Cedars E-News
Message from Principal Rauls
Dear Cedars Families,
As we enjoy the summer months, anticipation for the upcoming school year at Cedars International Academy is building. Our dedicated teachers have been hard at work throughout the break, preparing for another year of academic excellence.
This year, our theme is "WILD about Learning," emphasizing the importance of every moment in our 75,600 minutes together. We are committed to fostering a love for learning and engaging students through meaningful, challenging, and authentic projects across all subjects. Teachers will have increased flexibility to implement these projects, ensuring a dynamic learning experience for all. We look forward to showcasing the exciting achievements of our students when you join us on campus.
This newsletter is packed with essential information to help you prepare for the upcoming school year. Please pay close attention to the Cedars Master Calendar, which has some differences from the Cedars School Calendar.
We are eager to welcome everyone back on August 12th!
If you have any questions or wish to share accolades, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Wishing you all a wonderful remainder of your summer,
Heather Rauls
📆 Upcoming Events
August Theme: Cedars is "WILD about Learning"
August Character Trait: Good Citizenship
1 - Cedars PTO Spirit Store - Purchase Cedars Polo & House Shirt
5 - Virtual Handbook Orientation Returning Families
- English (5:00 pm)
- Spanish (5:30 pm)
5 - Virtual Handbook Orientation NEW Families
- English (6:00 pm)
- Spanish (7:00 pm)
6 - Pre-K Parent Meeting & Social (6:00 pm)
8 - Kinder-5th Grade Back to School Night (5:00 pm)
8 - Middle School Back to School Night (6:30 pm)
12 - First Day of School
30 - House Induction Ceremony & NUT Day (not in uniform day)
- Pre-K-5th - 8:00 am
- 6th-8th - 8:25 am
September Theme: National Hispanic Heritage & Suicide Prevention Month
September Character Trait: Courage
1 -PTO Fall Read-A-Thon Fundraiser (All Month)
2 - Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
5 - PTO Bingo Night 6 pm
9 - Grandparents & International Literacy Day
9 - Book Character Dress Up & NUT Day
12 - Progress Reports
16 - Afterschool Tutoring Begins
19 - PTO Meeting, NUT Day, Hispanic Heritage Celebration 6 pm
26 - Human Resource Professionals Day
26 - Chuck E Cheese Fundraiser
October Theme: Anti-Bullying, Health & Safety Month
October Character Trait: Trustworthiness
1 - PTO Holiday Catalog Fundraiser
2 - Custodian Appreciation Day
2,9 - Breast Cancer Day (Wear Pink)
3 - Picture Day (NUT Day)
4 - National Coach's Day
7-11 - Benchmarks (Grades 1-8)
11 - End of the 1st 9-Weeks
11 - PTO Panda Express Fundraiser
14 - Columbus & Indigenous Day, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
14 - Parent/Teacher Conference Day
16 - Unity Day (Wear Orange)
17 - Report Cards
17 - PTO Meeting (PK Performs) Study Tips 6 pm
23-31: Red -Ribbon Week (Dress Up Week)
25 - PTO Fall Spook Fest
31 - Wear Costume & NUT Day
November Theme: Military Family Appreciation & Giving Month
November Character Trait: Gratitude
1 - House Service Project (All Month)
1 - PTO Holiday Fundraiser
1 - Award Assembly & NUT Day
7 - Fall Picture Retakes, Group, & Sports Picture Day (NUT Day)
8 - PTO Fall Family Skate Night 3-7 pm
11 - Veterans Day
14 - Progress Reports
14 - PTO Meeting (Kinder Performs) 6 pm
20 - Education Support Professional's Day
22 - Thanksgiving Feast, Early Release 12:30 pm & No Aftercare
25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
December Theme: Winter Celebration
December Character Trait: Integrity
2 - PTO Pictures with Santa Fundraiser
6 - Chick-Fil-A Family Night
13 - Pictures with Santa & NUT Day
16-19 - Dress Up Week
17 - Winter Show
19 - Early Release Day 12:30 pm & No Aftercare
20-6 - Winter Break
Jan. 7 - Students Return from Winter Break
📲Virtual Handbook, Title I, Family Engagement Meeting
Virtual Handbook, Title I, & Family Engagement Meeting
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/arq-bhnt-zuh
Or dial: (US) +1 424-360-0697 PIN: 138 027 117#
Returning Families
- English (5:00 pm)
- Spanish (5:30 pm)
NEW Families
- English (6:00 pm)
- Spanish (7:00 pm)
Monday, Aug 5, 2024, 05:00 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
🎒Get Ready for School!! First day back is Aug. 12!
🏫 First Day of School Procedures
What will students need to bring: For the first day of school, all students will need to bring a pen/pencil, notepad, and lunch/snacks. We will provide supplies if the supply fee was already paid before the first day of school.
Schedules: Students will receive their schedules from their teacher during Back to School Night on August 8. We encourage all families to attend Meet the Teacher and Back to School Night.
Pick up/drop off: All student drop off and pick up should use the Cedars back parking lot or walkup zone. See map below. The earliest you may drop a student off is 7:15 am. If you need to talk to a teacher, please park on the street on Barwood Park due to the limited parking the front due to the construction from the City of Austin.
Remember that all parents and visitors: You MUST check in at the office! We ask that you do not park in the front lot during morning and afternoon dismissal due to limited parking. We certainly don't want you to get stuck during pick up and drop off, especially if you are in a hurry. Thank you for understanding!
🖍️Supply Lists & Supply Fee
- Follow the steps below:
- Go to myschoolbucks.com or download the mobile app
- Create your free account by selecting Cedars International Academy in Texas.
- Add a Student to your account using the student’s name, date of birth, and/or student ID number. (Some schools and districts may require the student’s date of birth or student ID number.)
- Add funds using your credit/debit card or electronic check.
- Note: For each transaction, you will be charged a program fee.
Parents: please don't forget to have your child's immunizations completed before the first day of school. You can find which ones are required here:
👔Uniform Information
PreK - 5th Grade:
Any color polo with khaki, navy, or black bottoms.
No holes in the pants.
Closed-toed shoes
Girls can wear leggings under uniform bottoms.
No logo on the polo.
Uniform dresses are allowed.
6th-8th Grade:
Any color polo with khaki, navy, or black bottoms or jeans.
No holes in pants or jeans.
Closed-toed shoes
Girls can wear leggings under uniform bottoms.
No logo on the polo.
Uniform dresses are allowed.
Jackets and sweaters must be zipped or buttoned up.
PreK-8th Grade:
Cedars Spirit Day
Any Cedars shirt with jeans
No holes in the jeans
House Spirit Day
Students can wear their house colors
💭Beginning of the Year Must-Knows
Class Schedule
Schedules: Changes, requests, & questions
If you have a concern or question about a class, be sure you:
Talk to your student and encourage them to talk to their teacher
If that doesn't resolve it, reach out to the teacher via phone or email
If you still do not reach an adequate solution, reach out to the counselor or assistant principal
Keep up with our PTO!
At Cedars, we are grateful to have the best PTO! Join PTO or attend PTO meetings to stay connected with other parents and stay up to date on school events, early release days, volunteer opportunities and more. For more information about PTO, visit https://sites.google.com/cedars-academy.org/cia-pto/home.
Particpate in the Texas Charter School Association Academic and Athletic League (TCSAAL)!
For more informaiton about Cedars Athletics and Cheer program, visit https://sites.google.com/cedars-academy.org/cedars- athletics/home
💗Counselor's Corner
Preparing Your Child for the School Routine
As summer draws to a close and we anticipate an exciting new school year, here are some helpful tips to ease the transition from vacation mode to classroom readiness for both you and your child.
Validation: Let your child know that feeling nervous about starting school is perfectly normal. This reassurance can help them feel understood and supported during this transition period.
Morning Routines: Discuss and plan your child's morning routine for the school year together. Clear, step-by-step instructions will help them understand expectations and set a positive tone for the day. Providing specific praise for their efforts reinforces their confidence and increases their chances of success.
Homework: Transitioning back to homework routines after summer break can be challenging. Establishing a structured schedule and offering consistent parental support can help your child stay focused and motivated. Checking their agenda together and prioritizing assignments ensures they stay on track. Recognizing their hard work and effort with positive feedback encourages them to stay committed to completing their homework.
Bedtime: Adjusting to a new school schedule can be tough, especially with bedtime routines. Establishing a consistent nighttime schedule with clear expectations and simple instructions can help your child wind down effectively. Limiting screen time before bed supports better sleep quality and helps them relax.
If you find these transitions challenging or need additional support, please reach out to Roxanne Contreras for assistance.
🎉Announcements & Celebrations
Join Volleyball & Cheer!
Cedars Volleyball and Cheer team will start practice the second week of school. For more information on how to join volleyball and cheear, visit https://sites.google.com/cedars-academy.org/cedars-athletics/home.
After School Program Fee Structure
Cedars International Academy will be charging for After School Programming this school year. While grant funds are no longer available to cover after school services, we are actively seeking alternative funding to offer the program at no cost to you. More information will be shared during the parent meetings.
For this year, there will be a small fee for after-school care. Families who pay a month in advance will receive a 10% discount. The fee structure is as follows:
Weekly Fees:
- 1st child: $20 per week
- 2nd child: $20 per week
- 3rd child: $10 per week
- 4th child: No charge
All fees are due by the Friday before the start of the week. Payments made after 3:30 p.m. on Monday will incur a late payment fee of $5 per student.
Please contact Marcelo Schneider (mschneider@cedars-academy.org) for assistance.