Mountain Lions
January 31, 2025
Dear Middlebrook Families,
Our Middlebrook Wing Scholarship fundraiser kicks off today! We're excited to continue this tradition and support a graduating Trumbull High School senior with a scholarship. Please see below for more details.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Ponte
Ms. Molloy
Middlebrook Wing Scholarship
Thank you for supporting our 3rd annual Wing Scholarship fundraiser. To make this a success, here is some important information and instructions for our Middlebrook families.
Today, each student was given 1 calendar to sell.
Each calendar costs $10.00.
Payment is either cash or a check made out to Trumbull Public Schools with MB Scholarship in the memo section.
Writing needs to be legible.
Return the bottom portion only in a sealed envelope with payment.
More calendars can be sent home if requested from classroom teachers or can be found in the main office.
We hope to have each student or family sell at least one calendar. There are some great prizes.
Sales end firmly on February 25, 2025.
Drawings for prizes will begin Friday, March 3, 2025.
Each drawing will be posted daily to our school website. at https://mes.trumbullps.org/ and winners will be notified via email/phone.
Thank you again for supporting our scholarship program.
~Middlebrook Scholarship Committee
Black History Month
American Heart Month
Sunday, February 2nd
Groundhog Day
Tuesday, February 4th
BOE meeting 7pm at Long Hill
Friday, February 7th
"Soup"er Bowl Day - see flyer below
Sunday, February 9th
Super Bowl LIX
Monday, February 10th
PTA Meeting 7:00pm in the library
Wednesday, February 12th
Lincoln's Birthday
Father's Club Meeting 7:00 pm in the cafeteria
Thursday, February 13th
Kindness Assembly - Grade 2
Dessert Bar for staff - Thank you PTA and Families
Friday, February 14th
Valentine's Day
No School - Presidents' Weekend Holiday
Monday, February 17th
No School - Presidents' Day
Thursday, February 20th
Urban Air - 5th grade activity
Friday, February 21st
OLSATs testing - Grades 3 and 5
Tuesday, February 25th
Calendar Sale ends
Friday, February 28th
School Store
OLSAT testing grades 3 and 5
Students in grades 3 and 5 will be taking the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) in February. This test is designed to assess a child’s performance across a wide variety of reasoning skillsets. As always, it is important for your children to be prepared and ready for learning each day so they can put forth their best effort. Healthy habits of eating, sleeping and getting plenty of rest allow ALL of us to perform at our highest level.
Student Spotlight
January Bus Riders of the Month
Congratulations to our students who demonstrate exemplary bus behaviors. We are very proud of your positive example! (Missing from the photo: Evan D)
Grade 1 News
Grade 1 created loving art projects under the expertise of Mrs. Jacovino, art teacher.
Grade 3 News
Ms. Carrano's class worked with Mrs. Colucci to understand the concept of scale in maps using the text "Maps and Globes".
Grade 4 News
Fourth graders in Ms. Schaefer’s class used fraction bars during math workshop to generate and record equivalent fractions with smaller units.
Staff Spotlight
Mrs. Fink
Mrs. Susan Fink has been an English as a Second Language teacher for 29 years, 22 of them at Middlebrook. She loves working with students from all over the world and from right here in Trumbull and watching them learn to speak, read and write in English. She is married and lives in Monroe. She has a son (21) and daughter (24). Mrs. Fink loves to read, do yoga, walk and travel as much as she can. She recently went to Portugal with her family. The farthest place Mrs. Fink has traveled to was China. After graduate school, Mrs. Fink had a fellowship to teach English in Slovakia. It is no surprise that her favorite event at Middlebrook is the International Festival!
Fathers Club
Ryan Mones & Max Palmer
Co-Presidents, Middlebrook Fathers Club
**If you have any questions about the club, please email your Co-Presidents** at middlebrookfathersclub@gmail.com
The next scheduled meeting is February 12 at 7pm in the cafeteria.
Yearbook Information
**Middlebrook Yearbook 2025!**
Purchase your copy of the 2024-2025 Middlebrook Elementary School yearbook today! To buy a copy, please visit The Membership ToolKit using the link below:
We also invite you to upload your photos from Middlebrook activities such as bingo, 5th-grade events, clubs, classroom crafts, and school concerts. Your contributions will help us create an amazing 2024-2025 school year album. You can upload your photos using the link below:
LoveLines are now open! Deadline: February 9th, 2025. Visit The Membership ToolKit to make your purchase. Each LoveLine is limited to 80 characters and costs $3 each, or you can double it for $5. Don't miss this opportunity to show your support! Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, guardians, caregivers, teachers, and loved ones can send messages to their Middlebrook students through "LoveLines" in the yearbook. It’s a fantastic way to acknowledge and congratulate them on their achievements and express your love and pride in print.
We appreciate your support,
Middlebrook Yearbook Committee
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026
Kindergarten registration has begun for the 2025-2026 school year, please click here for all the information you need.
Registration link
Community News
Elementary Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Inclement Weather Schedule
Delayed Opening Hours
1 ½ hour Delay – 10: 05 AM – 3:20 PM
2 hour Delay – 10:35 AM – 3:20 PM
2 ½ hour Delay – 11:05 AM – 3:20 PM