Dear Career Center Families
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Dear Career Center Families,
A quick update as to the happenings at the D51 Career Center.
At this time Career Center will not be holding “face to face” classes.
We will be moving toward a “Remote CTE Educational Learning Environment” starting on March 30, 2020. Career Center is currently working with local, state and national industry partners to develop systems to address the “continued” progress toward industry certification.
All Career Center students will be receiving a letter from their teachers/mentors via D51 gmail in the next week or so sharing the “plan” and resources needed to continue toward completing the industry certification.
In addition, teachers/mentors will provide weekly lessons focusing on remediation and enrichment within the program pathways. It is important to remember, the Career Center is a … Student Centered, Project Based, Performance Assessed Educational Environment and we live by … “Allow the eyes to see what the hands are doing and the mind is thinking.” We will continue our project based learning while leveling up on WorkKeys and other online resources.
Therefore, the Career Center will be open to students on 3-24-20 from 8:00 to 12:00. During this time students may grab personal belongings and check out a chromebook and possibly a textbook- for programs such as Healthcare, Small Engines and Construction (if needed). Please note the Career Center does not have “lots” of the above, so we will do the best we can.
The “Key to Success” during this time of unsureness is COMMUNICATION. The D51 Career Center takes great pride in our relationship with students and families. Let's continue to put student’s needs first and support each other in the weeks to come. The best source for information will be teacher’s emails, Career Center Facebook page and the D51 webpage.
The Career Center will continue to update students, families and community as we develop resources. Stay tuned…
Cam Wyatt
The D51 Career Center