Four Big Houses One Little Way
January 7, 2025
Thank you
Thank you to Jacob Comley and John Mendez, our great maintenance team, for having school and the parking lot ready for us today! Also, WELCOME to Mr. Mendez as he joins the Little Flower staff!
It is time to registrater for the 25-26 school year. Registration is normally $50 per student but will be discounted to $25 per student through Open House. Please register as early as possible as we have a few classes that are currently full.
Current students are guaranteed a spot at Little Flower until Open House at which time we open registration for new families. All balances must be paid in full in order to complete your registration.
This year register will be done online via PowerSchool. Instructions are included below. After registering online you may send your registration fee to the school office.
If you are exiting out of the East Gate (left gate heading out) you must turn left, even if you are in the "second wave" of cars. Otherwise, our other side gets backed up. Thank you for being considerate of others.
Wednesday, January 8
PPS Skating Party 6:30-8:30 PM
Thursday, January 9
Honors Breakfast 7:00 AM
Vision and Hearing Screening
Friday, January 10
All School Mass 9:30 AM, Fifth Grade Mrs. Mann
Vision and Hearing Screening
Saturday, January 11
Scecina CYO Night
Thursday, January 16
Third Grade to Childrens' Museum
Sunday, January 26
Little Flower Open House
The Little Way
Each month we discuss the Little Way. We take time to discuss one trait of the Little Way and how we can apply it to our lives at LF and beyond. This month we will be discussing
SERVE THE COMMUNITY. As we make our new year's resolutions, our challenge to the kids and staff at Little Flower is to look beyond ourselves and find ways to serve our community. The video below gives us three specific ways to help
1. Listen
2. Lend a hand
3. Spread positivity
As a school we will serve the community during Catholic Schools Week as we will spend an entire day working with Pack a Million Meals to get food to those in need.
Little Flower
Email: kgawrys@littleflowerparish.org
Website: www.littleflowerparishschool.org
Phone: (317) 353-2282