World Language Middle School
Special Edition: Resource S'more

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WLMS Communication: Talking Points App Instructions
Click on pdf below for instructions in your language of choice to learn how to download the Talking Points app for communication with your student's teachers. Need a different language? Email Lynsey Bock at lbock@columbus.k12.oh.us (in any language) and let us know what language you need.
High School Choice Resources for 8th Grade Families
What is my Neighborhood High School?
It is important for families to know their "home school", especially 8th grade families as high school decisions approach. Because World Language MS is a lottery school, all 8th grade families will receive a 'reservation" at our pathway high school, International HS. Students are not required to accept this reservation and can choose to apply for lottery into another CCS school or they can return to their home school by address. This is why students need to know what their home school actually is! On the district website, the School Locator tool allows you to find your assigned schools by address. Type your address into the box then zoom out to see your assigned school.
Having trouble? Call the CCS Factline at 614-221-3228 and ask what high school your child would be assigned based on your address.
Using the WLMS Website
Have you ever wondered how to find something on the website? There's a lot of information! See below for some help navigating all our school's homepage.
WLMS Attendance
Attendance: Please ensure that your student is present EVERY DAY ON TIME. If your student is absent or if you know of a planned absence for an appointment, please use the QR code or our Google Form link. This is the most efficient way for us to accurately record student absences.
You can view or access the World Language Middle School attendance Google Form for the 23-24 school year here. We also have magnets with a QR code to quickly access the form. Need a magnet? Let us know and we can get one to you! Email lbock@columbus.k12.oh.us or jjohnson15@columbus.k12.oh.us!
WLMS Car-Rider Transportation
Please communicate any changes to your student's normal instructions for dismissal by 1:45 pm. Additionally, if you plan to pick up your student early, we would like you to do that before 1:45 pm to allow safe access for all as our buses begin arriving.
If you drop off or pick up your student, please use the lot on Sharon Road on the side of the building, across from Colerain Elementary School, instead of the main parking lot. We have staff present there to supervise students in the morning, from 7:00 until 7:30am and at dismissal. At 2:30pm dismissal, cars should form a line, and wait for their students to be dismissed. There will be staff members there to assist. All students should be picked up no later than 2:45 pm. This helps us to keep our students safe and allows our bus drivers to safely navigate the parking lot. If students are arriving to school late, you may use the main parking lot. Thank you for your cooperation.
WLMS PBIS: What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. It is a research-based framework that encourages schools to create a positive, predictable, and safe learning environment to ensure success for all students. The WLMS PBIS expectations are available below; click on your preferred language to enlarge the image. More information about PBIS can be found here.
CCS District Resources
CCS Factline
Did you know CCS has a factline to answer your questions at a district level? Call 614-221-FACT (221-3228) or email the factline at Factline@columbus.k12.oh.us.
CCS ESL Call Center
Did you know that Columbus City Schools ESL Department has a designated call center in a variety of foreign languages? Call center hours are from 7:30a– 4:30p.
Call the CCS ESL Department at 614-365-8802 and select the number corresponding to the language you require assistance with:
For Spanish Press #1
For Somali Press #2
For Nepali Press #3
For Arabic Press #4
For French Press #5
For Swahili Press #6
For Kinyarwanda Press #7
For English Press #8
To view the ESL Department flier with more details, open the attachment here:
Community Resources: Columbus Metropolitan Library
Help your student stay on track this school year. They’ll have access to:
- Reading Buddies, 15 minutes of one-on-one reading practice for K-3 students
- School Help Centers, offering K-12 students free help with their schoolwork plus use of computers, printers, digital research tools and other resources
- HelpNow, connecting them one-on-one with a virtual tutor Monday-Friday, 2:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.
- Online school help tools available 24/7
- YouMedia, an open lab space at nine locations where teens can explore technologies
- After-School Snack, offered at 16 locations in partnership with the Children’s Hunger Alliance
Visit columbuslibrary.org to learn more.
Community Resources: Tutoring Resources for Families
The Columbus City Schools FACT Line, part of the Office of Customer Relations, has compiled a listing of local agencies, organizations, and individuals (independent contractors not under the auspices of CCS) who provide tutoring or family-related services.
General Community Resource List
WLMS School Counselors have compiled a list of community resources for our WLMS families. Click on the document below to see the full pdf with lots of great information!
Food Pantry Locator
Freshtrak is an online tool that can be used to search for food access “events” in your community. Daily pantry hours, pop-up food events, and neighborhood resources are organized by zip code.
Resources for Affordable Internet
Are you looking for resources for affordable internet to support your student?
Check out these programs to see if you qualify:
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) - https://www.fcc.gov/acp
EveryoneOn - https://www.everyoneon.org
PCs for People - https://www.pcsforpeople.org
Columbus Metropolitan Library: https://www.columbuslibrary.org
Socio-Emotional Support for Middle Schoolers
Middle School Matters!
Upon entry into middle school, students are bombarded with environmental, social, emotional, and physical changes. Did you get one of our Middle School Matters pamphlets at our Open House last month? If not, check out this pdf from the Georgia Department of Education for important tips and advice for helping your student successfully transition into and thrive during their middle school years!
This helpful document covers:
• Social and Emotional Changes
• Organizational and Environmental Factors
• Academics
• Developmental Growth
• College and Career Readiness
¡También tenemos folletos disponibles en español a pedido!
Access the Middle School Matters pdf here:
WLMS Family Ambassadors
Our role as Family Ambassador is to share information, tools and strategies that can further connect your student’s learning experience between their time in the classroom and home, host educational opportunities for families, and connect families to community and district resources. We want to support and help you to engage with the WLMS community, as well as help with navigating CCS. Questions about what you read in this s'more? We can help with that too!
We look forward to meeting your family this year if we haven’t already and are eager to connect with you! We are in the building throughout the week, and are also available to connect during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. Please do not hesitate to reach out, we are here FOR you; our contact information is listed below. If the use of an interpreter would aid our communication, we are happy to arrange that as well!
Go Leopards!
Joy Johnson & Lynsey Bock
Joy Johnson (español): jjohnson15@columbus.k12.oh.us Phone: 614.526.9507
Lynsey Bock (français): lbock@columbus.k12.oh.us Phone: 614.407.6102