St. Gabriel Education Centre
November 2024 Newsletter
Happy Halloween and Welcome to November, everyone!
As we move into the middle of the semester, I'm excited to see the growth and development of our diverse community of learners. We're so proud to have you as part of our St. Gabe's family and we truly enjoy getting to know you when you come to school. This month, let's focus on building strong connections with our peers and teachers, participate in the activities we plan at school, and seek help when needed. Remember, we're all in this together. We strongly encourage those students who live within the St. Albert, Edmonton, and Sturgeon County area to come to school in person. We understand there are exceptions for some students but most of you should be coming to school to attend seminars and get help from your teachers.
We have put some fun initiatives into place to help support students with their learning.
- Monday Morning Breakfast
- Catch Up Days each month with pizza lunch
- Field trips and opportunities to experience hands on learning (see pictures below of some of the great events we've already accomplished this semester).
For those of you in diploma courses, check out the resources below to help you prepare for your diplomas. These are great places to get concentrated support.
As always, our dedicated staff is here to support you. Don't hesitate to reach out to your teachers if you have any questions or concerns. Let's make this November a month of learning, growth, and community.
Many Blessings,
Renee Trottier, principal
November Calendar
Upcoming in November:
Nov. 1 - PD Day - School Closed. All Saints' Day
Nov. 2 - All Souls' Day
Nov. 3 - Daylight Savings ends. Turn back your clocks.
Nov. 4 - Student withdrawal date if not caught up in coursework.
Nov. 7 - Parent Teacher Interviews 5:30-8:30
Nov. 8 - Remembrance Day Service with Holy Family Catholic School at 10:30
Nov. 10-16 - Metis Week in Alberta. Check out Moodle and our social media for information.
Nov. 11-15 - Fall Break - School closed.
Nov. 18 - Return to school.
Nov. 27 - Advent Begins
Nov. 29 - PD Day. School Closed.
Newsletter Draw
Thank you for taking the time to read about what's happening at St. Gabes each month. Our newsletter is a really important way for you to keep up with what's happening at school.
Congratulations to Julie Esther! Please stop by the school to pick up your prize!
Each month you can enter our draw for a gift card. I reset the draw each month so you can win more than once!
Parent Teacher Interviews
Please click the link below to book time to meet with your teachers. You won't need an event code but just in case, the code is dq8rw
Individual Program Plans
If you or your child is using an IPP (Individual Program Plan), you will be receiving an email from a server with the title, "dossier gsacrd" (check your spam folder). You can sign your IPPs digitally. If you are experiencing difficulties doing this, please book a time with Mrs. Trottier or Mrs. Lamoureux during our Interviews on Nov. 7 and we can help troubleshoot this process with you. If Nov. 7 doesn't work for you, please let us know and can find another time.
Adult students (over 18) you will need to come in and sign your IPP in person as we don't have a digital way for you to sign your IPP yet.
Join us every Monday for breakfast and stay for your Monday seminars, meet with your teachers, or just come in and get some work done for the week!
Remembrance Day Service
Join us on Nov. 8 at 10:30 for our Remembrance Day Service. We will be joining Holy Family Catholic School for the liturgy and service this year. Come to St. Gabes and we'll walk over together.
Please do not show up at HFCS as they will direct you back to St. Gabes.
Artist in Residence
We have an opportunity to have one of the St. Albert Art Guide members come and do a class with our students. You don't have to be in art (but if you are, it would count as one of your assignments). Stay tuned for more information about this exciting opportunity!
Grand Opening - December 12, 2024
Norquest VR Career Skills Workshop
On Dec. 12 after our grand opening lunch, join us for a presentation by Norquest on Careers.
Are you looking to improve your interview skills in a fun, low-pressure environment? Do you have an interest in VR technology and want to see how it can help you land the perfect job? NorQuest College’s virtual reality training for job seekers merges wisdom from HR specialists with new, innovative technology. Participants will learn a wide range of interview prep skills and etiquette, including dress code suggestions, prepping for virtual interviews, and small talk and interview question strategies.
Contact Mrs. Webb for more information about this super cool opportunity.
Diploma Preparation
If you're writing a diploma in January, take a look at the following resources to help you prep for your exams.
High School Exam Procedures Reminders
High School Students - please remember the following procedures for writing exams:
- Leave your devices, including wearable technology, phones, tables, etc. in the pouches at the front office.
- No backpacks, bags, purses or pencil cases. You can leave them in the common room or in your teacher's classroom
- Remember to book your exam with your teacher ahead of time so that they're prepared for you. This is especially important if you require any accommodations like audio or a separate space to write.
- If you use a proctor (students who live further than 100km away from St. Albert), remember to book your exam time with your proctor at least 2 days in advance. Your proctor should be contacting your teacher to get your exam.
Student Lounge
Did you know that in our new location we have an amazing student lounge? Students are welcome to hang out with friends and visit, or grab a snack or a drink. You do not need permission to use the lounge or to get food whenever you need a break.
Notice, we are not using disposable dishes and cutlery. You can find plates and cutlery in the drawers and cups on the shelf above the coffee/tea station.
Comfy bean bag chairs and couches
Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate station
We also have quite a few games that students are welcome to use.
Fridge and snacks
Help yourself to anything that's in the fridge, the microwave is for student use, and the cart is filled with snacks like crackers and granola bars.
PowerSchool for students and parents
Students - You can access PowerSchool with single sign on. The link to our division PowerSchool is on our website under Quick Links.
Parents - If you don't have a parent PowerSchool account, please contact Principal Renee Trottier. You will need an access ID and Password from the school in order to set up your account. You can add all of your GSACRD children on one account.
The PowerSchool App - Did you know there is an app for PowerSchool? It's super easy to use. Once you've set up your account, download the PowerSchool App from your phone's app store. When it prompts you for our district code, type in QNMM.
Note - parents, you must set up your account from a computer first. After that, you can access your account from your phone or the app.
MyPass is an Alberta Education secure self-service website for Alberta students to:
- View and print diploma exam results
- Register to write a diploma exam
- Order high school transcripts
- View progress towards a credential (diploma or certificate)
- View and print a Detailed Academic Report (DAR)
- Order additional copies of an awarded credential
- View student personal information
Link to MyPass: https://public.education.alberta.ca/PASI/myPass
School Council
We were unable to establish a School Council this year. As per Alberta Education requirements, we will instead offer parents an advisory committee. We will meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30. This will be an informal meeting to share insights and feedback, to ask questions, or to receive information. Please email me if you would like more information. mailto:rtrottier@gsacrd.ab.ca.
Video Surveillance
As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all students and staff, we would like to inform you that video monitoring and consequently its audio recording, in some cases, may be used on school property, including school buses. For more information please access Administrative Procedure 165 on the division website.
Catholic Corner - Three Year Faith Theme
Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division is now in our second year of our division faith theme. We will continue to focus on the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
2023-24 Growing in Love, with the Father
2024-25 Growing in Mercy, with the Son
2025-26 Growing in Grace, with the Spirit
November - All Saints' and All Souls' Days
On Nov. 1 we celebrate All Saint's Day and on Nov. 2 we celebrate All Soul's Day. Both of these days are important days where we remember those who came before us and we ask them to intercede for us in our prayers.
Check out these short and fun videos to learn more about the Saints.
Did You Know?
Did you know that each school in Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division has a Patron Saint? We even have a prayer litany that we pray at masses and other school gatherings. A litany is a repetitive prayer of petitions. You can pray our division litany of saints using the prayer card below.
St. Gabes Patron Saint is St. Gabriel the Archangel - the messenger.
Mental Health and Wellness
Don't forget to check out our "Mental Health and Wellness" section on our website for wellness ideas, tips, resources and sessions that are being offered. Click on "community supports" for information about services in St. Albert and area to support you or your family.
If you follow us on Facebook and Instagram, we also post a lot of sessions that are offered by different agencies in the area. Worth checking out!
Monique Webb - Counselling at SGEC
A little about me…
I am Monique Webb, and I am the school Counsellor for Legal and St. Gabe’s. I have nearly 20 years of experience, as well as a Master’s degree in Education. As your School Counsellor I am here to help ALL students be successful socially, academically, emotionally, and behaviourally so they may access their education without barriers and find joy and wellness in their individual lives.
Here is what you should know about me:
• I am ONE part of the team that works to help your child succeed. I like to get to know ALL students so they may feel connected and safe while they’re with us.
• I respect your right and your child’s right to privacy. Confidentiality is a big part of my job.
• I love it when parents reach out to me for questions, concerns, and to share positive things about your child.
Here is what I do and can do:
• Classroom Lessons – Primarily I teach Health, Learning Strategies, and Psychology classes at St. Gabes.
• Small Group Guidance – I can facilitate small groups for students who need a little extra support in a certain areas.
• Individual Guidance – I meet with students on an as needed basis to work through problems affecting them at school. This could be problem solving and planning to help them make positive choices/changes. With older students I can provide support and guidance with classwork, career planning, graduation planning and staying on track for course work.
• Consultation with Staff/Parents – I am available to meet/talk with teachers and parents to help support students and provide resources and education about issues affecting children. I can help parents connect with therapists and other agencies if their child requires therapy or more long-term support for issues impacting their well-being.
I look forward to working with you in the coming weeks. Should you need anything please don’t hesitate to text or call 587-983-2541 or email me at: mwebb@gsacrd.ab.ca.
Note - Counselling referrals can be made by parents or teachers. Support is provided for individual or family concerns and referrals to outside agencies can be accessed through Mrs. Webb.
School Supplies
Our New Location and Parking
Please remember that we are located at the back of the building and our doorbell is on the left side of the door. Our transportation office is the bell on the right. Don't ring them as they can't help you. Holy Family Catholic School is at the front of the building and they also will not be able to help you.
Thank you!
School Activities!
Staff Retreat
Mrs. Bedi and Mrs. Kidd helping to sort clothes at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples.
Staff Retreat
Mr. Breen and Mrs. Lamoureux helping to make up hampers at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples
Staff Retreat
St. Gabe's staff and volunteers from Sacred Heart. They are always in need of food and clothing for the people who live in their parish.
Staff Retreat
After volunteering at Sacred Heart, our staff joined Talking Rock Tours for an afternoon of prayer and learning about Indigenous history in Edmonton.
Traditional Burial Ground
Traditional Burial Ground
The sign dedicating the area to Indigenous Peoples.
Career Fair at West Edmonton Mall
Avery and Sheena with their SWAG from the Career Fair at WEM
Career Fair at West Edmonton Mall
Jaxon, winner of some swag at the Career Fair
Career Fair at West Edmonton Mall
Career Fair at West Edmonton Mall
Career Fair at West Edmonton Mall
Checking out the booths
Career Fair at West Edmonton Mall
Alonzo checking out the career booths. So many choices!
Catholic Education Sunday
October 20 was Catholic Education Sunday. St. Gabe's staff joined with SACHS and Bertha Kennedy schools to volunteer at mass and provide fellowship afterwards.
Thanksgiving Pies
Mrs. Trottier and Mrs. Lamoureux serving pie after our Thanksgiving celebration. We always have food at St. Gabes!
Outdoor PE
Mr. Breen's PE class getting in some fresh air while the weather is still nice outside! We are so blessed to have access to a playground right at our school!
Community Connections
Click on the link and scroll down and you'll see online programs for teens and adults (and a video of Mrs. Trottier's daughter who is the teen librarian at the St. Albert Public Library).
Social Media
Please follow and share with your friends. We want everyone to know what a great place St. Gabes is!
Newsletter Draw
Please fill out the link for our draw! (Please do not enter more than once per month)
St. Gabriel Education Centre
Email: rtrottier@gsacrd.ab.ca
Website: https://www.stgabe.gsacrd.ab.ca/.
Location: 39 Sunset Blvd., St. Albert, AB T8N 0N6
Phone: (780)459-6616
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StGabesHS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/st.gabes/
Our Hours
Monday to Wednesday
8:00 am to 3:30 pm
8:00 am to 5:30 pm
8:45 am to Noon