St Anthony's School News

Week 9 - Thursday 13th June 2024
Principal's Message
St Anthony, model of great holiness, help me to live as a worthy child of God. Grant that I may have the courage to witness to my faith.
Bless me with a heart that is capable of loving God above all things, and open my soul to a generous and sincere love of my neighbour.
Help me to be willing to assist and serve anyone who is in need. Encourage me by your holy example, so that I may be most open and receptive to God’s perfect love.
St Anthony of Padua Celebration
This Sunday, St Anthony’s Parish celebrates the Feast of St Anthony with a mass at 11am and a procession at 2pm. There will be a mini market of food stalls in the school grounds after mass.
It would be fantastic to see as many of our children and families from St Anthony’s at the parade commencing at 2pm. The parade usually starts at the church and walks a couple of laps of the car park.
Children who attend the parade on Sunday should be dressed in their correct school uniform. As a reward for attending the parade, those children can attend school on Monday in free dress.
Upcoming Events
13th June - P&F meeting 7pm in the staffroom (or TEAMS in)
14th June - Year 1 PADUA assembly 8.45am and Kindy liturgy 2pm
16th June - St Anthony of Padua 92nd annual festival and procession
19th June - Family Night 5.00-6.30pm
19th/20th June - Holy Communion adult catechesis
21st June - Interschool cross country, Mawson Park - selected students
22nd/23rd June - Holy Communion commitment masses
26th June - Mater Dei band to visit and perform for the students 10.15 am and Semester 1 reports go live to parents/carers
28th June - End of term mass 9am and last day of Term 2
Students and staff return for Term 3 on Monday, 15th July
Family Night
We extend an invitation to parents and extended family members to attend our Family Night next Wednesday evening from 5.00-6.30pm. Come and view all the wonderful work your children have been doing and give your children the opportunity to talk to you about what they have been learning this semester.
We are blessed to have amazing staff at St Anthony’s. The work the children are doing daily in class with their teachers and education assistants will be on display for you all to view and comment on.
A reminder that Family Night is not an opportunity the have a parent/teacher interview as privacy of conversation cannot be guaranteed due to the number of people in the room. If you would like to speak with your child’s teacher about their progress, please make an appointment to meet at a mutually convenient time.
My thanks to the P&F members who have again organised a sausage sizzle to keep you and the children fed on the night.
God Bless
Therese Bandy
School Calendar
Click on the link below to access the school calendar. Please note that dates may be subject to change:
Parish News
First Holy Communion
To all parents of students in Year 4 who have made their Sacrament of First Holy Communion, please download the below document as it contains important information about the Adult Catechesis evening.
Please remember that the Commitment Mass weekend follows these talks on 22nd and 23rd June.
School Code of Conduct
A reminder that every member of the St Anthony’s School community must behave in the manner described in our Code of Conduct.
Our Code is like the 40km/h speed limit outside our school in the mornings and afternoons. It defines behaviours that keep our students safe: at school, and elsewhere. Children and young people surrounded by adult and peer behaviours as outlined in the Code are more likely to recognise and choose healthy relationships for themselves.
Conduct Statements
- You act safely and competently.
- You give priority to students’ safety and well-being in all your behaviour and decision making.
- You act in accordance with the values of the Gospel as defined in the Code of Ethical Conduct.
- You conduct yourself in accordance with laws, agreements, policies and standards relevant to your relationship with the school community.
- You respect the dignity, culture, values and beliefs of each member of the school community.
- You treat personal information about members of the school community as private and confidential.
- You give impartial, honest and accurate information about the education, safety and well-being of students.
- You support all members of the school community in making informed decisions about students.
- You promote and preserve the trust and privilege inherent in your relationship with all members of the school community.
- You maintain and build on the community’s trust and confidence in Catholic schools and the Church.
- You act reflectively and ethically.
- You allow students to have a voice in their education, safety and well-being
The Code describes the minimum requirements expected of all members of our community and that all in our community conduct themselves personally and professionally in a way that maintains public trust and confidence in our school and the Church. While mandatory language such as ‘must’, ‘shall’ and ‘will’ is not used throughout the Code, there is a presumption the conduct described is mandatory and therefore not optional.
P&F News
Quiz Night
Tickets have been released for our eagerly awaited 90’s Quiz Night! Several tables have already sold since Monday. Book now to avoid missing out.
Book Week
Sausage Sizzle
Family Night Theme - Come and be an Emotion Scientist!
When visiting your children's classes this year, you'll observe a consistent theme across the school. We are integrating the RULER well-being and emotional literacy approach, and we believe it's an excellent opportunity for parents to engage with their children in some activities that focus on the language of emotions. Please take the opportunity to explore the focus emotions in each class and have a look at the class charter.
St Anthony's Parent Online Safety Hub
Discover the path to a safer, more responsible, and enjoyable online world for our children by exploring our Online Safety Hub. Together, we can join forces and collaborate to empower the next generation with digital savvy and security. Let's navigate this journey hand in hand and make the internet a better place for our kids!
SEQTA Engage for Reports
St Anthony’s School utilises the SEQTA Engage Parent Portal for parents to access student reports for students in Pre-Primary to Year 6 at the end of each semester. If you have not already done so, please log in to SEQTA Engage to ensure you are able to access your child's report.
To do this you need to go to the following site: https://stanthonys.coneqt-p.cathednet.wa.edu.au/ and use your current username and password. This link is also found on the homepage of the school website under Quick Links.
If you have remembered your username but have forgotten your password, please click on the "Forgot your Password?" link and an immediate email will be sent to you. The password reset link in the email will expire within one hour, so please action this immediately.
If you have forgotten both of these, then please contact the school and we can remind you of your username.
Reports will be available from Wednesday 26th June via the portal.
Thank you
Kate Gellé
Vision for Learning - Snapshots of our Early Childhood Charter
St Anthony’s School believes that each child is a precious gift from God, created as a unique individual. We integrate faith into all aspects of school life and create learning environments which enable children to experience the joy and wonder of their world.
- Children learn through their interactions with others and therefore collaborative learning experiences are essential.
P&F Brick Paver Fundraiser
Single brick cost $30
(Can have 3 lines with 16 letters including spaces on each line)
Double brick cost $60
(Up to 6 lines with 12 characters per line including spaces)
Send any queries to stanthonyswannpandf@gmail.com
Vision Statement
St Anthony's School community works collaboratively to teach and live the values of Christ. While respecting tradition, and to meet the demands of a rapidly changing society, it strives to educate our children to their full potential.
Come and enjoy the fun at St Anthony's Playgroup at St Anthony's School Wanneroo!
Our aim at St Anthony’s Playgroup is to help parents and children have fun together in a space where they can relax, form connections and let their child build their curiosity. By participating in new experiences, children will develop social skills and foster an enjoyment of learning more about their world.
St Anthony’s Playgroup is provided at no cost to families and by St Anthony’s School Wanneroo to give back to our local community. Children are welcome to bring a healthy snack to eat at the end of the session.
When: Fridays between 8:45 am-10:30 am
Where: St Anthony’s School Wanneroo
Terms 1 &4: St Anthony’s Community Centre
Terms 2 & 3: St Anthony’s School Library
Please enter via Church Carpark, Community Centre gate
Uniform Shop
New Product - Sports/Excursion Bag
Great for when the students are going on an excursion or representing the school at an interschool carnival. It can also be used for a house sports, swimming carnival/swimming club.
Price: $16.00 and it is an optional item.
Sports shorts are now back in stock.
Track pants will be in stock at the beginning of Term 3.
Uniform shop will be closed on the 26th June due to stock take. Next week, 19th June, will be the last open day for the term.
Online Ordering (Preferred Method of Ordering)
Ordering online is our preferred method of purchase. Please use the Quickcliq link below to set up an account. If you have already set up an online canteen account, please use the same login.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
If you wish to visit the uniform shop, it is open every Wednesday between 8.00am-9.00am.
If you have any uniform queries please feel free to email me at:
uniform@saw.wa.edu.au or you can ring the school and speak to me on Wednesdays between 9.00-10.00am.
Many thanks
Gabrielle Murphy
Uniform Shop Coordinator
OSHClub Fundraiser
This June, OSHClub is conquering 50km in The Dream Run to help children in need...
Right now, 1 in 6 young Australian children are living in poverty.
We’re taking on this challenge to raise funds to support The Smith Family to help kids in need dream BIG, so that they can thrive at school and into their futures.
Please support our 50km challenge because together we can make a life-changing difference for young Australians.
To make a donation, simply visit our personal fundraising page below:
Remember, tax time is coming so you can donate now and get a tax receipt for end of financial year - June 30 is around the corner!
Thanks so much for your support.
Have a great day.