CUSD Newsletter
September 8, 2023
- Jimmy Buffett
Message From Superintendent Mueller
Good Afternoon, CUSD.
It’s been a great week in the district, with CHS PTO and CMS PTO hosting their first meetings of the year. Village PTO and Silver Strand PTO will both have their first meetings later in the month. The impact that our PTOs have on CUSD cannot be overstated, and we are incredibly fortunate and grateful for the parents who participate in these organizations. PTOs are a huge part of promoting positive campus culture through events, teacher treats, scholarships, classroom donations, etc. And probably most importantly, PTO meetings are the best way to know what’s going on on campus, engage personally with the principals, meet other parents, get questions answered, and hear directly from community partners that serve students and families. Check your site newsletters or links above for meeting dates and times.
Just a reminder that our Portrait of a Graduate strategic visioning project is underway and you or your student may receive emails regarding participation. Click here for Strategic Visioning 2023-24 Information and FAQ.
Karl J. Mueller
Caught Being Awesome!
As our educators, parents, and community come together to connect, challenge, and champion our students, we are humbled by the outpouring of compliments. What a positive testament to our CUSD family!
- Nestor Espinoza-Agraz: My son lost his phone at school, which also had his military-issued ID tucked in the case. Mr. Espinoza-Agraz let us in after hours and escorted us through the classrooms as the three of us tried to locate “Find My Phone” ping. Four classrooms later, we discovered it, safely and soundly tucked away in the room’s cellphone holder! Mr. Espinoza-Agraz didn’t have to stay so late and could’ve made my son wait until the next day, though he knew the importance of my son having his ID so he could get to our home on base. We are grateful for his care and generosity with his time. Thank you, Awesome Assistant Principal!
- Alison Keehan is new to our Voyager community but already impacting us with her positivity, can-do/will-do approach to problems, and wisdom and expertise! We are thrilled to have her at SSES!
- Anadeli Padilla Soto: Ms. A reads stories with such character and enthusiasm that the students can't help but be entranced by her read alouds. She truly has an amazing talent for bringing stories to life and making students excited to go to the library.
Click here to recognize an employee or volunteer who goes above and beyond to make a difference. Those who are "caught" will receive a copy of the positive words that were shared about them and a "Caught Being Awesome" decal. Please take a minute or two to brighten someone else's day!
Mobile Device Protection Plan for Families With CUSD Chromebooks
If your student has a CUSD issued Chromebook, you are encouraged to review and consider purchasing the OPTIONAL Mobile Device Protection Plan (MDPP) for the 2023-2024 school year. The annual plan is designed to cover accidental damage of CUSD Chromebooks including screen breakage. In addition, the plan will protect against spills, fire, flood, natural disasters, and theft/loss. Mobile hotspots, power cords, cables, and other accessories are not covered. Intentional damage, improper device storage, and misuse are not covered.
The cost of the plan is $20 per device per year. The plan must be purchased annually at the beginning of each school year or at the time of registration to be valid. To maintain coverage, a new plan must also be purchased if a student is provided with a replacement device due to damage/loss of their previous device. This money will be used to create a dedicated pool of funding to replace or repair covered technology. All money collected through the program will go into a special account that can only be used to replace or repair technology that is covered in the plan. We highly recommend this low-cost protection plan. To purchase a Mobile Device Protection Plan for your student, please use the instructions at the following link: Mobile Device Protection Plan Purchase Instructions.
Did you know CUSD has a mobile app? Click the links below to download the app today!
Newsletter Background Image
Do you have a favorite picture of Coronado? Please share your favorite image of Coronado and we might use it as a background for our next newsletter!
Must be a JPG image.
Must be at least 1,500x1,000 pixels.
At most 10MB.
Please share your image to information@coronadousd.net
About CUSD
Email: information@coronadousd.net
Website: coronadousd.net/
Location: 201 6th Street, Coronado, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 522-8900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoronadoUSD/