Paw Power Press
Butler Elementary School - Volume 4 - October 2024
Butler's Pledge: Be Respectful, Responsible, & Kind
Halloween Updates and Planning
Butler Halloween Planning - Planning & Reminders for 10/31
Butler Elementary review of plans and preparations for Halloween - Thursday, October 31st!
Please read the Halloween Email shared Friday, October 18th.
Kindergarten - PM Kindergarten is reporting to school the morning of the 31st. Therefore, our AM students will hold their parade on Wednesday morning, October 30th.
Parade - Beginning at 9:30 AM Outdoors - Thursday, October 31 - All are welcome to join the parade route to stand in the designated spaces. Please carpool or enjoy a morning walk with neighbors as parking will be very limited. In the event of poor weather, the outdoor parade will be canceled, but students will parade indoors (across grade levels only and parties will proceed as planned - see below).
Classroom Parties - If the parade and anticipation of evening festivities aren't enough, following the parade, each classroom will host a Halloween Party! This event is for staff, students, and confirmed Parent Party Volunteers Only.
- 10:30-11:15 - PM Kindergarten, Grades 1-3;
- 11:15-12:00 - Extended Day Kdg, Grades 4-6, Parties must end promptly at 12:00 PM (NOON);
Half-Day Dismissal - Dismissal begins at 12:25 PM (PM Professional Development Day). For those parents volunteering, if you plan to take your child for early dismissal, please notify the office in advance.
November 1st - There is no school for students/staff the day following Halloween (Holiday - Diwali) - Offices are open from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM.
Important Information
Holiday Giving Tree Program Invitation
As the holiday season approaches, Butler Elementary is extending an invitation to families who may be experiencing a challenging time to participate in our Holiday Giving Tree Program. If your family is in need of assistance, please reach out to your school counselor by October 25th.
Mrs. Kathy Milotich (Grades: KPM, 1, 3, & 5) kmilotich@cbsd.org
Mrs. Linda O’Connell (Grades KAM, EDK, 2, 4, & 6) loconnell@cbsd.org
Butler Cell Phone/SMART Watch/Personal Device Policy
At Butler, the use of student cell phone/SMART Watch/personal device usage in school is prohibited. As a reminder, these devices are to be silenced and remain in backpacks during the school day. Should there be a need for communication, that would take place with the support of the school office during the school day. Please be sure to share these expectations with your child as this policy will be enforced by teachers/staff in coordination with District policy.
CB and Butler Handbooks
Additionally, Butler has a Parent/Student Handbook that applies these district policies specific to our school.
Please familiarize to both important documents as we continue throughout the school year.
Student 1:1 Device Assistance
District Messages & Announcements
New Webpage for Easy Access to District Practices
CBSD recently launched a new webpage, "Making Practices Public," where community members can find one-stop access to important resources concerning operational processes; major initiatives; family supports; and more. The page currently includes information related to on-campus speech and expression; communications structures; administrative areas of responsibility; supporting children at home during times of difficulty; and grade realignment. The page will be updated with new resources as they become available, so families are encouraged to check back often.
Device Usage Fees Due by October 30
It has been a great start to the school year with our student device distribution! All students will receive or continue using their assigned device. Before receiving a device, families in grades 3-6, 7, and 10, as well as new students, must complete the online user agreement and pay the usage fee. The elementary student fee is $15/year, while the fee for students in grades 7 and 10 is $60, which covers three years. Prorated fees apply for new secondary students.
If you need financial assistance, please visit our website for details. Thank you for your cooperation. Next steps - click here to complete if still outstanding.
CBSD Realignment Update
To access the most current information on Central Bucks Realignment, please be sure to visit the Project Webpage by clicking here. Here, you can browse information related to the district's planning for and implementation of grade realignment and full-day kindergarten beginning in the 2026-27 school year. We encourage interested families to review this comprehensive resource. Additionally, a new “Realignment Handbook” is available on the Project Webpage.
Submissions for Next Round of CBSD Lock Screen Contest Due 10/20
Congrats to Tohickon 9th grader Greidy Hernandez for winning the first round of CBSD's lock screen contest! Her original artwork is now featured on CBSD devices through the rest of the month. The district now invites students to try their hand in the next round of the contest, inspired by CBSD's "Portrait of a Graduate" Effective Communicators attribute. Submissions are due this Sunday, Oct. 20. More details and how to submit.
Join the CBSD Team: Various Open Positions Available
CBSD welcomes qualified candidates to apply for a range of full-time career opportunities with benefits. From head and assistant coaches to a middle school Special Education teacher to a high school Biology teacher to a secondary school counselor to staff nurses to education assistants (and more!), there may be a perfect place for you to make a positive impact in CB. View available positions and apply now!
CBSD Attendance Law - Act 138 and Act 16
Have You Changed Addresses?
If you have moved, please make sure you update your address with Central Registration. The office can be reached at 267-893-2111 or centralregistration@cbsd.org.
School Calendar & Updates
School Calendar
Oct. 18 - Haunted Gym - Grades 3 (w/parent) through 5th Grade Only - 6:30 PM
Oct. 22 - Picture Retake Day
Oct. 24&25 - 6th Grade Ropes - Elbow Lane
Oct. 28-31 - Red Ribbon Week - Living Drug Free
Oct. 30 - AM Kdg Halloween Parade & Classroom Party (Classroom Info shared by Teacher)
Oct. 31 - Half Day for Students - Dismissal Begins 12:25 PM (PM KDG Reports in AM)
Oct. 31 - Halloween Parade - 9:30 AM (Outside); Classroom Party Schedule Follows Parade
Nov. 1 - School Holiday (Closed for Diwali) - Offices Open 9:00 - 3:30
Nov. 5 - No School for Students (Election Day) - Offices Open 9:00-3:30
Nov. 7 - CB STEAM Activity Night - 6:30-8:30 PM (CB EAST HS)
Nov. 11-14 - Butler PTO Book Fair - Class Sign-Ups
Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
Nov. 13 - Spirit Day - World Kindness Day - Kind Like Joey (Wear Black and Gold)
Nov. 18-22 - American Education Week - Schedule TBD
Nov. 21 - PM Kdg. Conferences (No PM KDG)
Nov. 22 - AM Kdg. Conferences (No AM KDG)
Nov. 25&26 - Early Dismissal Days (12:25 PM) - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 27-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Butler PTOs - Haunted Gym - 10/18
Come on out if your child is in 3rd through 6th grades! Haunted Gym is a family-only event for those ages of students (please no un-related students from Unami or CB South). 3rd graders must be accompanied by a parent through the gym. Students entering the Haunted Gym MUST WEAR wristband distributed in class on Friday.
Red Ribbon Week - 10/28-10/31
To help students get excited about the nation's largest drug awareness week of activities and grade-appropriate curriculum, we will celebrate with fun theme days each day!
Red Ribbon Daily Themes:
Monday, Oct 28 | Wear all RED
Tuesday, Oct 29 | Dress Fancy for the Red Carpet
Wednesday, Oct 30 | Dress Like your Favorite Celebrity, Athlete, Movie/Music Star
Thursday, Oct 31 | School "Spirit" - Wear Your Halloween Costume!
Friday, Nov. 1 | No School - Holiday!
Please be sure to wear clothes following the themes below - Monday through Thursday!
Save the Date: Free STE(A)M Activity Night for all CBSD Students - Nov. 7
Get ready for an exciting evening of Science, Technology, Engineering, (Art) and Math at CB East! All CBSD students and families are invited to a STE(A)M Activity Night on Thurs., Nov. 7 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. featuring a range of hands-on activities for all ages such as robotics, 3D printing, laser engraving, TV and video, and more. More details about the sessions to come. No pre-registration is required. The vent is hosted by CBSD Technology & Engineering Education and QUEST. We hope to see you there!
Butler PTOs "Butler BOO!" (Throughout October)
Check out the details for our Butler BOO! throughout October.
School Happenings
5th Grade Soil Secrets Day at Peace Valley Park
On October 8th & 9th, Butler 5th Grades, spent a day at Peace Valley Park learning about the local soil and organisms in our area. Naturalist teachers rotated groups of students through two activities during the time. The Soil Dig Activity had student teams record observations of their soil samples on a data form. Using a trowel, students dug into the soil to discover the "world" under our feet. Using a hand lens and microscope, they observed and recorded the macrofauna and macroflora. In the Rotten Log Activity, students investigated a rotting log, observed decomposers (Nature’s Recyclers), and recorded their findings on their data forms. It was a fun day of hands-on exploration of nature's recyclers and soil - Thanks to the Peace Valley Nature Center!
Fire Prevention Week - Chalfont Fire Department Assembly - K-3
On Friday, October 11th, The Chalfont Fire Department joined our Butler primary students (K-3) for National Fire Prevention Week! The team from Chalfont had an excellent presentation that talked about being safe and "not" playing with fire (including lighters, matches, etc.). The team's presentation included getting fully dressed in the fire safety gear and what one might expect if they were ever in need of help from a firefighter. They also provided a tour of one of their trucks - sharing all the interesting tools, safety gear, and hoses that work to put out dangerous fires. Thanks to the Chalfont Fire Department for spending some time at Butler! CB Communications Department was also out for the event - shared here!
6ABC News Clip from Butler - Awareness, Understanding, and Respect
Last year, Mrs. Victoria Nedza, Butler parent, presented at one of Butler's Town Hall School Assemblies on Understanding. 6ABC News heard about the message shared with students about this positive school community story. On October 14th, Mrs. Nedza and 6ABC News spent time in her child's classroom (Gr. 4 - Radwanski) sharing her message about how individuals in wheelchairs are just like everyone else - living and contributing to our communities in great ways! See the video, by clicking here!
Celebrate the Phillies Day - 10/4
The Phillies might have slipped up during the post-season, but that did not stop our Butler School from celebrating Red October on the 4th! We will get at it again next year - Go Phillies!
Spirit Day - Mismatch Day - 10/10
Butler Bears embraced the opportunity to wear mismatched clothes on October 10th!
Around the School
Photographs from around Simon Butler Elementary School!
Student Showcase
Paw Power Winners - 10/4 & 10/11
Simon Butler's students and staff embrace the Butler Pledge, the foundation of our school's positive behavior program. Our Butler Community promises to:
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Kind
This pledge to all Butler Bears upholds our traditional Pillars: B.U.T.L.E.R.
Butler (at its Best!); Understanding; Teamwork; Leadership; Educational Excellence; Respect
Each week, students earn Positive Paw Power Coupons for their good deeds and honorable actions as recognition. Children enter them into our collection bins where names are drawn to earn a special "Breakfast with the Principals".
10/4 Winners: Parker S. (Kdg), Dylan K. (Gr.1), Sloan G. (Gr.2), Zach B. (Gr.3), Owen P. (Gr.4), Brady E. (Gr.5), Ella F. (Gr.6), Teacher: Mrs. Deschambeau
10/11 Winners: Crew T. (Kdg), Alexander N. (Gr.1), Tobias R. (Gr.2), Luke H. (Gr.3), Tyler C. (Gr.4), Declan B. (Gr.5), Luke B. (Gr.6) Teacher: Mrs. Camburn
10/11 - Mrs. Camburn
Individual student winners choose a special activity from the "Choice Board" - where they identify a special event in which they will participate.
Special Announcer
Game with Office Team
From the Butler PTO
The Butler PTO Newsletter
District Details
Central Bucks School District
Superintendent: Steven Yanni, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Secondary: Charles Malone, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Elementary: Nadine Garvin, Ed. D.
Website: cbsd.org
Location: 20 Welden Drive, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools/
Twitter: @CBSDSchools
Simon Butler Elementary School
Principal: Karl Funseth
Principal's Secretary: Peggy Bernabei
Assistant Principal: Lauren Dowd
Assistant Principal's Secretary: Michele Droxler
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/butler
Location: 200 Brittany Drive, Chalfont, PA, USA
Phone: 267-894-4250
Twitter: @CBButlerElem