Crow Island Parent Newsletter
May 20, 2024
Dear Crow Island Families,
Thank you to our PTO for there help and support with the 2nd Grade Bike Rodeo. It was nice to have our students learn about bike safety and practical tips to help ensure safety on the way to and from school.
This week, we are looking forward to welcoming families into school for our Portfolio Days. On Tuesday and Wednesday, students will lead their families through their learning portfolio where they have cultivated their work and reflected on their progress.
Have a great week!
Luke Livingston
- Monday, May 20th: 3rd Grade Spring Sing, 5:45 PM; 4th Grade Spring Sing, 6:45 PM
- Tuesday, May 21st: 1st Grade Portfolio Day at 9:30 AM or 12:45 PM; 4th Grade at 10:30 AM or 1:30 PM
- Wednesday, May 22nd: 2nd Grade Portfolio Day at 10:30 AM or 2:00 PM; 3rd Grade at 9:15 AM or 1:15 PM
- Friday May 24th: Half Day (K–8) Reporting Day (11:20/11:59 AM Dismissal)
- Monday, May 27th: No School, Memorial Day
- Sunday, June 9th: Crow Island End of Year Picnic at Skokie Playfields (540 Hibbard Road) from 5:00–7:00 PM
- Tuesday, June 11th: Field Day
- Thursday, June 13th: Crows on Parade from 8:00–8:35 AM in the front of the school, followed by the 4th Grade video viewing; 4th Grade Graduation Party (kids only) at Skokie School from 6:30–8:00 PM
- Friday, June 14th: Last Day of School, Half Day (11:20 AM Dismissal); Popsicle Party right after dismissal (parent or caretaker must accompany student)
Monday Spirit Days:
As a reminder, every Monday is considered a Crow Island Spirit Wear Day. Staff and students are encouraged to participate.
Portfolio Day Information:
Students in 1st through 4th grade (have been working with their teachers to reflect on their learning and select work for their portfolios. In May, parents will be invited into the classrooms for Portfolio Day. During Portfolio Day, each child will have 30 minutes to lead their parents through their portfolio. This is an opportunity (for you to join your child in celebrating their learning and growth). You will have the opportunity to listen as your child takes the lead in showcasing the work they have completed this year..
Below are the dates we have set aside for Portfolio Day:
Tuesday, May 21
1st Grade 9:30 & 12:45pm
4th Grade 10:30 & 1:30pm
Wednesday, May 22
2nd Grade 10:30 & 2:00pm
3rd Grade 9:15am & 1:15pm
As in previous years this event is for parents and children only. Siblings do not attend Portfolio Day. Please be sure to make alternate arrangements. This allows your child to have your undivided attention on this special day.
Packing & Construction Updates:
As a reminder, we are planning for construction to start this summer for the new addition and school updates for Crow Island that will take place over the next year. We just wanted to communicate a few quick updates:
The last day for the TACO will be Friday, May 24th. For the remainder of the year music will take place in the auditorium and Spanish will take place inside classrooms. This will continue into next year.
As you visit for portfolio days, you will notice boxes as the school prepares to move out all items for the summer. This is a very robust move and requires the school to start to pack now.
If you could not make the parent presentation on May 2nd, you can learn more about the presentation here: Crow Island Principal, Dr. Luke Livingston, recently hosted an informational session for families and staff focused on preparation for this summer’s construction and renovation work. The presentation may be viewed here.
School Supplies for 24-25:
The Crow Island PTO is offering prepackaged school supply kits for your convenience through Educational Products, Inc. EPI will deliver the supply kits to Crow Island and PTO volunteers will deliver the kits to each classroom before the first day of school next year. Your child will arrive on the first day with all of his/her supplies. It’s so easy!
Please note that if you miss this opportunity to purchase school supplies online by June 2nd, you will be responsible for purchasing school supplies on your own. EPI generally will have supplies available for purchase to ship directly to your home, but we cannot guarantee availability of all items after the sale closes. We will post a list on our website before the end of this school year and share a link in an upcoming bulletin.
You can place order(s) for your child(ren) by clicking HERE and using:
School ID: CRO020 (letters C, R and O followed by zero, two and zero)
Please email Katherine Banich at with any questions.
Strings Information:
Just a quick email to let you know it is that time of year again. Recruitment assemblies will be taking place this month at Crow Island, Greeley and Hubbard Woods for current 1st-3rd grade students. 4th grade students will have a separate assembly where they will learn more about the program at Skokie. 4th graders can also start on any string instrument including the string bass!! Students will be introduced to the instruments that they can learn at school: violin, viola, cello and string bass. (4th graders only) The registration forms will be electronic again this year via Google Forms.
If you have more than one child signing up next year, feel free to use the same form for both (all) of your children. The registration deadline will be Friday, June 10th. Please let us know if you have any questions. Looking forward to working with your children again next year!
Mrs. Sheryl Nussbaum
Mrs. Yue Cai
Elementary String Registration (Crow, Greeley, Hubbard Woods)
Skokie String Program (incoming 5th graders to Skokie, returning or beginner)
5th Grade Parent Information:
- Parent Input Form: If you are an incoming 5th grade parent you can use this form to share your input with Principal Cooney as your child transitions to 5th grade. This helps in the creation of class placement. 4th Grade Skokie Parent Input Form 2024-25.
- Skokie School Supplies: You can order your school supplies here:
Health Forms for the 2024/2025 School Year
This is a friendly reminder that all medical forms required by the State of Illinois are due before the first day of school. You can find additional copies of the forms on the district website here.
State of Illinois Health Examination:
Kindergarten & Grade 6
Eye Examination:
Dental Examination:
Kindergarten, Grade 2 & Grade 6
Please use the links on the district’s health page to upload your child’s completed forms.
“Coffee with Kelly”: Creating a Balanced Summer
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent of Schools, invites you to our final “Coffee with Kelly” of the school year, a community conversation hosted at our schools! Staff, families and community members are welcome to join Dr. Tess and staff members from our social work and kinetic wellness teams for co-facilitated discussions on creating a balanced summer for your family. This is an opportunity to converse, connect, learn, and grow together!
Guests are invited to:
Read either of these two articles on the benefits of reading aloud:
and/or come as you are, excited to engage with your childrens’ teachers, your neighbors, and your school leaders!
Wednesday, May 22 from 9:30am to 10:30am
The Skokie School Community Room,
520 Glendale Ave., Winnetka
Please RSVP by Monday, May 20.
All staff and parents (including grandparents!) are welcome. You do not need to be a Skokie family or staff member to attend. Coffee will be served!
Contact Us
Location: 1112 Willow Road Winnetka, IL 60093
Phone: (847)-446-0353
Twitter: @CrowIslandD36