The Pauba Valley Flight Plan
April 14, 2023
Hello Pauba Families!
Welcome back! Our Pilots came back with smiles and are ready to finish the year strong! We are encouraging our Pilots to wear their Pauba Valley Pilot spirit wear and our school colors (purple and teal) on Wednesdays and Fridays!
Thank you to all of our Pauba Pilots for participating in the Apex Fun Run! With your support, we raised over $19,000 for our PTA to support our school! Our PTA uses funds to support our students with assemblies, field trips, grade level support, family nights, innovation lab supplies, and so much more! Thank you so much Pilot Families for your continued partnership and support of our PTA, our students, and our staff!
We hope to see many of our families at our Literacy Night on Thursday, April 20. Check out the information below!
~Ms. Gosnell
Included in this edition of The Flight Plan:
- Mark your calendars!
- Literacy Night
- TK/K Pre-enrollment Open Now!
- Reminders for Families
Dates to Know
PTA Book Fair- April 17 - 21
Literacy Night- April 20, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Family Math Night- May 9
May 31 and June 7 are NOT modified Wednesdays. Regular schedule for all students.
June 8 and 9 ARE Modified Days for all students. Dismissal at 12:55.
June 8 (morning)- 5th Grade Promotion- more details to come
June 9- Last Day of School!
Literacy Night
PTA Book Fair
Hello Parents!
The Spring Book Fair is next week!
The Book Fair will be open to students during their weekly Library time. It will be open to families Wednesday after dismissal and at our Literacy Night.
If you are able to donate your time to assist with book finding, tidying shelves, etc., please sign up. We appreciate any and all help you are able to volunteer. Book Fair Sign Up
Please note: Volunteers must be Raptor Approved (background check and TB test) in order to be on campus. The process can take up to a week. Please click on the following link to begin the Raptor System Requirements:
TK/K Enrollment is now open! Enroll and be a Pauba Pilot next fall!
Transitional Kindergarten - Children who are born between September 2, 2018 - June 2, 2019 are eligible for TK for the 23/24 school year and will automatically go to Kindergarten the following year.
Kindergarten - Children who are born between September 2, 2017 - September 1, 2018 are eligible for Kindergarten.
For more information, please visit this link:
We are asking that all families be mindful about their student's school issued iPad.
These iPads should only be used for classroom/school approved activities and may not be used for any personal reasons or by other members of the family. The only "apps" that should be on the iPad are those for school use and downloaded with teacher knowledge.
Please be sure to remove all of the following:
*Any photos not taken for school use
*Any stickers from the cover/back of the iPad
*Any users who are not the student
*Any "apps" not used in the classroom or at school
iPads should come to school each day charged and ready to go for the day's learning.
Students should arrive at school between 8:30 and 8:45 AM. The warning bell rings at 8:45 AM and teachers come to pick up their classes at this time. The bell starting the school day rings at 8:50 AM. Our teachers are ready begin instruction at this time and students should be in their seats ready to learn.
Students arriving after 8:50 AM should go through the office and will be marked tardy.
We ask that all families be mindful of the following:
*Only families with special parking passes are allowed to use the front loop. All other families should use the loop by the field.
*DO NOT enter through the exit of the front loop.
*When using the surrounding streets, DO NOT park next to red curbs, white curbs, or fire hydrants.
*Follow the Crossing Guards' directions at all times.
*Students who are late should be dropped off at the top stairs or the side loop. They can then walk to the office.
Click the photo below to view our PVES Family & Student handbook.
Pauba Valley Elementary
Location: 33125 Regina Drive, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: 951-302-5140
Twitter: @paubavalley