CVHS Weekly E-Bulletin
Monday, April 1 - Saturday, April 6, 2024

April 1- April 6, 2024 Bulletin
MONDAY, 4/1/2024 Banking Day Late Start Schedule- All Periods 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Boys Frosh Baseball vs. Arcadia HS @ Arcadia 6:00 pm
Boys JV Baseball vs. Arcadia HS @ Stengel 6:30 pm
TUESDAY, 04/02 Periods 1,3,5,7
Boys Varsity Golf Match-Flintridge Prep 9 Holes @ Alta Dena 2:30 pm
Boys JV Baseball vs. La Canada HS @ La Canada 3:30 pm
Boys Varsity Baseball vs. La Canada HS @ Stengel 6:15 pm
Girls Swimming & Diving vs. Redondo Union HS @ Redondo Union 3:30 pm
WEDNESDAY, 04/03 Periods 2,4,6,7
Track and Field @ Burbank HS 3:00
Girls Swimming & Diving vs. Pasadena HS @ CVHS 3:45 pm
Boys JV Tennis vs. Glendale HS @ Glendale 3:45 pm
Boys Varsity Volleyball vs. Burbank HS @ CVHS 3:45 pm JV/Frosh 5:15 pm
Boys Frosh Baseball vs. Arcadia HS @ Stengel 6:00 pm
Girls Varsity Lacrosse vs. Village Christian HS @ Glendale HS 7:30 pm
THURSDAY, 04/04 Periods 1,3,5,7 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!
Boys JV Golf 18-Hole Match vs. Glendale HS @ Scholl Canyon 2:00 pm
Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. Birmingham HS @ Birmingham 4:30 pm
Boys Varsity Volleyball vs. Taft HS @ CVHS 3:45 pm
Girls Varsity Softball vs. Temple City HS @ Temple City 3:45 pm
FRIDAY, 04/05 Periods 2,4,6,7
Boys Varsity Volleyball vs. Glendale HS @ GHS 3:45 pm
Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Arroyo Grande HS @ Stengel 6:00 pm
Girls Varsity Lacrosse vs. Westridge HS @ Westridge 4:15 pm
Varsity Stunt League Competition vs. Burroughs/Chaminade @ CVHS 6:00 pm
Korean Culture Night- the Quad 5-8 pm
ComedySportz Varsity Match 7pm
Boys JV Volleyball Sylmar Tournament TBD
Boys Frosh Baseball vs. Monrovia HS @ Stengel 9:30 am
Boys JV Baseball vs. Monrovia HS @ Stengel 12:00 noon
Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Alumni @ Stengel 3:00 pm
2024 Reminder
Just a gentle reminder to please be courteous to our neighbors. Do not block our neighbors’ driveways or move trash cans. Please do not drop off/pick up students in residents’ driveways. Also, remember that students may not be dropped off or picked up in any of the staff parking lots. Let’s all be courteous to our CVHS neighbors. As construction continues on our field, we understand traffic and parking is a challenge. Give yourself a few extra minutes to minimize those challenges. Please remember this is for the safety of all.
NEW!! SCIENCE and FUN at CSUN: The Physics and Astronomy Department at CSUN is excited to present a day of Science and Fun for all! The event will focus on amusing and educating students about science through activities, such as an exciting planetarium show. The event will occur on Saturday, April 27th from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. We look forward to having you and your students participate in our event!
NEW!! JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT COMEDYSPORTZ MATCH ON FRIDAY, APRIL 5 AT 7:00 PM IN THE UNDERGROUND THEATER. What is ComedySportz? - Not Comedy about sports - Comedy PLAYED as a sport! ComedySportz: HSL is the award-winning interactive comedy show where two teams of high school "act-letes" compete for audience laughs and points while improvising scenes, games, operas, and musicals based on YOUR suggestions. The audience is always a part of the show, voting for the winners and sometimes even winding up on stage. Clean, family-friendly entertainment for ALL ages! Come find out what all the BUZZ is about! All tickets are $10 and seating is limited. Tickets are sold at the door. Come watch a very hilarious match that includes our Varsity team playing against a team of our CVHS & ComedySportz alumni from the last decades!
NEW!! PEP SQUAD TRYOUTS!! If you consider trying out, please see Mr. Pehar in room 5105 for details or e-mail him Go Falcons!
NEW!! TALON YEARBOOK NEEDS YOU! Email with any concerts you have been to this last year, your favorite artist/song, your favorite movie or your favorite childhood TV show. Or email anything you feel would be fun to include in the yearbook. We are looking for unique talents, or fun facts about YOU! Did you visit another country? Eat some interesting foods? WE WANT TO KNOW!
Also, if any of your teachers have taken students on field trips this school year, please let me know by replying to just me via email. We are up against deadlines so the faster you can let me know, the better. And if you have any photos from the field trip and students we should interview about it, send my way! ~ Mrs. Peterson
NEW!! SENIORS: Auditions to participate in this year's graduation ceremony are coming soon. If you are interested in giving a speech during the ceremony, please join 2024 Graduation Speech Auditions google classroom. The code is wpcn23i Details will be posted there. A copy of your speech must be submitted in the google classroom by Monday, April 29. Auditions will take place after school on Thursday, May 2. Contact Mrs. Beers with questions.
ALMA MATER MONDAYS are at CV!! Every Monday at lunch, come to the JROTC room, to hear current CV Teachers talk about their college experiences and any advice they have for those going to college. It will also be an opportunity for students to ask any questions they might have about what to expect when going to college. Different colleges will be represented each week! Get ready for the next step with Alma Mater Mondays!
Thursdays @ FIREHOUSE 2563 Foothill Blvd. 3:30-5:30 pm
Tutoring/ Homework Help &/ or Supervise Games for Jr High Students
Some Thursday Meetings at 5:30 pm for Prom Plus Event Planning, service projects, PIZZA
PROM PLUS CLUB MEETINGS: To be determined.
WELLNEST: Monthly Guided Meditation Hosted by Couch Conversation
Join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner peace through the incredible practice of meditation. Sign up in the WellNEST Time: Lunch time 12:17-12:47
JOIN THE CV CHOIR NOW: Join our award-winning choir program! Regardless of your singing experience, CV has a choir for you! If you are interested in auditioning for a more advanced choir, see Mr. Mack in the choir room (3101). If you don’t want to audition, you can sign up for Mixed Choir with no audition. The choir program is a great way to express yourself, make new friends, and have fun. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of something amazing. Join the CV choir program now!
CVHS SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL: The CVHS School Site Council met on February 26. The minutes of that meeting can be found here. The next meeting of the CVHS SSC will be Monday, April 29 at 3:45 in the CVHS Career Center. Please email Anne Reinhard at with any questions.
CVHS ELAC: The CVHS English Learner Advisory Committee met on 3/06/24 is not being held. The minutes of the last meeting can be found here. The next CVHS ELAC meeting will be April 10 at 6:30 pm in the CVHS Career Center. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Reinhard at
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS AT CVHS ON THE BIG SCREEN! To explore advertising possibilities on the prominent screen in the CVHS Gym, contact AD Paul Schilling via email at
ABOUT AP EXAMS: Double check if you have ordered the correct AP Exam(s) on your AP Account! Login to your AP Classroom account and look for an icon that reads “registered” for each exam you purchased. Email Dr. Pestonji and Mrs. Besoli if you notice an error at and There is a $40 cancellation fee if you want to cancel an exam before March 1, 2024. Registration and payment details can be found on the REGISTRATION FORM.
AF JROTC PATRIOTIC SERVICE PROJECT: JROTC is hosting a community-wide Patriotic Service Project for veterans and active service members, where you can show your support by writing letters and donating items on Operation Gratitude’s wish list. Plus, you will be awarded Five Star points and Service Hours for participating. Check their Instagram @cvhs_ca882 or flyers that will be posted up soon around the school for more information. Below is the link to the Google Form Sign up for students that are interested.
Glendale Youth Alliance (GYA) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that has been providing comprehensive employment programs and services to disadvantaged youth for the past 30 years. Our priority service area is the Verdugo Region- the Cities of Glendale, Burbank, and La Canada but we do serve youth from all neighboring cities as well. GYA has once again received funding to operate the Student Training and Employment Program (STEP) for youth with disabilities!
Youth will receive 120 hours of paid work experience at a worksite based on their skills, aptitudes, and interests, as well as training and case management! Please view the attached flyer for more information. We are now accepting applications. Youth may access the online application by clicking on the following LINK or using the QR code on the attached FLYER
PARENT AND STUDENTS: Don't forget to download the 5 Star App and the Parent Square App for all important up-to-date information. 5 Star App Parent Square App
CVHS SPIRIT BLANKETS ON SALE NOW - In the student store or the online webstore. $60 with an ASB card - $70 without! Checkout our Webpage and reserve your CV Blanket TODAY! Crescenta Valley Blankets! #highschoolblankets #tagyourblanket
2024 GRAD NITE - Friday, May 31st is our Disney California Adventure Grad Nite! Seniors are able to buy tickets at the Student Store starting March 4th! $175 with ASB Card, $185 without ASB Card. All purchases require a Behavior Agreement to be signed by parents! Pick one up at room 1301 or the student store.
2024 PROM - Friday, May 18th is our Senior Prom at Casa Vertigo! Seniors are able to buy tickets at the Student Store starting March 4th! $130 with ASB Card, $150 without ASB Card. All purchases require a Behavior Agreement to be signed by parents! Pick one up at room 1301 or the student store. Guest Pass applications are available in the AP Office, Guest Pass applications are due by April 26th!
SENIORS: Today the application for the FCSF Scholarships opens. If you are a senior, with at least a 3.0 gpa, plan to attend a trade school, community college, or four-year college and have a family income below $250,000, you are eligible to apply. Scholarships range from $1000-$3000. Last year 10 were granted. Go to
The deadline for Community Service hours for the Class of 2024 is Monday, April 29, 2024. To be eligible for the Falcon 100 Hour Award, Seniors must have volunteered and submitted 100 hours. The online portal is available through the CVHS website, Under the Activities Tab. Questions or concerns, email Mrs. Gay at, or stop by the Library to speak with Mrs. Gay before school, after school, Snack or Lunch.
GUSD COLLEGE & CAREER DIVISION NEWSLETTER/WEBSITE: The Glendale Unified School District College and Career Division website ( will publish newsletters and maintain information about college rep visits, and UC, CSU, Common App application workshops. Please continue to check the website for registration links, updates, and upcoming events. The Newsletter is available at this link: The Newsletter will provide links to a variety of events ranging from college rep visits, Financial Aid nights, Career exploration and other resources.
PCC Application Workshop Thursday, April 11, 10:00-10:40 AM (Library)
GCC REPRESENTATIVES: Every Wednesday, GCC representatives will be here at CV, at lunchtime, in the Quad. After lunch, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm, they will be in the Counseling Office.
GCC representatives will resume weekly Wednesday visits on January 17th. Students may connect to the GCC zoom sessions at if they need help registering for spring Jump Start or Dual enrollment classes.
The deadline for Community Service hours for the Class of 2024 is Monday, April 29, 2024. To be eligible for the Falcon 100 Hour Award, Seniors must have volunteered and submitted 100 hours. The online portal is available through the CVHS website, Under the Activities Tab. Questions or concerns, email Mrs. Gay at, or stop by the Library to speak with Mrs. Gay before school, after school, Snack or Lunch.
COMMUNITY SERVICE WEBSITE: Students, remember to submit all community service hours through our Community Service website. All the information you will need is there. No more forms, no more lost paperwork! From the CVHS home page, find the Activities Tab at the top. Next from the drop down menu, click on Community Service. Here is the link to the page: Questions or concerns, email Mrs. Gay at, or stop by the Library.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY! Center for Spiritual Living is looking for student volunteers Sunday mornings and Monday afternoons. If you have experience working a sound system there may be an added bonus (Sunday mornings only). Please call/text Ms. Nancy Victor at 818-932-7644. 4845 Dunsmore Ave., Glendale, CA 91214.
HELP SPREAD THE WORD! BE OF SERVICE!: Thanks for your interest in volunteering at The Community Center of La Cañada Flintridge. We have an opportunity! Help us get the word out about our 1st Annual Cornhole Tournament and Chili Cookoff by distributing posters to local businesses. You can pick up the posters from the office on Friday April 5 and distribute them whenever works for you over the next few day. We'd like to have them in store windows by Monday, April 8. You'll be given a list of where to go.
SUMMER INTERNSHIP: Are you a rising high school junior or senior -interested in a career in mental health? Gain valuable knowledge and experience through paid training, summer internships, and support from mentors working in the industry
A 14-month community-based program for students from structurally marginalized communities in California. YMHA provides hands-on learning in mental health science, practice, and communications through: Project-Based Learning & Mentoring Click Here for more information Due Date: March 15, 2024
Please visit our Scholarship Page on the CVHS website. As we are informed about the latest scholarship opportunities