CVU Celebrations
September 13, 2024
Dear CVU Community,
Our seniors are setting an incredible tone for the school year, showing maturity, leadership, and a strong sense of community. They’ve been leading clubs during C3, working hard in class, and making a real effort to create an inclusive environment—whether it's through a simple smile to a stranger or stepping up to support their peers. This group has truly embraced the idea of community-mindedness, and it’s already making a noticeable impact on the school culture. One of the ways they’ve marked the start of this year is through the Senior Sunrise. Now in its second year, this tradition has quickly become a favorite. There’s something truly amazing about watching the sun come up with a couple hundred students, surrounded by the natural beauty of the morning. It’s a powerful reminder of the positive energy they’re bringing to the school. A huge thank you to our seniors for carrying on this new tradition and helping to kick off the year with such great vibes!
Student Council Corner
This week CVU students and faculty all got an email regarding this year's club fair! The club fair is being organized by the Student Council and is a great chance for new and returning CVU students to explore what clubs are being offered during C3 this year. Now that we have PM connect in the afternoon, the hope is that students will be even more inclined to participate in clubs during C3 in the morning. We hope everyone can find a new club that sounds interesting to them. We have more than 50 clubs offered here at CVU so we hope that there is something for everyone! The club fair will be held on Monday, September 23rd in the big gym during third block and students are welcome to come during their lunch time or if they have a free block. Club leaders and faculty advisors - make sure to fill out the form in the email sent Wednesday. Stay tuned for more information!
If you need a reminder that every day is a fresh start, all you have to do is look up at the sky at 6:30 in the morning. This morning, the senior class gathered on the football field to chat, play lawn games, eat munchkins and watch this daily occurrence. And for good reason this fresh start felt a little different from the one yesterday morning or the morning before that. Watching this triumphant start among the peers I have experienced so much with over the last few years, I believe that this morning we all came to realize that this fresh start is our last at this school, and we need to make the most of it. There is still so much more to experience and I can't wait to do so with the rest of the class of 2025 this year. For those who are new to CVU, this is Student Council Corner where either myself (Mira), or Ariel report the goings on of Student Council. We have both been on Student Council for the last two years. Senior Sunrise was the first event Student Council has executed this year. Stay tuned for news on all of the events Student Council is planning for this year, including club fair, rally, and more!
Upcoming Dates
9/19 - Rally in the Valley 6:30-7:30
9/21 - Spirit Day and Homecoming Dance
9/26 - CVU At-A-Glance 6:00-8:00
Student Celebrations
From Elisa Van Duyne - The Footloose cast and Stage managers from our Summer intensive. We're looking forward to a great show in November!
The Kuntz/Antos-Ketcham advisory was inspired to get to know each other better with a speed dating activity outside on a gorgeous Thursday. The 10th and 11th graders got to spend more time getting to know the 9th and 12th graders -- and there were lots of smiles!
Varsity Soccer - ready for the bus ride to St. Johnsbury - Game on!
Faculty/Staff Celebrations
From Marie DiBenedetto: Adam and I before Ride the Ridges, organized every year by Ry Hoffman to raise money for the mentoring program in Cabot.
Community Celebrations/Notes
September 11, 2024
Follow Up to Bus Accident on August 30:
I am writing today to provide an update and closure regarding the bus accident in Hinesburg on August 30. While the Hinesburg Police Department conducted an external investigation, CVSD also completed an internal review to enhance safety protocols immediately. Our review examined the contributing factors to the accident, including the routes, safety history, and driver training. As a result, we implemented a route change the following Monday to ensure that drivers no longer turn from Lavigne Hill onto Route 116, further safeguarding our students.
I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Andrew Bacon, the driver of the dump truck involved. His quick thinking and selfless actions undoubtedly prevented further harm to our students. Andrew, you risked your safety and livelihood to protect our children, and we are profoundly grateful.
Adam Bunting, CVSD Interim Superintendent
Welcome to ACCESS CVU, your destination for Community Education!
FALL/WINTER 2024 Catalog is open for registration with 117 course offerings taught by 70 best-in-class instructors. ACCESS CVU invites you to join our vibrant community of lifelong learners and connect through enrichment, after school hours, at CVU High School.
We recommend you register early to reserve your spot as popular classes fill quickly. If a class is full, you will be redirected to the waitlist. Add your name as spots do open, and if we get enough interest we will open another session. New classes are added monthly! Join our newsletter HERE.
To view classes and enroll online, visit our website at https://cvsdvt.ce.eleyo.com/ (or Google, ACCESS CVU)
Questions about classes or to enroll via email or by phone, contact us at access@cvsdvt.org / 802-482-7194.
Follow us on Instagram @ACCESSCVU. Be the first to know about new classes, promotions, and community news!
Do you, or someone you know want to teach at ACCESS CVU? Complete the New Instructor Form, or email us access@cvsdvt.org.
Connect, Learn, and Grow at ACCESS CVU!
Have you thought about being a Youth Mentor?
Connecting Youth CVSD is seeking interested adult community members to join our amazing team of volunteer youth mentors. Not only will your mentoring relationship provide support, encouragement, trust, and guidance for a young person in your community, you’ll find substantial reward in being a person who is making a difference in someone’s life. Learn more here!
Why Mentor?
Build empathy and understanding for today’s young people
Contribute to the connectedness of your community
Experience joyful purpose from impacting a young person’s life
Be a trusted adult who cares and shows up
Explore new activities, experiences, and passions!
The Commitment
One hour a week during the school year
We work around your schedule
Continuous training and support provided
Middle school mentors connect over fun activities like cooking, crafts and games, while high school mentors help guide students through goal-setting, resilience building, and career exploration.
If you’re fun, caring, and trustworthy, your simple presence can make a difference.
Contact a CVSD Mentor Coordinator to learn more.
Kate Rooney @Charlotte Central krooney@cvsdvt.org, 802-425-6682
Livy Bulger @Hinesburg Community lbulger@cvsdvt.org, 802-482-6248
Alice Brown @Shelburne Community abrown@cvsdvt.org, 802-734-9845
Becky Martell @Williston Central bmartell@cvsdtvt.org, 802-871-6046
Alison Duback @CVU aduback@cvsdvt.org 802-482-8921