C.I.T.Y. News
September 2021
Making the Most of our Formats
Did you know C.I.T.Y. of Support has its own Google Calendar?
You can visit it and integrate it with your own using our URL by following these directions:
- Open your Google calendar
- Click on the dropdown next to “Other Calendars” located on the left side menu
- Select “Add by URL”
- Copy our calendar feed URL (below), and paste it into the URL field: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/bethdeiterslp.com_abubio3us742fsd9pb34m8qb7s%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
- Click “Add Calendar”
In-Person Playdate--Saturday, Sept. 11th at 9am
The Local Leaders have decided that it would be easiest if we kept our playdates to one consistent day and time each month. This will help our get-togethers become more predictable for planning purposes. Be sure to check our calendar or read through our newsletter each month to see where they'll be hosted. We're going to continue to try and have a presence in different regions around the city and at locations that are accessible to all children. If you have a suggestion for where we can meet, please email: hello@cityofsupport.org.
Quarterly Virtual Happy Hour--Friday, Oct. 8th at 8pm
Join us for our last Virtual Happy Hour of 2021!
Everyone is welcome: Moms, Dads, Professionals, Family, Friends!
We will start by talking about our most recent Collaborative Blog Post to get the conversation going: "Favorite Apps and On-the-Go Resources." Unwind at the end of the week, participate in the discussion, learn a little something, and make some connections in this casual format. An RSVP is required, either on the Facebook Event Page ("interested" or "going") or via email if you're not on social media, and a zoom link will be sent out a few hours before the call.
RSVP for our next call on Friday, Oct. 8th at 8:00pm
The "Accessibility Support Collection" Celebration at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library
New Collaborative Blog Post Topic: "Favorite Apps and On-the-Go Resources"
With apps available on almost all phones/mobile devices, we'd love to hear personal recommendations from our community about ones that you have found particularly helpful. Do you have a favorite app you use to encourage communication, behavior management, transitions, social situations, or other goals? Parents, professionals, community members: we would love to hear from you!
Share your ideas right here on this Google Form, and we will compile applicable responses into our next Collective Blog Post (distributed in early October and featured on our website). Please submit your information by Friday, September 24, 2021.
If you feel you are somewhat of an expert in this area, we would LOVE to feature you at our next Virtual Happy Hour on Friday, October 8th! Send us an email to find out more: hello@cityofsupport.org
C.I.T.Y. Close-Up
Meet Mia Mae
"Mia Mae turned two on July 31st. She was born with the odds against her, but she fought against them. She was born with congenital heart defects and Trisomy 18, weighing 3 lbs, 4 oz. When we were told of Mia’s Trisomy 18 diagnosis, we were told to plan for the worst. They said it was a miracle that she survived in utero and delivery. We were told we would only get a few days with her and if she survived several weeks or even a few months, she only had a 5-10% chance of making it to her first birthday.
Since her first birthday, she has not been hospitalized or required any surgery besides elective eye surgery to help her developmentally. Mia has continued to not only beat the odds, but do things we were told she would never do. She is learning to stand and take assisted steps. She is learning to sit independently. She has the skill to eat fully by mouth and we are hoping to see that come to light in the next year. She has a smile and a laugh that could light up a room from a mile away. She is beginning to say a few words and her mama heard, “love you” for the first time a couple weeks ago. For a girl, whom we were told is incompatible with life, it is truly amazing to see her love and live her best life. She has truly helped us, as her parents, and those around her, love their lives even more in the process."
Thank you, August Birthday Buddies!
For children registered with this program, those who had birthdays during these past few months received a handmade birthday card in the mail from another child who receives therapy services. It's our fun way to make early social connections, address therapeutic skills/goals, and encourage celebrating everyone.
**Thank you to Bright Futures Chiropractic for sponsoring our
August birthdays! The kids at your practice did such a great job!**
Thank you to everyone who joined us at these community outings & fundraisers!
Thank you Dana Schafer and Fate Richey for helping to plan such a fun shopping experience for us at the Kendra Scott store!
Thank you to Jillian Burgard and her team at Roots Autism Solutions for designating us as the beneficiary at the Boomer's baseball game!
Volunteer on a Committee
Professional Directory
Amazon Smile Purchases
Want to feature your information in one of C.I.T.Y. of Support's monthly newsletters?
Contact us: hello@cityofsupport.org
C.I.T.Y. of Support
Email: hello@cityofsupport.org
Website: cityofsupport.org
Location: 733 Hastings Drive, Buffalo Grove, IL, USA
Phone: (224) 409-7150
Facebook: facebook.com/cityofsupport/groups
Twitter: @cityofsupport