Nauset Regional Middle School ROCKS
A Weekly Update from NRMS - January 17, 2025
Reminders & Headlines
Save the Date - School Dance/Social
The PTO and Student Council are planning the WInter Wonderland Dance/Social for NRMS students in Grades 6-8. Friday January 31 at NRMS 6pm-8pm.
The NRMS National Jr. Honor Society will be hosting a Bingo Night Fundraiser at the Lost Dog in Orleans on Wednesday, January 22. See flyer below.
Stay connected to NRMS - Tech Tips & Tricks
Please review these helpful ways that you can stay connected to our school and be equipped to support your scholar. Parent Technology Tips including where to find important info on the Nauset App and Nauset Website.
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Updates From The Principal
Hello NRMS Families,
We held the spelling bee finals this morning, as 12 finalists competed for the school title in front of the entire student body. Bravo to those who qualified for the final round. And congratulations to 6th grader, Annie Strangfeld, this year's Spelling Bee champion. I was incredibly impressed with all of our spellers and the audience was silent, respectful, and riveted by the competition. This was a great way to wrap up the week, as we head into a long weekend. There is no school on Monday for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Then, on Tuesday January 21, there is no school for students while the teachers have a full day of professional development activities and workshops.
When we return on Wednesday January 22, there will be just eight school days remaining in the second quarter. Students are encouraged to utilize some of the long weekend to complete any missing assignments and finish the quarter on a positive note.
At the end of next week we have the Drama Club performances of Alice in Wonderland. The first half of the year then concludes with the winter social on January 31.
As we do not have a specific date reserved for parent conferences in the winter/spring, please remember that you may reach out to teachers or school counselors at any time for updates or to request a meeting if there are concerns that cannot be addressed with a phone call or through email.
Have a wonderful, LONG weekend and stay warm!
Peter Cohen, Ed.D.
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@NausetMS - Nauset Middle School
Location: 70 Route 28, Orleans MA 02653
Phone: 508-255-0016