Welcome Bulldogs!
Information for Incoming Bethel Middle School Students
We are excited to welcome you to the next part of your schooling adventure! It's a huge year for you! We are excited to have you join us as a Bulldog! Hopefully, this newsletter will get your minds ready for the transition from elementary to middle school. We are excited for what is to come!
Orientation Meeting -- June 1st
If you can't join us, or you want a pre-view, please check out the slide presentation.
Presentation slide show: BMS 6th Grade Orientation Slide Show
Guaranteed to be exciting!
Bulldog Basics 6th grade Orientation
Bulldog Basics is on August 21 & 22. This orientation is to help students transition from Elementary to MS. This is considered the first 2 days of 6th grade and we want all students to participate! Hours are from 9:25-1:55 at BMS.
Please sign up so we can arrange transportation and staffing for your student. There is a space for all 6th graders. Signing up helps us prepare.
Daily Schedule
Get to Know Us!
Watch the math video here: Math Video
Watch their video here: Humanities Video
Band, Orchestra, Choir
Art Rotation
Check out Ms. Evanger's welcome video: Art Video
Physical Education
Mrs. Kulbeck -- Counselor (A-K)
Mrs. Squire -- Counselor (L-Z)
Ms. Swindahl
Mrs. Shultz-Bartlett, Principal
Mrs. Muneshige, Assistant Principal
Mr. Hilen
iPads -- Forms
The iPad forms are found here. You can also pay for insurance, or decline insurance.
All students must have these forms completed by September 7th so that we can provide them an iPad for learning.
Health Plans, Medication, and Immunizations
All students must have a tDap booster immunization prior to school starting, but after they turn 11. Please make sure your immunization records are current and provide a copy to Alyssa.
If you have a health care plan, please have a current update for any changes that need to happen in a middle school setting. This can be faxed to the school from the doctor's office. 253-800-7298
All medication orders need to be updated and current for the new school year. Those can be faxed to the school, attention Health Clerk.
If your child has a medical 504, that will transition with them from elementary school. They will be updated at the middle school as necessary.
Bethel Middle School Expectations
School Handbook Link
Our school handbook is our guide to rules and procedures. There is a lot of great information contained here. We review this as a school during the first week of the school. It is a great resource.
Click here to view the student handbook.Athletic Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
- Yes, all classes use iPads. All of the classes use Canvas as the Learning Management System for classes. You will have this on your iPads.
Will we need to change during PE?
- Yes, you will need to wear PE clothes. You'll have a PE locker and will need to bring your clothes home on the weekends to wash.
- Yes, you will have a hallway locker and a PE locker.
- Your main classes will not have 7th or 8th graders in them. Some elective classes may have 7th graders in them.
- We have two days in August when you can come to school to tour, put things in your lockers, and find your classes. We also have evening hours in August when your parent could come to help you tour the school.
Mrs. Shultz-Bartlett, Principal
Julia Muneshige, Assistant Principal
Mr. Hilen, Associate Administrator
Bethel Middle School Contacts
Email: jshultzbar@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253-800-7200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethelmiddle/