Golfview Elementary School Update
October 10th, 2024
Good evening families,
It is hard to believe that first quarter has officially come to an end. Students have had a great 9 weeks of learning and are looking forward to upcoming learning and activities. Report cards for 1st quarter will be published to the parent portal on October 25th by 4:00pm. With second quarter comes cooler weather. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Students will continue to go outside two times a day for recess until temperatures reach 10 degree (with the wind chill).
Quarter 2 News
Halloween is fast approaching us. Students have brought home orange flyers with information about the classroom parties. If your child does not celebrate Halloween or you would prefer they do not participate in the Halloween parties, please contact your child's teacher as soon as possible as alternate activities will be provided. If you are interested in volunteering for your child's party, please complete the orange form and return to your child's teacher. There will be a limit to 5 volunteers per classroom. All approved volunteers will need to complete the District 300 Volunteer Application online prior to October 28th.
Theme Thursdays
We have had some great fun this year with our Theme Thursdays! Thank you to all our families who help their students participate. Please check out the last few Theme Thursdays for October. A new flyer will be shared soon with November and December's Theme Thursdays.
October 17th: Hat Day
October 24th: Dress Like a Teacher
October 31st: Favorite Costume Day (No weapons or blood)
Digital Permission Slips
Grade levels are busy planning upcoming field trips for November. This year all permission slips will be done digitally through the District Webstore. Families will need to create a PushCoin account if you do not already have one even for no cost field trips. To make the process easier we are encouraging families to start setting up their accounts now if you haven't already. Please follow the below directions or contact the main office for more support.
District 300 uses PushCoin as the payment system for various items, including student fees, student meals, field trips and items from the District 300 webstore at
Instructions for setting up your PushCoin account can be found here.
Frequently asked questions about PushCoin can be found here.
To create a pushcoin account you will need to go to
Click on I don't have an account
Enter Parent/Guardian Information such as name, email address, and create a password
Click sign up
You will need to add you student(s) by entering their registration code
You may call the school to find out what your code is or may enter I don't have a code and enter your student(s),school, legal name registered at D300, and DOB.
You may do this for any student(s) that attends a District 300 school
Upon adding your student their picture will populate and your account is activated.
PTO News
The PTO would like to invite you to our annual Falloween Family event on October 24th from 5-7pm. There will be new games, food trucks, elotes, costume contest, a DJ and more fun! Students will be bringing home yellow and green flyers today with more information and an order form to order wristbands for the unlimited games at Falloween! All food sales will be handled directly at Falloween (no tickets). It will be a cash only event.
The PTO is also looking for volunteers to help with Falloween. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here. All volunteers will need to complete the District 300 Volunteer Application form online.
PTO Meeting
Thank you to the new families that joined us this week for the October general meeting. Save the date to join us on November 12th for our next PTO meeting. We will again have in person and virtual options. Stay tuned for more information and virtual links.