Updates from U-32
February 7, 2025
Principal's Update
Dear U-32 Families, Students, and Caregivers,
Despite the snow on Thursday, the show went on Friday as we hosted the Winooski Valley Jazz Festival. This music experience for young musicians across our region reflects the dedication of our students, teachers, and community to the Arts. Students had the opportunity to work with renowned musicians from as far away as New York City. Thank you for all who came out on Friday to support this great event.
Collaboration and contribution are integral parts of our vision for education here at U-32. One of the joys in my week is spending time in the Atrium during Callback when our Peer Mentors are meeting together, and occasionally even getting to join in to learn a new card game! These moments shape our culture into one of inclusion and community. You can get a glimpse of the joy that time brings in the pictures below.
High School Winter Sweethearts Dance
WHEN: Saturday, February 15 - 8:00 - 10:00pm in the U-32 Gym WHO: High School Students ONLY COST: $5 (see Krista for help with this cost if needed) WHERE & WHEN TO BUY TICKETS: Tickets are on sale from Thursday, Feb 6 to Thursday, Feb 14 in Student Services. See Autumn before school, during lunch, or after school only… If you are bringing a guest who is not a U-32 student, you MUST have a complete guest form in-hand to purchase a ticket. (See below for more information) Limit of 2 tickets per U-32 student. All students must have a ticket to attend. No students will be allowed in without a ticket so don't forget it! The last day to buy a ticket is Thursday, Feb 13th. PICK UP/DEPART TIME: Your ride must be here at 10:00 PM to take you home.
BRINGING A GUEST FROM A DIFFERENT SCHOOL: You may bring a HS guest from another school, however, they must have a form filled out by their guardian(s) AND high school and the form must be turned in to Student Services by Thursday, February 13 by the end of the day. You can get this form from Autumn in Student Services. You may not purchase a ticket for a student from outside U-32 unless you have turned in the form. No guest forms will be accepted at the door.
Notice of Winooski Valley Regional Public School Choice Collaborative 2025-2026
As in previous years, our school board has chosen to participate in the Winooski Valley Regional Public School Choice Collaborative for 2025-2026. Through this program and the state school choice program, students may apply to go to any public high school in Vermont at no cost. The Vermont Legislature passed a law in May 2012 (Act 129, Sec. 34. § 822d 2A) which allows high school students to apply through school choice to any public high school in Vermont. This law sets rules for school districts regarding the number of entering and exiting student slots allowed through school choice. Students are chosen by lottery from all the applicants for each school district based on the number of open slots. You may view school choice information at the Vermont Agency of Education website:
If your student is interested in attending a high school outside of your district next year, please contact U-32 Student Services to obtain a school choice application by calling 802-229-0322 or emailing tmartin@u32.org. Completed applications must be received in Student Services by Friday, February 21, 2025. You will be informed of the outcome of the lottery by April 1, 2025. You will need to confirm whether your student will accept or decline the placement by April 15, 2025. If you do not confirm placement by this date, your slot may be given to another student if the school has a waiting list. If you have any questions, please call Tracy Martin at 802-229-0322 or email tmartin@u32.org.
**Parents are responsible for providing their student's transportation if they are chosen.**
Stage 16: Spamalot Auditions! Open to ALL 7th and 8th Grade Students!
2024-2025 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
2024-2025 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards!
Three students won awards at this year's Scholastic Art and Writing statewide competition for their work made in the Pilot program. Congratulations to Leela, Malya, and Ella for their creative writing and graphic novel work. Excerpts of their work are included here.
Leela McCann
Honorable Mention | Novel Writing | Fia
Silver Key | Science Fiction & Fantasy | Untitled
An Excerpt from her Untitled short story
The vial sits on her desk, and a scroll next to it. She sits, writes her message upon the scroll in black ink, the words she wrote together with the boy. It’s addressed to a shopkeeper in the city center, now a poison-master, who would distribute it.
When she’s done, she bites her tongue. Blood leaps to mind, wild yet comforting. She pictures this often when she’s alone, and she feels too raw inside to discern her anger from her loneliness, she imagines the vial completing what it’s meant to do. Hundreds of people falling over each other, grabbing their necks, as their skin cracks and turns blue.
She’s fantasized about it a thousand times. Mercy, mercy. The few that are spared will come to her, begging. It was all a mistake, when we made the pyre. It was all a mistake when we laughed as we watched them burn.
She will refuse.
Mayla Landis-Marinello
Honorable Mention | Novel Writing | Water Whisperers
An Excerpt from Water Whisperers
Mystic sighed. This was harder than she had expected. “Our powers come from the selkies. Hundreds of their skins are here in the palace, hidden in a dusty closet and sustaining our Water powers. All of the stories about how the first Queen and her followers were given Water powers are lies to hide how horrible our ancestors were. Queen Aqua didn’t suddenly become gifted with her power, she stole it from the selkies.” Mystic paused, glancing up at the Queen sympathetically. “Queen Rain, I’m sorry, but your queendom was built on lies. It’s about time we acknowledge the truth: the first Water Whisperers trapped the selkies in servitude and stole their skins so that they could control the Water.”
The room was quiet for a moment, air heavy with the weight of history. “I don’t….” Queen Rain started, and then trailed off again.
Mystic jumped in again. “It’s horrifying how this atrocious history has been covered up for so many generations. When the selkies started to revolt, our ancestors punished them by doing a complete selkie skin purge and taking their powers. If we were to return the selkie skins now, our powers would be gone, but they would be returned to their rightful owners. Our entire queendom was built on these ideals of servitude and stealing, and if we don’t change that now we will live with the guilt of knowing we did nothing for the rest of our lives.”
“I didn’t know.” Queen Rain said, almost pleadingly, like she had to convince Mystic of it. “The skins are really all here in the palace?” Mystic suspected that the Queen was resistant to accept what she was telling her because she didn’t want to deal with what it meant.
Mystic nodded. “I can show them to you now.” She moved to stand, to take the Queen there to prove that she hadn’t been making it all up, but Queen Rain shook her head and gestured for her to stay seated. She looked exhausted and quite overwhelmed, but at least she was letting Mystic finish.
Ella Thomas
Silver Key | Comic Art | A Monster in the Tower
(4 pages of this piece are included as an excerpt)
Page 11Visit Montpelier's Basement Teen Center!
Montpelier’s Basement Teen Center:
The BTC is a drop-in space that welcomes all folks ages 12-17.
We have games, art and craft supplies, computers, hang-out space, and FOOD!
Come participate, or just hang out with friends, meet new friends, and grab a snack.
The BTC is for everyone, and there’s never a fee.
LGBTQIA, BIPOC, and you are welcome at the BTC!
Open every Thursday 3-6, and every Friday 3-8, in the ‘Cardboard Teck Instantute’ space on Barre St.
Learn more at basementteencenter.org, or on Instagram at the_btc_123
VSAC College & Career Pathways 2025 - Register now!
High school families, now is the time to start preparing for what comes next. Whether your student is planning on college, short-term training, an apprenticeship, military service, a gap year, or is still undecided, VSAC’s free College & Career Pathways event is for you.
Join us in-person at UVM or online over Zoom on Saturday, March 8th to take part in live workshops, discover free resources, and connect with local experts to help you prepare for education and training after high school.
Event Schedule:
- 1:00 - 2:00 pm: Registration & Resource Fair (in-person only)
- 2:00 - 2:15 pm: Welcome
- 2:25 - 3:10 pm: Workshop 1
- 3:20 - 4:05 pm: Workshop 2
- 4:15 - 5:00 pm: Workshop 3
Workshop Topics:
- Financial Aid & Managing College Costs
- Scholarships: Free Money!
- The College Search: Finding the Right Fit
- Strategies for the SAT & ACT
- Navigating the Admissions Process
- Writing the Admissions Essay
- MyFutureVT: Your Guide to Success After High School
- Supporting Your Teen's Career Search
- I Wish I Knew That! Programs to Pursue Before You Graduate
- Apprenticeship Opportunities
- Taking a Gap Year: Build an Intentional Path to Your Future
- Navigating the College Search for Students Who Learn Differently
Interested in attending more than three workshops? All workshops will be recorded and posted to our website following the event.
You can find additional event information, including workshop descriptions and a full list of organizations who will be at the Resource Fair at vsac.org/ccp.
College & Career Pathways is funded by VSAC; Vermont State GEAR UP, a federally funded program; and the J. Warren and Lois McClure Foundation.
Coffee and Conversation with the Superintendent
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships Deadline is Wednesday, February 12th
Time is running out for students to submit their required documents for the VSAC-assisted scholarships.
Students can log in to their MyVSAC account to:
- Upload required documents
- Verify required documents received and outstanding
- View scholarships listed on the USA, or add new scholarships
News from the Student Services Office
2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is Now Available!
Do you have students that need help filing their FAFSA for the 2025-26 school year? VSAC is offering 1:1 appointments, virtually and in person, now through February. Visit the VSAC calendar for a full listing.
IC PLP courses- all students have a course called PLP in the AS (After School) slot in their IC schedule. There is a lot of info so we hope you will check it out.
Naviance - Remember to frequent Naviance as this site helps U-32 students explore post high school planning options, build a resume, manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers. This is also where all of the scholarship opportunities are housed. Each student will work with his/her TA and school counselor in Naviance to create his/her Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs).
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it yourself. If you have misplaced your registration code, please notify Student Services.
Report Card Dates for 2024-2025
Semester 2
Quarter 3 HS/MS Progress Report - Available Monday, April 7, 2025
Quarter 4 HS/MS Report Cards - Available TBA mailed pending snow days
COURSE SELECTION for 2025-2026
Current students in grades 7-11 received a U-32 Program of Studies on March 12th during TA/Callback. Students should work with their TAs and parents/guardians to finalize their course requests by March 26th. Scheduling conferences will be held for students in grade 8 and 10. Parents/guardians of 8th & 10th grade students, please contact your student’s TA if you have yet to schedule a meeting.
Current 6th grade students received a U-32 Program of Studies, a course selection sheet and health forms on February 1st. 6th graders need to return their course selection sheets and health forms to their elementary school no later than Feb 21st.
Incoming high school students will receive their schedules in May. Times will be allotted in May for students to make any changes to their schedules.
Move Up Day (for incoming 7-12 graders) is scheduled for June 10th and additional information will follow.
Finalized schedules will be mailed home in June with Quarter 4 report cards.
SAT TESTING DATES (register online at www.collegeboard.com)
Test Date Deadline to Register
March 8th February 21st
May 3rd April 18th
June 7th May 22nd
ACT TESTING DATES (register online at www.actstudent.org)
Test Date Deadline to Register
April 5th February 28th
June 14th May 9th
July 12th June 6th
UVM Summer Academy
Designed for motivated high school students who have completed 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, the University of Vermont’s Summer Academy is an outstanding, academically challenging 4-week program (2 weeks on-campus, 2 weeks online) that provides students with the opportunity to earn credits, explore a specific area of career interest, experience college life and showcase their talent and ambition to college recruiters.
Vermont high school juniors and seniors can take one FREE college class during their junior and senior year. Dual enrollment gives students the opportunity to experience college while still in high school, and they can earn credit toward a college degree (saving hundreds of dollars in tuition fees).
Learn more about dual enrollment at http://www.vtdualenrollment.org/
To create an account and apply for a dual enrollment voucher, go to:
Community College of Vermont (CCV) Spring Schedule
Community College of Vermont (CCV) Summer Schedule
Not All Colleges and Universities Require SATs/ACTs
Not all admissions processes are created equal. One major point of difference among colleges these days is how admissions officers consider your SAT scores. More schools are de-emphasizing SAT scores as part of your application with “test optional” and “test flexible” policies. One college has even eliminated SAT scores completely!
There are now over 800 accredited, bachelor-degree granting institutions that have changed their approach to standardized test scores. (Keep in mind that the majority of colleges, especially the more prestigious schools, do still require and strongly consider your SAT scores.) Let’s take a look at the different policies and which schools no longer require applicants to submit their scores for admission. Go to www.fairtest.org for more info
Looking for an alternative to college?
VSAC is a fantastic resource for college and non college bound students www.vsac.org
VT DOL Apprenticeship Site
This Web site features detailed information on Vermont Registered Apprenticeships, employer-sponsored training programs that offer both supervised work experience and related instruction.
https://labor.vermont.gov/workforce-development/job-training-education-and-apprenticeship/apprenticeship or https://www.apprenticeship.gov/
Scholarship Opportunities!
The U-32 Student Services Office strongly urges all students and parents to frequent the scholarship section on the Naviance Family Connection site. Scholarships are updated weekly.
1) Owl Scholarship - $50,000 - 50 Awards (Deadline: February 28, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a resident of any of the 50 United States, District of Columbia or US Territories.
B) Be 16 years of age or older and be enrolled in college or registered in a high school.
Applications can be found by going to:
2) DAV Scholarships - $30,000 - 10 Awards (Deadline: February 28, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be 21 or younger and have volunteered for a minimum of 100 hours through DAV or DAV Auxiliary.
B) Have accumulated the volunteer hours at a VA medical center or the Local Veterans Assistance Program.
Applications can be found by going to:
3) National Italian American Foundation Scholarships - $12,000 - 200 Awards (Deadline: March 1, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Have at least one ancestor who has immigrated from Italy.
B) Be enrolled in a US-accredited institution on a full-time basis for the Fall 2025 semester
Applications can be found by going to:
4) Nabi Nicole Grant Memorial Scholarship - $5,000 - 2 Awards (Deadline: March 8, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be from an underrepresented minority.
B) Demonstrate financial need.
Applications can be found by going to:
5) Horatio Alger Scholarship - $25,000 - 70 Awards (Deadline: March 15, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be enrolled full-time as a high school junior in the United States.
B) Demonstrate critical financial need ($65,000 or lower adjusted gross family income is required).
Applications can be found by going to:
6) ASME High School Scholarships - $5,000 - 4 Awards (Deadline: March 15, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a graduating high school senior interested in pursuing an engineering degree.
B) Be enrolled full-time in an ABET-accredited mechanical engineering or technology program by the fall after high school.
Applications can be found by going to:
7) Scholarship For Journalism Diversity - $20,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: March 16, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a high school senior with a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
B) Be preparing to enter college and intend to become a journalist.
Applications can be found by going to:
8) University of the Aftermarket Foundation Scholarship - $10,000 - 80 Awards (Deadline: Mar. 31, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a graduating high school senior planning to be a full-time student in one of the following disciplines: Automotive, Heavy Duty, or Collision Repair School.
Applications can be found by going to:
9) Niche Scholarship - $25,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: March 31, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a senior in high school or a current college student.
B) Be attending or planning to attend college, university, or professional training school in the Fall of 2025.
Applications can be found by going to:
10) Robert G. Porter Scholars Program - $8,000 - 14 Awards (Deadline: March 31, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a graduating high school senior.
B) Have at least one parent or legal guardian who is a member of the American Federation of Teachers.
Applications can be found by going to:
11) Young American Creative Patriotic Scholarship - $10,000 – 8 Awards (Deadline: March 31, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States or be a dependent of U.S. military or civilian personnel in an overseas school.
B) Be in grades 9-12.
Applications can be found by going to:
12) Women Marines Association Scholarship Program - $5,000 - 9 Awards (Deadline: March 31, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a direct descendant by blood, legal adoption, or stepchild of a Marine on active duty or
B) Be a sibling or a descendant of a sibling by blood, legal adoption, or stepchild of a Marine on active duty, or who has served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, Regular or Reserve.
Applications can be found by going to:
13) Lighthouse Guild Scholarships - $10,000 - 16 Awards (Deadline: March 31, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Have documented proof of vision loss.
B) Be newly transitioning to college or graduate education.
Applications can be found by going to:
14) Sara Scholarship - $2,500 – 12 Awards (Deadline: April 30, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Demonstrate excellent character and active involvement with the sport of golf.
B) Identify as a female and be a senior in high school.
Applications can be found by going to:
15) Lift Parts Express Scholarship - $500 – 1 Award (Deadline: April 30, 2025)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a current senior in High School and a legal resident of the United States.
B) Be enrolled or expected to be enrolled by the Fall of 2025.
Applications can be found by going to:
Student Services Calendar and Checklist for Seniors
- ACT information
- SAT information
- February 4: 9th Grade Information Night for 8th Grade Parents & Students @ U-32 at 6:30pm in auditorium (in person) - More information below.
- February 11: 7th Grade Parent/Guardian Information Night for Rising 7th grade families at 6:30pm in auditorium (in person)
- February 15: Recommended FAFSA deadline.
- Contact colleges to confirm they’ve received all your application materials.
- February 21: CVCC Preview Day
- Continue the scholarship search. Check out fastweb.com and finaid.org for ideas.
- Use February/March break to visit colleges.
- Check in with your Counselor.
- Use February/March break to visit colleges.
- Some states have FAFSA deadlines as early as March 1.
- March 12: Program of Studies and Course Selection Sheets to students grades 7-11 during Callback
- March 14: CVCC Acceptance Letters sent out
- March 12-21: TA Advising Conferences begin - all grades
- March 12-21: Scheduling conferences with 8th & 10th grade TAs, parents and students
- March 21: Last day to make changes to course requests with TAs
- April 10: Start of Quarter 4
- Keep your grades up. Study hard for exams. Colleges take senior grades seriously. Colleges will want a final transcript and expect to see a strong senior year. Any serious drop in grades or level of difficulty could result in your acceptance being rescinded.
Regular Decision admissions letters begin to arrive.
Discuss the financial aid package provided by each school with your family. If you haven’t received financial aid packages by early April call to make sure all necessary materials arrived.
Attend admitted students’ weekends at college campuses.
Use April break for any additional campus visits.
If you are on a wait list set up a meeting with your counselor to discuss options.
Celebrate with family and friends!
Send in the acceptance notice to your chosen school. Make sure to send in your deposit.
Decline offers of admission from remaining colleges.
- Early May: Next year schedules to students
- May: Schedule adjustments
- June 10: Move Up Day
T.W. Wood Gallery Summer Art Camps!
Yearbook Info!
Here is the link to purchase your yearbook!
You can also purchase your yearbook from Sara Wolf in the technology office. Please bring cash or a check made payable to U-32. Yearbooks will be distributed in June.
If you have any questions please email yearbook@u32.org or call Sara Wolf at 802-229-0321 ext. 5107.