June 2021 WAVA Wave Newsletter
-WAVA Word of the Month is Reflection & Celebration-
Congratulations Ilyannie Gonzalez
Congratulations Katherine Schaffer
Meet WAVA Student Gavin!
Susan Boyer, WAVA Director of Academics
Welcome to June WAVA Students and Families!
As we head into our last two weeks of school I want to make sure we take time to celebrate those that need to be celebrated. First, I want to say congratulations to our WAVA graduates! On Sunday, June 6th WAVA will hold our graduation ceremony where we will virtually celebrate the accomplishments of our 235 graduates.
However, our graduates are not the only ones that should be celebrated. Our WAVA 8th graders will also be taking time to celebrate their accomplishments and their move to high school. And our 5th graders will have a celebration in the next two weeks to celebrate their move to 6th grade and middle school. YOU should also be celebrated! Remember that you have done something incredibly amazing but also hard—you have completed school virtually! Take a minute to reflect on the things that have gone well and the times that have been a struggle. Be sure to celebrate this year’s accomplishments with your family, learning coach and teacher.
Please make sure you take time to look at our different summer learning options. Our High School is offering summer school from July 5th to July 30th for those that need to make up any credits or classes to remain on track for HS graduation, sign-up today. Summer Enrichment Camps are available this summer for Grades K-12, stay connected with us. You will also find Brain Boost activities, TutorMe (grades 6-12), Family Challenges and Summer Activities available on the OLS announcements starting June 14th. Follow the National Engagement News for this and more!
Register for the upcoming year at WAVA and be sure to have your required forms completed. After you register if you are interested in Flex (our new flexible pathway) you can fill out the Flex Interest Form and our team will contact you. Thank you for choosing WAVA!
Susan Boyer
WAVA Director of Academics
Welcome to Summer with WAVA and K12/Stride
- Summer Engagement Opportunities
- Check the OLS for Summer Announcement after June 14th
- WAVA Clubs in July/August
- Summer School for HS grade bands
- Summer Challenges in the Community on the K12 App
- Look for announcement on Brain Boost to the OLS in June
Learn more about WAVA Flex
Blog: https://wavaflex.blogspot.com/
Video: https://youtu.be/uhER1zdjWr4
Interest Form: https://tinyurl.com/WAVAFlexInterest
Meet Ms. Jaecks
You are an inspiration to our students at WAVA Ms. Jaecks, thank you!
Why do you enjoy working at WAVA?
I like that WAVA gives students flexibility and ownership of their learning. In addition, I like the fact that WAVA allows students to use their learning styles and strengths to access the curriculum. The time management skills that WAVA requires is a skill and asset that will benefit students in the future. WAVA students are definitely learning skills to be successful in the future!
What is a fun fact about you? I am fluent in American Sign Language and taught Deaf and Hard of Hearing students for over 10 years. I even had the wonderful opportunity to teach college prep English courses to Deaf students in Jamaica one summer!
Meet Ms. Hamilton!
Why do you enjoy working at WAVA?
I enjoy working at WAVA because I think it is a fantastic
opportunity for students. You can tell from my career
background that I saw the crucial role technology could
play in providing an alternative learning environment a
long time ago and the chance to be part of that is exciting. I
enjoy the challenge of making personal connections with
students in the virtual world. I know from my many years
of teaching that students remember how you treated them,
not the fantastic academic lesson you presented. So, I work
hard to provide a caring environment where all my
students feel valued and safe while they are learning the
skills in my classes.
WAVA Roaring Twenties Prom
Way to Go Cartooning Club
Show your Spots! Grab your Spot WAVA!
June Community Engagement News
Welcome to June! This month Registration is still open, be sure to Grab Your Spot and Save Your Spot for 2021-2022. Spaces are going quickly so be sure to Save Your Spot! WAVA is looking forward to having you back! We are introducing the Flex Program for 2021-2022 year for those interested in more flexible learning and independence. Be sure to fill out the survey if you are interested in Flex and meet our new Flex Team! On our K12 App you will find the Learning Coach Community for WAVA, we hope to see you there. Check it out and connect with others in your grade! Each month we have virtual experiences, Spirit Days, seasonal focused events, Clubs, Activities and more! Clubs have been happening weekly October to May and we are wrapping up with celebrations before going into summer! Thank you students that have been connecting each week in Travel, Baking, Coding, Community, Writing, Diversity, Teen Connect, Cartooning, Art, Movies, Gaming, Esports, Lunch Chats and more! This month participate in a K12/Stride Photo Contest and look at more ways to be engaged through our newsletter! We are here to connect with you! If you have experience with WAVA and want to be a Wavemaker to mentor other LC’s give us a shout! Be sure to fill out the optional WAVA Family Directory! Please let us know if you would like to give a special shoutout to your teacher and how let us know something special that is happening for your student! We would love to highlight your news here in our Staff Spotlight each month! You can share news on your student success with our National Social Media team through Project Elevate! If you are a Learning Coach interested in being on our Parent Advisory Council for 2021-2022, please contact us!
HS ASB Corner:
Way to go ASB for a wonderful month of May with our Prom, Pre-Prom Talent Show and Roaring Twenties "Mask"erade! Did you know that our High School has an amazing group of Student Leaders along with Advisor Mr. Humphreys that help run our ASB! This group of leaders and students collaborate to help create and run student lead ideas and activities throughout the year! Meet each Monday at 2pm with ASB!
Congrats WAVA Writing Club!
Here is the list of the amazing, dedicated writers that participated throughout the year in writing club that deserve a little special gift:
Will Johnson – mariotime0906@gmail.com
Josiah Foster - isaacswiss2@gmail.com
Ben Foster - Generalcat911@gmail.com
Kenzo Fonseca – kenzof3836@wava.org
Sidonie Walker – sidoniew6878@wava.org
Olivia (Livy) Raemer - oliviar3796@wava.org
Website: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:75f181fd-bf85-490e-90a8-990113e0357b
Meet Ms. Hockaday
Tutor Me for WAVA
WAVA High School Roaring Twenties "Mask"erade Prom
WAVA Clubs Pet Self-Portraits
Social and Emotional Learning
June is Pride Month
We are Excited for the Class of 2021
WAVA Operations, Enrollment, Assesments
Registration is open, be sure you Grab and Save Your Spot!
Be sure to Grab Your Spot for 2021-2022. If you have questions about the Re-Registration Process; where it is completed or who is able to complete the process online, refer to the Re-Registration: Before you get started article. If you are interested in the Flex Program Option be sure to fill out the interest form.What are the steps of the Re-Registration process?
What are the required documents that I need to submit to complete Re-Registration?
Reminder: June 18th is the last day to Re-Register to save your seat. Your registration is not complete until the Choice Transfer Form and Universal Re-Reg Form are received.
-Ms. Giske, WAVA Operations Manager
Website: https://www.help.k12.com/s/article/Washington-Virtual-Academy-Omak-Re-Registration-Guide-and-FAQs
Special Programs Support
Get to know Special Programs Assistant Principal Jennifer Tubbs:
Special Programs Team:
Special Programs Principal, Dolly Fernandes, and Special Programs Assistant Principal, Jennifer Tubbs, have a wonderful team working with your students and supporting them on their education journey! Stay tuned for a Spring Special Programs Night for WAVA Families!
If you have questions or concerns about the diverse needs of your learner, please contact -
- Dolly Fernandes, dofernandes@k12.com – Special Education Principal
- Jennifer Tubbs, jtubbs@wava.org -- Special Education Assistant Principal
- Scott VanGerpen, svangerpen@wava.org – 504
- Stephanie Haegele, shaegele@wava.org – Highly Capable Program
- Star Downey, sdowney@wava.org - Highly Capable Program
- Karen O'Leary, koleary@wava.org – English Learner Program
- Lauren Garcia, lgarcia@wava.org, English Learner Program
Success Stories
Follow us on Instagram!
Follow us on YouTube!
Follow us on our main WAVA facebook page!
Follow us on Pinterest!
LC Community App
Follow us on Twitter!
Washington Virtual Academies
Email: info@wava.org
Website: www,wavabulletinboard.com
Location: 2601 S 35th St Suite 100 Tacoma, WA 98409
Phone: (253) 591-6888
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WAVAESLC/
Twitter: @K12_WAVA
Omak Statement of Non-discrimination
Omak School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator: LeAnne Olson, (509) 826-7687, lolson@omaksd.org or WAVA Family Resource Coordinator: Kathy Swartz, (253) 682-7906, kaswartz@k12.com; and Section 504 Coordinator: John Holcomb, (509) 826-8342, johnholcomb@omaksd.org , P.O. Box 833, Omak, WA 98841 or WAVA 504 Coordinator, Scott VanGerpen, (253) 591-6888 svangerpen@wava.org
El Distrito Escolar de Omak no discrimina en ningún programa o actividad por motivos de sexo, raza, credo, religión, color, nacionalidad, edad, estado militar o veterano, orientación sexual, expresión de género o identidad, incapacidad o el uso de un perro entrenado o un animal guía o de servicio, y proporciona el mismo acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos de jóvenes que sean designados. Los siguientes empleados han sido designados para estar a cargo de preguntas y quejas de presunta discriminación: Coordinadora de Derechos Civiles y Coordinador del Título IX: LeAnne Olson, (509) 826-7687, lolson@omaksd.org; Coordinador de recursos familiares, Kathy Swartz, (253) 682-7906, kaswartz@k12.com; y el Coordinador de la sección 504: John Holcomb, (509) 826-8342, johnholcomb@omaksd.org, P.O. Box 833, Omak, WA 98841 or WAVA Coordinador de la sección 504, Scott VanGerpen, (253) 591-6888 svangerpen@wava.org.