NorthStar Lights
North Syracuse Central School District's Electronic News

May 17, 2024
Hello North Syracuse Central School District parents, guardians, teachers, and staff,
It has been a pretty amazing week here in the NSCSD. Yesterday was our annual Special Olympics at CNS High School and that alone is one of the best events of the school year. The work done to make the event possible stands as a testament to our collective commitment to inclusivity and support for all students. I'd like to celebrate the dedication of the staff and students who work tirelessly to bring the Special Olympics to our community each year. Thank you to everyone involved in the event!
One particularly interesting and out of the ordinary things that happened this week was receiving a press release from the United States Department of Education. While that certainly isn't something that happens every day, we were incredibly pleased with the news. We learned that one of our students, Thomas Wills, II, has been named a United States Presidential Scholar. This is a tremendous and incredibly prestigious honor and is, to my knowledge, a first for the NSCSD. Thomas is an exceptional young man and I am beyond proud of the educational success he has experienced in our schools with our incredible teachers and staff.
Also this week, Onondaga County Sheriff Deputy Elizabeth Lehmann, our School Resource Officer at North Syracuse Junior High School, was honored with a community service award by the CNS Optimist Club. Deputy Lehmann is a tremendous asset to her school and the entire district and this recognition is well-deserved. We are grateful for Deputy Lehmann and all of the wonderful law enforcement partners who keep our students and staff safe everyday.
This week has given me an opportunity to remember that our district's success is truly collective. We are better because of the people who make up our schools and community. We truly are brighter together. As we approach the end of another school year, I am reminded of the countless events and initiatives championed by our teachers and staff with enthusiasm and dedication. From the academic achievements celebrated during our awards ceremonies to the creative endeavors showcased in our art exhibitions, our teachers' passion for supporting student development is evident. I am proud to be part of a team that consistently goes above and beyond to ensure the success and well-being of every student.
As a final note, please remember that our annual school budget vote and board of education member election takes place next Tuesday, May 21. Polls will be open from 6 AM to 9 PM. Please also remember that the polling location for voters who live north of Route 481 has been changed from Cicero Elementary School to Cicero-North Syracuse High School. The specific location at the high school is the Michael J. Bragman Stadium.
Warm regards,
Daniel D. Bowles, Superintendent of Schools
Thomas Wills II is U.S. Presidential Scholar - one of only six in New York state
In a May 9, 2024 press release from the United States Department of Education, the North Syracuse Central School District learned that Cicero-North Syracuse High School Senior Thomas Wills, II, has been named a 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholar. Thomas is one of only six students in New York State and 161 in the entire United States, to have earned this prestigious honor.
In the press release, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said, “The 161 high school seniors selected for the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Presidential Scholars represent the best of our nation’s schools and inspire hope in the bright future of this country, On behalf of President Biden,
I am delighted to celebrate their accomplishments, and encourage these scholars to continue to aim high, lift up others, and embrace opportunities to lead.”
The White House Commission on Presidential Scholars selects students annually based on academic success, excellence in the arts and in technical education, through essays, school evaluations and transcripts, as well as a demonstrated commitment to community service and leadership.
Earlier this school year, Thomas became the district's first-even Student Ex-Officio Board of Education member. He has received numerous academic awards as well as several commendations for community service activities. Of the recognition, NSCSD Superintendent of Schools Daniel D. Bowles, commented, "Thomas is an extraordinary young man and a brilliant student. We continue to be impressed with his academic excellence along with his dedication to his school and his peers. This is the first time in the history of the NSCSD with one of our students being honored at this level and we are incredibly proud to share this tremendous news."
North Syracuse Little League Opening Day extra special thanks to athletes
This year’s opening day for the North Syracuse Little League (NSLL) was an especially memorable one thanks to the support of some NSCSD students. Prior to opening day, NSLL Co-President Jo Andrews had reached out to the Northstars Baseball Program for assistance in making the day special for the young players and their families.
Ms. Andrews is also a dedicated teacher in the NSCSD and says she was overwhelmed by the positive response from the high school baseball teams. Both the Varsity and JV teams, dressed in their uniforms, enthusiastically participated in all the scheduled activities. Reflecting on the event, Jo said, “The look on our little players’ faces when they saw these big kids was precious. The players took part in our day as if it were their own. They were respectful, willing to help out, and were excited to be there. These gentlemen need to be recognized for what they did for our community.”
Students bring history to life during middle school history fairs
On May 9, both middle schools in the North Syracuse Central School District held history fairs at their respective buildings. For Gillette Road Middle School, this year repeated the event that they first held last spring. For Roxboro Road Middle School, this was the first year and both events were tremendous successes with more than 150 students participating between the two schools.
The fairs were organized by Eileen Gleason at Gillette Road Middle School and Nicole Quinn at Roxboro Road Middle School. Both women at the social studies department chairpeople for their schools. To participate, students were asked to showcase any historical event, time period, person or place. Their projects brought history to life through a variety of mediums, including costumes, display boards, dioramas and interactive displays. Student projects explored a diverse range of topics including everything from sports, cuisine, geography and things like the current marketing phenomenon of Stanley drink-ware.
CNS Optimist Club honors Deputy Lehmann
This week, Onondaga County Sheriff's Office Deputy Lehmann, a School Resource Officer at North Syracuse Junior High School, was recognized with a “Community Service Award” from Cicero North Syracuse Optimists. Deputy Lehmann is part of the School Resource Officer Unit in school districts within Onondaga County. The deputies are invaluable resources for the schools and the community’s children.
Deputy Lehmann is an exemplary member of the SRO Unit and regularly goes above and beyond for her students, staff, and members of the community. Her constant desire to better the community and the North Syracuse Central School District is seen in her relationships throughout both and her willingness to always be available to help whomever is in need.
Congratulations to Deputy Lehmann on your award and thank you for all you do for our students!
Spaces still open for Universal Prekindergarten
The North Syracuse Central School District still has open spaces for its free Universal Prekindergarten Program. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are available by clicking here and can be picked up and/or completed in person at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse.
In addition to having open spaces for the 2024-2025 school year, the district still has openings for the current school year. If you would like to register your child for a current UPK program, please contact Julia Shannon at (315) 218-2147.
Additional UPK information is available by clicking here.
NSCSD students and staff in the news
In case you missed it, Cicero-North Syracuse High School Senior Ava Tyler has again been featured as an EXTRAORDINARY Talent for NewsChannel 9. Click here to see the segment.
North Syracuse Central School District Special Olympics returns for another year: May 16, 2024 by CNY Central - click here to watch online
Send us your photos and videos!
Girls Going Tech
Gillette Road Middle School Principal Sarah Jones shared thes pictures from the Girls Going Tech field trip last week. Principal Jones let us know that Mr. Manfredi and Ms. Williams brought a group of 7th grade girls to the event. The event included hands-on STEM-related activities along with a Women in STEM group.
It looks like our students had fun learning! #NSBrighterTogether
Students have a deliciously delightful lesson at CNS
Students in Mrs. Frisbie's Hospitality and Pastry Arts class at Cicero-North Syracuse High School recently completed their decorating unit that culminated in cupcake wars. The class chose a theme (Disney/Pixar), planned, selected recipes for both cupcakes and frosting, made everything from scratch, decorated, and assembled their displays.
Mrs. Frisbie also wanted to say thank you to Ms. Coutu, Mr. Navarra and Ms. Nappi for being fabulous guest judges. She added, "The students did an amazing job and they worked so well together in their teams!"
Students in Cicero-North Syracuse High School's Human Rights Club recently created a display at the school to end their successful year with a peace campaign. Club Advisor Jackie Hayman shared a picture of the students with their creative display and offered gratitude for the things the students have done toward creating a culture of kindness, understanding and inclusion throughout the school year. Amazing work!
Muffins with Mom at Roxboro Road Elementary School
Earlier this month, students at Roxboro Road Elementary School took time to celebrate some of the important women in their lives during their Muffins with Mom event. Mrs. Sciarrino shared some pictures from her class and commented on the wonderful event. She said, "The families got to watch a video, participate in some games, enjoy breakfast and take home a plant. It was a special day for everyone." Mrs. Siarrino also shared that her class had perfect attendance and each student had a special visitor.
District Reminders!
MAY 21: Teacher Aide Appreciation Day
MAY 21: School Budget Vote and Board of Education Member Election from 6 AM to 9 PM
MAY 24: No School for Students/Staff due to unused snow days
MAY 26: No School for Students/Staff for Memorial Day
JUNE 3: Board of Education meeting at 6 PM at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
JUNE 7: Half-day of school for all NSCSD students - staff workshops
JUNE 8: Transportation Department Job Fair from 9 AM to 12 PM at the Transportation Office (5520 East Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
JUNE 17: Board of Education meeting at 6 PM at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
JUNE 19: No School for Students/Staff for Juneteenth
North Syracuse Central School District
Email: webmaster@nscsd.org
Website: www.nscsd.org
Location: 5355 West Taft Road, Syracuse, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 218-2100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NSyracuseCSD/