Robison Elementary Rocket Register
January 31, 2025
Flash Sale on Robison Spirit Wear
Our PTO is offering an opportunity to purchase spirit wear. The store closes on February 5 at 11:59 pm!
If you are a member of PTO, you should have or will receive an email about this. If you are not a member, please consider joining, knowing how much our PTO supports the students. You will also receive regular communication from the PTO about important events.
Scan the QR code or go online to https://robisonwinterspiritwear25.itemorder.com
Rodeo Art Exhibit
Congratulations to our two very artistic Rockets, Jonathan and Lilly-Ann. Both had their work displayed at the CFISD Rodeo Art Exhibit!
Learning Garden
Our students recently harvested turnips from the Learning Garden!
Superintendent's Fun Run on March 29
Registration is now open for the highly anticipated community event, which features a 5K run, a 1-mile family-friendly course, and a fun-filled kids’ zone. The event will take place at the Berry Center, with the 5K winding through Towne Lake and Lone Star College-CyFair.
Sponsor and vendor booths, food trucks, bounce houses, and student performances will make the day even more special for the thousands of community members in attendance.
Attendance Reminders
State law and district policy state that a student may not be awarded course credit unless the student is in attendance for at least 90% of the days during the school year. The number of excused and unexcused absences are combined to determine the total number of absences. This school year, elementary students are allowed a total of 17 absences.
A form to use for absence excuses is linked below if you would like to use this. Parents/Guardians should always provide a note for absences. Excuse notes will always be considered when evaluating excessive absences.
As stated in the CFISD Student Handbook:
Loss of credit will be tabulated on the basis of days in attendance. A student may not receive credit for the year and may be retained unless they have been in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days during the school term or is successful in appealing the loss of credit as provided in this policy. This applies to excused and unexcused absences. If a student is in attendance for at least 75 percent but less than 90 percent, a student can be given credit for a class if the student completes a plan approved by the school principal that provides for the student to meet the requirements of the course. Parents of elementary students will receive written notice following the tenth absence.
Field Day 2025
This year our Field Days will take place on March 4-6! Each homeroom teacher has chosen their team's color. While it is not required to purchase a Field Day t-shirt, ordering one makes it very easy for your child to be ready for their fun day.
Shirts may be purchased on SchoolCash, and they are not just for children--adults are welcome to order. To be sure each student receives the correct colored t-shirt, be sure to order shirts separately for EACH child. The color ordered will match the homeroom teachers' choices.
The deadline to purchase a Field Day shirt is February 4! Extras will not be ordered.
Woohoo! We are now ready to begin accepting School Cash for birthday announcements on the marquee! The cost is $20, and payments must be made in School Cash by Thursday of the week prior to your child's birthday. Messages will run from Monday-Sunday.
If you'd like to have your child's birthday celebrated at school, we offer parents the opportunity to purchase ice cream or cookies from the cafeteria to be distributed to their child's class during lunch. In order for our cafeteria to prepare for this, you must give at least one week's notice. You may email martha.ramirezespino@cfisd.net if you are interested.
We are unable to allow students to hand out birthday invitations at school or to hand out birthday treats in the classrooms.
Due to our large enrollment, there is a limit of one sign-up per child per semester.
Saturday, February 1
- Sweethearts Dance (6 to 8 pm @ Robison). Information about how to register is below.
Monday, February 3
School Counseling Week: We love our counselor, Ms. Sims!!
- Robison Spirit Day
- GT Community Showcase @ CyWoods High School (6:00 pm)
Tuesday, February 4
- Last Day to order Field Day shirts! Order on SchoolCash.
- Student Council Meeting (7:45 am)
- Goodson Electives Fair (For current 5th graders who will attend Goodson Middle School) @ 5:00-6:30 pm
Wednesday, February 5
- 3rd-5th ELAR Benchmark--We are unable to accommodate lunch visitors.
Thursday, February 6
- Book Fair Begins
- Spillane Middle School Electives Showcase for current 5th graders who will attend Spillane (Last Names A-L @ 5:00 pm; Last Names M-Z @ 6:30 pm)
Friday, February 7
- Progress Reports
- Book Fair
- College Shirt Day
Monday, February 10
- Robison Spirit Day
- PTO Board Meeting
- Book Fair
- CFISD Board Meeting ( 6 pm @ MHAB)
Tuesday, February 11
- 5th Science Benchmark--We are unable to accommodate lunch visitors.
- Family Night @ Book Fair (4:45-7:00 pm)
Wednesday, February 12
- Book Fair
Thursday, February 13
- Valentine's Day parties. The students will have a class party with their classmates at the end of the day. The parties are for students only. Each student will be given a Valentine's bag to decorate. Students may bring valentines to share with their classmates. Your child's teacher will let you know the number of students in the class.
Friday, February 14
Monday, February 17
Tuesday, February 18
- Robison Spirit Day
Wednesday, February 19
- 3rd-5th Math Benchmark--We are unable to accommodate lunch visitors.
Wednesday, February 26
- 5th Grade Field Trip to the Symphony
Friday, February 28
- Go Texan Day!! Wear your western wear!
Monday, March 3
- Robison Spirit Day
- PTO Board Meeting (9:30 am)
- CFISD Board Meeting (6 pm @ MHAB)
Tuesday, March 4
- Kindergarten Field Day (9:00 am - 11:30 am). Register HERE for quick check-in! Shirts may be purchased on SchoolCash.
- 1st-Grade Field Day (12:30 pm - 3:00 pm). Register HERE for quick check-in! Shirts may be purchased on SchoolCash.
- Student Council Officers Meeting (7:45 am)
Wednesday, March 5
- 2nd-Grade Field Day (9:00 am - 11:30 am). Register HERE for quick check-in! Shirts may be purchased on SchoolCash.
- 3rd-Grade Field Day (12:30 pm-3:00 pm). Register HERE for quick check-in! Shirts may be purchased on SchoolCash.
Thursday, March 6
- 4th-Grade Field Day (9:00 am - 11:30 am). Register HERE for quick check-in! Shirts may be purchased on SchoolCash.
- 5th-Grade Field Day (12:30 pm - 3:00 pm). Register HERE for quick check-in! Shirts may be purchased on SchoolCash.
Friday, March 7
- Pre-K Field Day (9:30 am - 10:45 am) Register HERE for quick check-in! Shirts may be purchased on SchoolCash.
- 4th & 5th Grade Human Growth & Development Presentation (Information and permission slips will go home on February 7.)
March 10-14
Monday, March 17
- Robison Spirit Day
- Robison Spirit Day/Night @ Creekwood Grill! Come out and mingle with Robison families! Mention "Robison" when ordering.
Tuesday, March 18
- Student Council Meeting (7:45 am)
- 2nd Grade Field Trip to Main Street Theater Performance
Friday, March 21
- Report Cards
- College Spirit Day
Monday, March 24
- Robison Spirit Day
Tuesday, March 25
- Multicultural Night (6:00 - 7:30 pm)
Wednesday, March 26
- Spring Individual Pictures
Friday, March 28
- College Spirit Day
- Garden Day (3rd)
Saturday, March 29
- CFISD Superintendent's Fun Run! Registration Information in the flyer above.
Favorite Things of Our Staff
THIS LINK includes some favorite things of our staff. If you'd like to see what your child's teacher or a particular staff member favors, you can find this on the link. There is a link with a bitmoji in the last column that might not open due to the settings; however, everything else is accessible.
Free and Reduced Meals
If your child received free or reduced meals last year and you did not complete the application again this year, those services have stopped. Anyone may complete the application at anytime. The applications are below.
2024-2025 PTO BOARD
Erika Mugavero
PTO President
Lauren Dazey
Christi Payne
Halie Fellows
Scott Scerbo
VP of Primary Fundraising
Jennifer Schmidt (co-chair)
Viviana Brinson (co-chair)
VP of Secondary Fundraising
Katrina Rogers
VP of Special Events
Tamara Caine
ESL Classes for Parents
Robison Elementary
Website: https://arobison.cfisd.net
Location: 1700 Robison Woods Road, Cypress, TX, USA
Phone: 281-213-1700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RobisonElementary
Twitter: @RobisonES