Bobcat Innovation
Jan. 10th, 2025
Bobcat Innovation - Jan. 10th, 2025 Newsletter
Welcome back to school! I hope everybody had a fun and relaxing Winter Break. We had a wonderful last week before break with tons of fun. See some of the pictures below! There are many more pictures on the Bobcat Innovation Facebook page. If you are not currently following, check that out.
The first week back has been great! The semester is winding down quickly, so make sure to have conversations with your kids about staying focused for the next week. High School and Middle School students will be completing important end of semester projects, and many will also be taking final exams. These things have a huge effect on grades and students need to do their best. Virtual High School Students, make sure to check out the in-person exam schedule for next week on the flyer below.
It has been very cold lately! In-Person and Hybrid students please remember that we go out side almost every day and kids need coats, gloves, and hats. Boots and Snow pants are also very beneficial for elementary kids.
In-Person and Hybrid students will be taking the NWEA test over the next 2 weeks. Make sure to discuss the importance of this test with your kids as we use the data for class placement, and also to analyze to determine effectiveness of our programming and intervention strategies.
Our next PTO meeting is next Wednesday, January 15th at 6:00pm. This is a virtual meeting only this month. The link is: https://meet.google.com/bvd-pebw-ujr
Next week is last call for lost and found items. Anything left on Friday will be donated. See picture below! We will move the items to the lobby next week for easy access to take a look.
Warm regards,
Zach Hamilton, Director of Innovative Programs (Daily oversight of Bobcat Innovation In-Person and Hybrid)
(810) 591-6077
Kevin Keilitz, Asst. Director of Innovative Programs (Daily oversight of Bobcat Innovation Virtual)
(810) 591-6375
Important Dates
- Wed. Jan. 15th - PTO Meeting
- Wed. Jan. 15th - Fri. Jan. 17th - High School Final Exams - in-person (see flyer below)
- Fri. Jan. 17th - End of 1st semester
- Mon. Jan 20th - No School Staff or Student
- Tue. Jan 21st - No School Students, Staff Records day
- Wed. Jan. 22nd - First day of 2nd Semester
2nd and 3rd Grade Habitat Project
2nd and 3rd grade students are still hard at work on their animal habitat and adaptation STEAM project. They loved the trip to the aquarium and Rainforest Cafe that went along with this project as well. It is amazing to talk to the kids about their animals and what they are learning. If you haven't yet, ask your child about what they've learned. I am very excited to see the end results and can't wait to share pictures of the hallway decorations!
Grand Blanc Youth Choir
Available to all 3rd-5th grade students. Visit https://www.gbarts.org/choir to sign up. Contact Steve Simmons at ssimmons@gbcs.org with any question.
Lost and Found
Here is the picture of the lost and found. Next week is the last week to claim items. Anything remaining on Friday will be donated. The PTO meeting will be a perfect time to check it out to claim lost items!
4th Grade Market Day
This was a lot of fun for the kids as they learned about economics in a creative way. Students created a business and products that they actually sold to raise money. All proceeds went to the Last Chance Animal Shelter
Huge shoutout to Mrs. Brock for leading students in this experience!
Bobcat Innovation Winter Sing-Along
Elementary Virtual/Hybrid Class Holiday Party
High School Exams - Next week!
Kroger Community Rewards - Raise Money for Bobcat Innovation!
Counseling Corner
Athletics Information - Winter 1 Season
Bobcat Innovation Athletics Website: https://bobcatinnovation.gbcs.org/for-students/pic-athletic
Bobcat Innovation
Email: zhamilton@gbcs.org
Website: https://bobcatinnovation.gbcs.org/
Location: 11920 South Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 591-6078
Facebook: Visit us on Facebook at: Bobcat Innovation