Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Our Week in Review
Week of September 6-9
We are reading...
*Officer Buckle and Gloria
*Rocket Learns to Read
*The Invisible Boy
*Late For School
*Night of the Veggie Monster
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - We study words to learn to read and write.
*Readers Workshop - Readers take a sneak peek to get ready to read. Readers do something at the end.
*Writers Workshop - Our lives are full of stories to tell. Writers think, plan and sketch before they write.
*Grammar Talk - compare letters, words and sentences
*vocabulary - place value
*teen numbers
*compose and decompose numbers
*use concrete objects to show numbers to 20
*story problems
*skip counting by 10's (from any given number)
Social Studies
*compare how we are alike and different
*continue to practice first-grade routines
*play Back To School Game
*character trait - integrity
Upcoming Events
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library books are due on Tuesdays.
iPads need to be charged each day.
Please provide headphones for your learner.
Upcoming Dates:
*September 5 - School Holiday
*September 30 - Spirit Assembly - Wear your House colors!
*October 6 - Early Release at 12:30 p.m.
*October 7 - Student Holiday/Parent Conference Day
*October 10 - School Holiday
*October 26 - Picture Day
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C