Ellison Eagle Updates
Week of August 14 - 18, 2023
First Week of the Year!
It's time to kick off the 23-24 school year!
Welcome, everyone! From our seniors looking forward to graduation, to our freshmen looking forward to learning their way around campus, we are excited you are here, and we are committed to helping you have a great year.
Thank you for being a part of the Ellison Eagle Family!
First Morning of School: Where Do I Go?
Students: When you report to campus Monday morning, August 14th, please report to the gym area.
9th Grade: Enter through Door #16, and go into the Big Gym. Find your line by last name, alphabetical order, to receive a new copy of your schedule on yellow paper. Once you have your new schedule, you will be sent to the breakfast line or 1st period.
10th, 11th, 12th Grades: Enter through Door #17, and go into the Small Gym for schedule verification. If your schedule is good, you will be sent to the breakfast line or 1st period. If there are any schedule concerns, you will be sent to the Troubleshooting Table for help.
Career Center AM Students: Please report to the gym for schedule verification, then go to the Bus Loop for your morning Career Center Bus.
More announcements will follow once we are all in class and the day is underway!
This year our theme is #LastingLegacy.
What does this mean to us?
As educators, we are challenging ourselves to remember the teachers in our own lives who made the most positive difference for us, and bring that same energy to our work with our students every day at EHS. We are committed to working daily to have a #LastingLegacy in the lives of our students.
We hope our students can also see themselves in this theme. You as a student have the opportunity to have a positive impact on our campus, and leave a #LastingLegacy of success. Bring your best attitude, give your best effort, see the best in others, and show you care.
We can all leave a #LastingLegacy.
Practice, Practice, Practice!
You know the saying, "If at first you don't succeed..."
Our Eagles demonstrate their commitment to growth and teamwork through their near-daily practices in all of our athletic teams and fine arts groups. Here you see members of our Excalibur Color Guard practicing their choreography with their flags. When we see their graceful performances at halftime at football games, it's easy to assume it just happens. But no, these students put in the work to build their skills and make it happen!
Our student-athletes and student performers are doing the work it takes to leave a #LastingLegacy!
EHS Bell Schedule 23-24
Eagles: Be sure to get familiar with our daily Bell Schedule!
A or B Lunch?
All students are in either A or B Lunch, according to their 4th period class, as follows:
Student Lunches will be in the A-B Lunch format, and students will attend the Lunch corresponding to their 4th period class, as follows:
*4th Period Classes Upstairs and all Biology: A Lunch
*4th Period Classes Downstairs and all Social Studies & Athletics: B Lunch
Career Center AM students will return to EHS for B Lunch, and Career Center PM students will have B Lunch here at EHS before boarding their Career Center bus at 1:05 pm.
Closed Campus
All KISD campuses are closed campuses, and students may not leave campus for Lunch.
The only exception to this rule is for Seniors who have earned their College, Career, Military Readiness (CCMR) Indicator. Check with your Counselor for information on CCMR.
CCMR Seniors will have a procedure for leaving campus for Lunch, but this will not begin until the second week of school. All students will have closed campus for Lunch the first week.
Get Connected!
Eagles: Are you involved in an extracurricular activity at school? If not, please make this commitment! The video below will give a clear picture on why Getting Connected is so important.
Check Out our 2023 Legacy Video!
Our Student 2 Student program has worked hard to create a video introducing new freshmen to our campus, and encouraging them to get involved in extracurricular activities.
We are really proud of this video, and we hope you enjoy it!
Go, Eagles!
Eagles All Pulling Together!
If you weren't at the Eagle Gym last Tuesday, you missed a thriller!
Coach Givens and the Varsity Lady Eagles' Volleyball team pulled together and came from behind for a very tough, 5-set win in their season opener against Leander Glenn. We are so proud of our student-athletes and their coaches!
What we saw last Tuesday night was the power of pulling together.
The Lady Eagles inspired all of us to dig deep when things get tough, find the best in ourselves and each other, and pull together with trust in each other to get the job done.
Now that's a #LastingLegacy!
Site-Based Decision-Making Committee 23-24
Eagle Parents: We are looking for parent volunteers who would like to be members of our SBDM (Site-Based Decision-Making) Committee! This is a great opportunity to get to know our staff and offer input on how we can continue to make Ellison High School a great place now and in the future.
The SBDM Committee meets once per month. If you are willing to serve on the SBDM Committee, just email Principal Dominguez at: david.dominguez@killeenisd.org
Thank you!
Apply for Free/Reduced Meals!
First Day of School!
Monday, Aug 14, 2023, 08:00 AM
Football Scrimmage @ Leander Glenn
Thursday, Aug 17, 2023, 06:00 PM
Bible Stadium, South Bagdad Road, Leander, TX, USA
Volleyball @ Salado
Friday, Aug 18, 2023, 05:00 PM
Salado High School, Williams Road, Salado, TX, USA
Volleyball vs Stony Point
Tuesday, Aug 22, 2023, 05:30 PM
Ellison High School, East Elms Road, Killeen, TX, USA
9th/JV Football vs HHHS
9th Game @ HHHS
JV Game @ Ellison
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2023, 05:30 PM
Ellison High School, East Elms Road, Killeen, TX, USA
Varsity Football @ HHHS
Visitor Side at Buckley Stadium.
Go, Eagles!
Thursday, Aug 24, 2023, 07:00 PM
Leo Buckley Stadium, North 38th Street, Killeen, TX, USA
Volleyball @ HHHS
Tuesday, Aug 29, 2023, 05:00 PM
Harker Heights High School, Farm to Market 2410, Harker Heights, TX, USA
9th/JV Football vs Pflugerville Hendrickson
9th Game @ Ellison
JV Game @ Hendrickson
Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023, 05:30 PM
Varsity Football vs Pflugerville Hendrickson
Home Side at Buckley Stadium.
Go, Eagles!
Thursday, Aug 31, 2023, 07:00 PM
Leo Buckley Stadium, North 38th Street, Killeen, TX, USA
Volleyball vs Cove
Friday, Sep 1, 2023, 06:00 PM
Ellison High School, East Elms Road, Killeen, TX, USA
Who was C.E. Ellison?
Our Mission Statement
The People Business
This means we are in The People Business: Common Ground, Common Commitments, Common Celebrations. Go Eagles!
Our goal is to help every student learn, grow, and discover how they can make positive contributions to their community, today and in the future, here in Killeen and around the world.
Own Your Learning
When we use this motto, we are reminding students that their academic success belongs to them, and that they should take ownership of it. School staff and parents all care very much about students' academic success, but the key is for our students to see their academic success and achievements as their own.
This invitation to growth, maturity, and ownership of one's success is a key part of our experience here at EHS.
Own Your Learning!
Contact Us:
Email: david.dominguez@killeenisd.org
Website: https://schools.killeenisd.org/Page/97
Location: 909 East Elms Road, Killeen, TX, USA
Phone: 254-336-0600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EllisonEagles
Twitter: @EHSPrincipal