Mrs. Trout's Weekly News
October 3-7th
Kindergarten is respectful!
Here is what else we learned this week:
Language Arts: We reviewed the new sight words the and little . We discussed the genre of animal fantasy. We read the book Miss Bindergarten takes a field trip with Kindergarten. We learned the amazing words from the story: chaperone, post office, fire station, bakery, library, and park. We discussed the new amazing words from the story and described how the author used them in the story. We charted all of the places Miss Bindergarten went on her trip and discussed the community helpers she saw and things that were at each place she visited. The Students wrote about a place they would like to visit on a field trip and illustrated a picture. We also charted the community workers, tools that they used and the places where they were. Students in learned about nouns. We learned that a noun is a person, place and thing. The Students discussed the people, places and things Miss Bindergarten’s class saw on their trip. Students also had the opportunity to work in differentiated reading groups. The Students focused on the following reading strategies taught to them ( using a pointy finger, sounding or tapping out sounds, using the pictures as clues, etc..). Students pointed out sight words in the books and discussed the main idea and characters of the story. I asked the Students comprehension questions and checked for improved fluency. The Students also worked in literacy centers focusing on beginning sounds, word building, sight words and rhyming.
Phonics / Handwriting: We learned the letters I and J. Students had the opportunity to brainstorm words that begin with these letters. Students completed a variety of activities where they will had to identify, write and illustrate words that begin with these letters. Students were taught the proper way to hand write the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Math: We continued to explore greater than and less than. Students learned the concept of one more. Students problem solved to see which group is greater or less than. We started a math unit on number sense and writing and representing our numbers past 10.
Social Studies/ Science : We continuedto learn all about ways to be respectful. We read a book called I can be respectful. We charted and discussed ways we are respectful in our classroom, school, community and home. We presented a presentation on respect on Wednesday at PRIDE time. We began our fire safety unit. October is fire prevention month. We learned what to do in the event of a fire. We will read a variety of books learning all about fire safety. We charted and wrote about fire safety rules. We used the green screen to make a commercial about fire safety!
Reminders and upcoming events:
- No school on October 10th ( Monday) due to a teacher in-service
- 10/11 Book fair begins
- 10/12- Cherry crest Farms trip - Students may dress down and wear sneakers. Please dress for the weather conditions as we will be outside most of the day. Please pack a disposable brown bag lunch.
- 10/13- Goshen fire company will visit Kindergarten and Pre-K to learn about fire safety rules