November News You Can Use
Booth-Fickett K8 School
Congratulations to Booth-Fickett Scholars and Staff!
Growth growth growth!
Our students saw a lot of growth in the spring of 2024. With that we moved our letter grade up to a C. I am very proud of both our students and our staff who show up and work hard every day. Please bring your child(ren) to school every day. Everyday matters!
Happy Veteran's Day
We hope that all of our Veterans had a wonderful day. Thanks to our veterans, Joe Diaz & Noah Warford. We appreciate you every day!
Coming Soon...
1. Tuesday the 12th is PICTURE RETAKE DAY, come ready to smile
2. Wednesday the 13th, 7PM Family Tech Talk, see link for access to zoom presentation
3. Thursday the 14th, RUBY BRIDGES Walk, 9 AM start, families welcome.. wear sneakers!
4. Thursday the 14th, Eegees at Broadway/Sarnoff Dine Out for BF. 5PM to 8PM
5. Saturday the 23rd, Holiday Food Share Box (1 per family) at Palo Verde High School 8am to 12pm
6. Thursday & Friday the 28th &29th Thanksgiving Break
Entered to win $50 from Amazon
1. Tuesday the 3rd; Parent/Teacher Organization and Site Council 4:30-5:30 PM
2. Friday, December 6th, 6-8 PM Family Movie & Game Night FREE with snacks for purchase; must bring a parent
3. Tuesday the 10th, 4th through 8th grade Orchestra Concert 6-7 PM
4. Wednesday the 11th, Dine out for Booth Fickett
5. Thursday the 12th, 5th through 8th grade Band Concert and Art Show. 6-7:15 PM
6. Friday the 20th, grading day for teachers, student winter break begins
In the 23-24 school year his students showed the MOST growth in the district in ELA and the second MOST growth in the district in mathematics. With his help we moved our grade from a D to a C. Thank you!
Robert Jackson Motivates Booth-Fickett Students
We had a full day with Robert Jackson on Wednesday, November 6th. It was an amazing day to learn about raising our beliefs in ourselves for both students and staff alike. His life story is an inspiration to all of us.