Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 23rd February 2024
Arts Council Gold Award
Artsmark Gold Award
We are delighted that we have been awarded Artsmark Gold by the Arts Council. Artsmark empowers school with the skills needed to embed arts, culture and creativity across the whole curriculum. Schools are recognised for their exceptional commitment to creativity with the Artsmark Award, accredited by Arts Council England – the only award for arts and culture provision in England. This award is a wonderful recognition of the creative range of opportunities that we provide at Ripon Cathedral School. A huge thank you to all the staff, particularly Mrs Roberts, for their work across all art forms. If you would like to learn more about the creative pillar of our curriculum, click on the link below.
Year 4 Courageous Advocacy
Year 4 Courageous Advocacy Worship
This week Year 4 put together a very thoughtful and personal worship about the work of St Michael's Hospice. They talked about the ways that cancer can impact on families and shared ideas for fundraising activities that they could do to support this special organisation. Well done Year 4.
For more information do click on the film below which has been made by the children in Year 4.
Today three of our Year 4 children went along to the Ripon Musicathon organised by Fiddle Fingers. The event is a 25 hour marathon of continuous music and Thomas, Felix and Charlotte were amongst the first groups to greet the Mayor of Ripon and play. Funds raised will be given to Cancer Research and Ehlers-Danlos Support UK. The children were fantastically well behaved and they each played wonderfully for their full half hour slot!
The event will run through until 1pm on Saturday 24th February at Holy Trinity Church.
Health, Wellbeing and Fitness Day - Wednesday 28th February 2024
Health and Wellbeing Day - Wednesday 28th February 2024
As part of our PSHE programme, next week on Wednesday 28th February, we will be having a health and wellbeing day for the school. In the morning children will have opportunity to work together on a range of fitness, wellbeing and safety awareness tasks. We are asking for children to come to school next Wednesday in their winter PE kit:
- Grey joggers
- White t-shirt
- Green hoody/top to keep warm.
- Suitable footwear - trainers
Children will wear their kit all day and will not need to bring their school uniform.
We are sure the children will have a great day.
Mummies in Year 5
The children had some great thoughts about their learning.
'I really enjoyed getting wrapped up as a mummy. It was weird since I couldn't see anything.'
'Doing mummification was so exciting as we played hangman to find out what we were doing. Mrs Beckett wrapped up Mrs Waters and she said, 'I hope it is clean toilet roll,' which made us all laugh.'
'The lesson was fun and it helped us to understand how the Ancient Egyptians did mummification.'
'The lesson was interactive and we even got to do a competition to see which mummy was best.'
A Furry Visitor in Year 2
We had a furry visitor in Year 2 this week, it was very exciting! Neo the hamster was helping us with our science topic of 'What do animals and humans need to be healthy?' We had great discussions, comparing domestic and wild animals and then thought about, 'Is it better to be an animal in a cage or living free?'
Chinese Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year in Nursery
This week in Nursery we have been learning about the Chinese Lunar New Year - Year of the Dragon. As part of our week, we have been making Chinese lanterns, practising our mark making by drawing Chinese dragons and tasting Chinese food, prawn crackers with sweet chilli sauce, rice, beansprouts and spring rolls. They were delicious, but using the chopsticks was very tricky!
Lunar New Year in Reception
What a wonderful week we have had in Reception learning about The Lunar New Year. We thoroughly enjoyed reading Julia Donaldson's retelling of the traditional Chinese tale, 'The Magic Paintbrush' and learning to paint our own beautiful Chinese brush paintings. The classroom, of course, needed decorating with lanterns and the home corner housed traditional Chinese decorations and clothing. With it being the year of the dragon, the children made dragon masks and fabulous model dragons. We brought our super week of learning to a close by learning some Chinese dragon dance poses and holding a Lunar New Year parade through school.
Class Dojo - Class Updates
Class Dojo - Weekly Class Updates
We do hope you are enjoying the posts and information that are being shared on Class Dojo. We have noted that the children are really engaging with Dojo points! In order to streamline class communication, as from this Friday, the usual class newsletter will become a weekly post on the Classrooms of Class Dojo for children in Years 1 - 6. This will mean that information is easier to access, with opportunity for parents and carers to leave comments on posts.
The vast majority of parents and carers have signed up to Class Dojo, however if you have not managed to access the site you can sign up by simply clicking on the link below. Do remember that Dojo is free and you do not need to take out any subscriptions.
Breakfast Natters
The governors along with the Cathedral are holding a get together on Thursday 29th February, straight after drop off, in the school hall.
As well as tea and coffee, there is bound to be some home baking on offer, we are sure! Under school age children are welcome too, so please do drop in for a chat.
Everyone is very welcome.
World Book Day - 7th March 2024
This year we will be celebrating World Book Day by dressing up in cosy clothes (eg PJs etc) or as a chosen character.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) we would like to invite parents and carers into school after drop off to share a book with us. Parents and carers of children in Years 1 and 2 will be in the hall with parents of Early Years children in Reception and Nursery classroom areas.
In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 5) we would like to invite parents and carers into classrooms from 2.55pm (main gates will be opened at 2.50pm) so that we can share our writing and work from the day.
We hope you will be able to join us on Thursday 7th March.
Parent Consultations
Parent Consultations, Book Looks and Spring Reports
Parent Consultations for the Spring Term will be taking place on:
- Tuesday 12th March 2024
- Wednesday 13th March 2024
Next week we will send a communication so that you can book your appointment online. There will be opportunity for face to face meetings along with some time for video call meetings.
Parents will be sent a spring report on Thursday 7th March (Monday 11th for Y6 pupils). This report will outline current attainment in core subjects, provide feedback on attitudes to learning and give targets for development.
Prior to the parent consultation there will be an opportunity for a book look on Monday 11th March after school (3.15pm). Parents are able to come into their child's class to see the work that the children have been completing. As Year 3 have a trip on Monday 11th March, their Book Look will be on Friday 8th March at the end of the school day.
Our Stars
Every week we enjoy hearing about the wonderful work in each class in our Celebration Worship. Well done to all our Stars of the Week.
Alex for trying new things and working hard at his reading.
Myles for having a go at new activities. What a lovely Chinese brush painting you created!
Year 1
Sammy for his amazing writing this week. It has been lovely to see him put so much effort into his learning at school and at home.
Year 2
Amelia for a positive attitude to all areas of learning, being responsible and helping others. Well done Amelia.
Year 3
William for not only being amazing in his history research but also helping and supporting others.
Year 4
Max for having a wonderful attitude to learning this week. He has consistently produced work of a great quality and quantity.
Year 5
Olivia for her excellent focus this week in all areas of her learning. Well done.
Year 6
Ethan for a fantastic start to the half term. Ethan has been ready to learn with a huge smile every day.
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 28th February - Health and Wellbeing Day
Thursday 29th February - Cathedral Breakfast Natters (in school hall 9am)
Friday 1st March - Friends' meeting in the Claro Lounge 7.30pm
Monday 4th March - Year 5 and Year 6 Bethel Church Workshops
Wednesday 6th March -> Friday 8th March - Year 6 visit to London
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day
Thursday 7th March - Spring Reports (YR -> Y5)
Monday 11th March - Year 3 Murton Park Roman Day
Monday 11th March - Book Look After School (3.15pm)
Tuesday 12th March - Parent consultation meetings
Wednesday 13th March - Year 3 Courageous Advocacy Worship at 9am
Wednesday 13th March - Parent consultation meetings
Friday 15th March - Comic Relief Red Nose Day
Thursday 21st March - Reception and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship at 9.00am
Friday 22nd March - Key Stage 2 Music Concert and Celebration Worship 2pm
Friday 22nd March - School closes for Easter break
Monday 8th April - Staff training day - Oscar's open (booking essential)
Tuesday 9th April - School reopens for pupils for the Summer Term
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool