavioral problems later on.
4. Let your child vent: Give your child permission to come to you if he needs to get something off his chest. Give your child paper to draw or write about whatever is making him feel sand, mad, anxious, or upset.
5. Work up a sweat: Exercise causes the brain to release endorphins, the body's feel-good chemicals, which can reduce stress. Don't forget to exercise when you're traveling.
6. Just say "no": A major way to tame some of the craziness associated with the holidays is to skip out of some activities and the pressure to spend, spend, spend! Set limits on both!
7. Keep yourself in check: Children of all ages look to their parents for cures about how they should think, feel, and act. So make sure you manage your own stress. "Parents need downtime during the holidays just like children, so carve out some time, even if only a few minutes, to do something calming or enjoyable for yourself!
We wish you all the Season's blessings filled with joy and peace...even if things don't go exactly the way you planned!
P.S. Our Big Idea for the month of December is “Service”! I might also recommend taking some time to include your children in activities that allow them to experience the joy of being able to serve others in a special way this holiday season. They might just decide that it is better to give than to receive…sometimes!
Your Counselors,
Mrs.Irwin and Ms.Raney
PTO News
We wrapped up Spirit Stamps for the fall! Thank you to everyone who purchased or helped with Spirit Stamps. The kids love them! Keep an eye out..we will do a special Spirit Stamp sale in February for Valentines Day!
Here are the dates for the remaining PTO Meetings. We hope you will join us!
December 4th
February 10th
April 21st
Box Tops
Did you know that you can earn money for the school through the Box Tops app? You can scan a paper receipt or submit a digital receipt. If you do Wal-Mart pick-up, you can even connect it to your account and it will automatically do it for you! Be sure to choose “Thomas Justiss Elementary School” at sign-up and help us earn money for our school!