Marshall LMS Update
Bray's Bulletin
Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!
Greetings Ram Family!
Mission: We will intentionally create a safe, risk taking environment for students that models and fosters effective communication, collaboration and critical thinking.
Vision: Explore your passion commit to your future.
We are so excited to welcome our teachers back to campus this week. Teachers and staff will be returning on a rotating basis this week and will be engaging in virtual training sessions in order to prepare for the upcoming school year. This is an unprecedented time in our history and our teachers, staff, and administration are up for the challenge. We look forward to welcoming our students back to the learning environment on August 24th!
Schoology is the Learning Management System adopted by Northside ISD, and it will take the place of Google Classroom. Schoology will allow for both synchronous (real time) and asynchronous (independent) learning opportunities and will also help to facilitate improved teacher and parent communication. As we make the transition to the Schoology Learning Management System parents will be provided with the necessary resources to support their child in both virtual and in person instruction. Students will have access to both live time teaching and independent learning when school starts on August 24th. It is very important to note that as students return to the learning environment attendance will not be waived, and we will return to our normal grading policy.
Please save the dates of August 19th and 20th from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. The Marshall Community will be hosting "Drive through and get ready for school." This event will replace our regularly scheduled prep days. This will be an opportunity for students to get ready for virtual learning. Students will be provided with a virtual toolkit to start the year, and pick up necessary supplies to support virtual learning. Be on the lookout on social media and the school website for more information.
Ram Rally will be held on Friday, August 21st from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Northside Sports Gym. This will be a drive through celebration of the school year.
Marshall LMS now has a Facebook page and a Twitter page. Please follow us @NISDMarshallLMS and for important updates regarding Marshall LMS.
Important Back to School Information from NISD
Hybrid Schedule Infographic
Marshall Law and Medical Services Magnet School
Location: 8000 Lobo Lane, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 210-397-7194
Twitter: @nisdMarshallLMS
Expectations for Student Learning
Marshall/LMS High School
Students will:
Log into Schoology daily to engage in direct instruction, instructional support, and intervention both synchronously (real time) and asynchronously (independent)
Follow the designated schedule issued by the campus
Complete and submit ALL assignments and assessments
Comply with attendance requirements
Participate in intervention and enrichment as needed to address their learning needs
Understand that some (in person) participation will be required for courses at the secondary level, such as CTE, Fine Arts, and Athletics.
Take responsibility for asking for help, asking questions, and taking advantage of tutoring opportunities.
Reach out to a trusted adult for academic and emotional support.
Parent Expectations for Learning
High School
Parents will:
Make sure their child(ren) follow their assigned schedules and attends all classes daily to meet attendance requirements
Support their student with Schoology by attending district offered training
Maintain communication with their student’s teachers by phone, email, and online meetings to receive feedback on their progress
Create a designated learning space free of distractions
Check out an electronic device if needed and ensure there is adequate internet access
Ensure their student has the required school supplies
Set up a Home Access Center (HAC) account to monitor grades and progress
Understand some participation (in person) will be required for selected courses at the secondary level, such as Career and Technical Education (CTE), fine arts, and athletics
Understand enrollment in virtual learning is a nine week commitment
Allow your child to build resilience while learning. Don’t help too much. Becoming an independent learner takes time, practice, and patience.