December 7 - December 14, 2024
Upcoming Dates
12/11/24 - Future Student Night Grades 6 - 8 Open House 6:30pm - 8:30pm
12/12/24 - Winter Concert 7pm
12/14/24 - Music Department Holiday Craft Fair 10am - 3pm
12/16/24 - Salem Community Band Concert at Salem High School 7pm
12/18/24 - Listening Lab
12/23/24 - Winter Break No School
1/2/25 - Welcome Back to School
Teacher Underground Spirit Week
In the spirit of starting December off with a positive and fun vibe, Salem High School staff had fun with an Underground Spirit Week!!
What is a Staff Underground Spirit Week you ask? It's a week of themed days where only the staff participate. You may have seen this trend making its rounds on social media as its currently very popular in schools across the US.
Things to note: It's a secret, don't tell the scholars! Part of the fun is seeing how long it takes for scholars to catch on to our plan. Also, staff will then deny deny deny. If a scholar asks "Hey, why is everyone wearing plaid?" staff may look at them and say "I don't know what you're talking about."
Monday: Dress like a scholar day.
Tuesday: Holiday Havoc: Dress like your favorite holiday
Wednesday: Flannel / Plaid Day
Thursday: Dress as your favorite character day
Friday: Anything but a Cup Day.. Drink from anything but a regular cup
Click on the image below to see some photos from the week.
Listening Lab
Join us for an engaging opportunity to share your thoughts and concerns at Salem High School! The Listening Lab is a welcoming space for parents and guardians to express their ideas and plans for our school community in the upcoming year. Your voice matters, and we want to hear from you!
This month, we’ll focus on:
Midterms and Beyond
Meet with the Assistant Principals to discuss midterms, what to expect in the second half of the year, and how to best support students moving forward.
Come participate in this small, supportive setting and help us build a strong community together.
We hope to see you there!
📅 Date: December 18, 2024
Session 1:
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM in Room 251 at Salem High School
Session 2:
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM at the North Shore CDC, 96 Lafayette St., Salem, MA 01970 (across from Wendy’s; look for the pink sign hanging at the entrance)
Salem High School Yearbook Recognition Ads
Yearbook Recognition Ads are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones.
All orders must be placed by 2/8/25
1/4 page $35.00
1/8 page $20.00
Bus Passes
Scholars need to be using their bus passes and swiping them to get on and off the bus. There are many scholars on the wait list and if students are swiping their passes we can determine number of riders and potentially add scholars that are on the waitlist.
It's A Great Time to Be A Witch!
Be About It!
Salem State University North Shore High School Honor Band
Salem High School Musicians were excited to represent on Saturday at the Salem State University North Shore Honor Band.
Tri-M Honor Society
A Tri-M® Music Honor Society chapter opens up a world of opportunities for students who have already shown themselves to be academically capable and musically gifted. Through performance and community service, they’ll develop confidence, creativity, critical thinking, compassion, and a host of other leadership skills sure to serve them well in school and beyond.
Congratulations to all of our talented musicians on this incredible honor.
Click on images below to view performances from Tri-M Honor Society
Class of 2025 Donates to Mix 104.1's 10,000 Toys for Girls and Boys
Some of the Senior class officers and Elizabeth Bright (Class Advisor and Librarian) dropped off 40 toys for Mix 104.1’s 10,000 Toys for Boys and Girls. The officers decided to take their jar wars winnings and purchase toys to donate this holiday season. Mix 104.1 is doing a battle, North Shore vs South Shore and all of their toys are donated to Toys for Tots. The officers were also interviewed by Producer Dan, everything will be on the stations website and might be on the air tomorrow morning! #GoWitch
College and Career Counseling Corner
Meet With Your College and Career Counselor
How to Access your College and Career Counselor:
1) Scholars can ask for a pass from their teacher to see a counselor
2) Scholars can email their counselor regarding a concern or to make an appointment.
3) Scholars can also use the counselors' YouCanBookMe Links below
Kerry McHugh - https://kmchugh.youcanbook.me
Alice Ryan - https://msryansalemhigh.youcanbook.me
Maureen Beaudet - https://maureen-beaudet.youcanbook.me
Rachael Kozlowski - https://mskoz.youcanbook.me
Claribel Paulino - https://cpaulino.youcanbook.me
Alexandra Kirby - Early College Coordinator - akirby@salemk12.org
Meet your counselor! No matter where your scholar is on their journey in high school, their counselor can help provide valuable and useful information to guide them to post secondary success. Your scholar’s counselor will meet both individually and in groups to create a high school and postsecondary plan that meets your scholar’s unique needs. Please feel free to make an appointment anytime to get to know how this department can help your family and scholars in any way!
FAFSA Support
The U.S. Education Department (USED) has announced that the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be launched through a new process. Starting on Tuesday, October 1, USED will release the 2025-26 FAFSA form for testing with a limited set of students and institutions. The department will make the application available to all students on or before Sunday, December 1. This process will allow USED to test and resolve issues before making the form available to all students and contributors.
Massachusetts students can find information about college financial aid on this shared web site and through the Department of Higher Education’s Office of Student Financial Assistance.
Salem High School Counselors will continue to work with our community partners to provide continual support around the financial aid process as the year progresses including workshops, one-on-one support in person and virtually, and student lesson planning.
Scholarship Highlight
Pick Your College
College and Career Highlight
University of Oklahoma
Location: Norman, OK
Website: https://www.ou.edu/
Mascot: Boomer the Sooner
Enrollment: 31,678
- OU has more than 170 different majors
- OU also have our own law school and a complete Health Science Center with seven different colleges offering 67 degree programs
- Most popular programs (all rank in the top 10 nationally): meteorology, petroleum engineering, ballet, musical theatre, entrepreneurship, international business, energy management, journalism
- OU has achieved the Carnegie Foundation’s highest tier of research activity classification
- OU has achieved an all-time record freshman-to- sophomore retention rate of 90 percent, ranking OU among the top universities in the nation. OU is one of only 34 public institutions in the nation currently reporting retention rates of 90 percent or higher.
- Our campus is ranked in the top 25 most beautiful campuses in the United States.
- OU is the first public university in the country to build residential colleges for upperclassmen and women, patterned on those at Yale, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge in England. The living/learning communities are becoming the cornerstone of the undergraduate experience.
- Access to industry-specific career fairs, a robust offering of Career Services and faculty/alumni connections eager to help you get into competitive markets all over the country and the world.
- Students can enjoy the traditions, spirit and “Sooner Magic” of Big 12 athletic events!
- OU is proud to be the first university to win both the NCAA men’s and women’s gymnastics national championship titles in the same year (2016). The softball team also became national champions at the 2016 Women’s College World Series in Oklahoma City.
Average GPA: 3.6
SAT Score: 1150
ACT Score: 26
Virtual Tour: https://www.ou.edu/admissions/visit/virtual-tour