Cub Courier
Crescent Harbor Elementary May 2024
- May 2: Kindergarten Concert 6 PM
- May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week!
- May 10: Color Run!
- May 14: PTA Meeting 3:30 PM
- May 16: 4th Grade BBQ @ OHI 5-6 PM
- May 20-24: BOGO Book Fair
Polite Reminders:
- There is no supervision before 8:30 am, please do not drop your student/s off before this time.
- We have a new sign-in and out system at CHE - please remember your ID (Driver's License or Military ID). The office is happy to help assist you with using the new system
- Kindergarten registration is now open!
Reminder from Oak Harbor Public School Nurses:
To take medication during school hours, a Medication at School form or Individual Health plan must be signed by a healthcare provider and a family member. Medications must be in the original container and kept in the health room of your student's school with the exception of emergency medications. For more information about Medication at School, please go to the Oak Harbor Public Schools website or contact your school nurse.
If your student has been given a change of clothing throughout the school day please wash and return the item to the CHE office. Since January we have had 45 items that have not been returned. All clothing is labeled CHE.
- We are always happy to take donations of boys and girls pants.
- Please encourage your student to check the Lost & Found. Now the weather is getting warmer throughout the day we are noticing high numbers of jackets and coats being brought to the lost and found daily. Lost & Found is located by the front office/cafeteria entrance.
Dear CHE Families:
If you attended the Spring Carnival last Friday night, you enjoyed another event delivered by the hard-working Crescent Harbor Elementary Parent Teacher Association. The PTA has sponsored a family fun event nearly every month this year. They help fund enrichment materials and activities for classrooms. They make countless small gestures to maintain staff morale. The CHE PTA plays a vital role in the school community, and it is looking for new leadership.
All of the events that the PTA organized this year have been put together by a small board, ranging from 5 to 2 or 3 people, and two of the most involved parents are moving on because their children are leaving Crescent Harbor. I encourage you to become involved in our school’s PTA. If a team of 8-15 parents became involved, the long hours that have been put in by the few leaders would be spread out amongst many. Many hands do make light work, and the outstanding events that our families enjoy can continue. Please reach out to the current PTA leadership to learn how you might get involved.
May’s character trait is Creativity. The end of the school year is the perfect time to encourage creativity since students can take the information and skills they have learned all year to produce something new and exciting, something creative! You can encourage creativity at home by giving students some materials, a few guidelines, and the challenge to make something original, something from their imagination. Whatever students are interested in, they can get creative when you suggest they try something new -- a new play in an athletic game, nonsense words that make them laugh, a drawing, a Lego structure. Creativity is fun, and it also stretches students’ thinking.
May is also the season of testing in school. We give assessments in academics, in social skills, and emotional regulation to show how much students have grown during the year. While these tests are not “make or break” exams -- students do not pass or fail them -- they are important for us to know how we are doing as a school and how your student is doing as a learner. You can help by maintaining the routines around sleep and nutrition, and by encouraging your student to do the best they can on the tests that are part of this season. If you have questions about spring assessments, please reach out to your student's teacher for more information.
It is our privilege to guide the development and learning of our Crescent Harbor students. Thank you for your partnership and support.
Bill Weinsheimer
As you know, we have been engaging in a journey to student success through a community-wide Strategic Planning process that will guide our work for the next five years. We want to thank the thousands of students, staff, families and community members who have been a part of this journey so far!
Now is the time to vote on the new Oak Harbor Public Schools "Promise Statement" or tagline to go with our Strategic Plan and vision for the future of our schools. A promise statement is a simple, short, and inspiring statement that captures the commitment of the Oak Harbor Public Schools community. The draft statements in the survey were developed by our Core Community Strategic Planning Committee, which includes students, staff, families and community members.
Please place your vote here on your top choice by May 10, 2024
Thank you for being a part of this journey to develop a strategic plan to ensure all students in the Oak Harbor Public Schools are successful as #OneOakHarbor.
During May, the Office on Disease Prevention and Health Promotion celebrates National Physical Fitness and Sports Month to raise awareness about the benefits of physical activity.
What can I do to get – and keep – my child active?
As a parent, you can help shape your child’s attitudes and behaviors regarding physical activity. Knowing the recommendations is a great place to start. Encourage your child to be physically active for 60 minutes or more each day, with activities ranging from informal, active play to organized sports. Here are some ways you can do this:
Start early. Young children love to play and be active. Encouraging lots of safe and unstructured movement and play can help build a strong foundation for an active lifestyle.
Set a positive example by leading an active lifestyle yourself.
Make physical activity part of your family’s daily routine by taking family walks or playing active games together.
Give your children equipment that encourages physical activity.
Take young people to places where they can be active, such as public parks, community baseball fields, or basketball courts.
Be positive about the physical activities in which your child participates and encourage them to be interested in new activities.
Make physical activity fun. Fun activities can be anything your child enjoys, either structured or unstructured. Activities can range from team or individual sports to recreational activities such as walking, running, skating, bicycling, swimming, playground activities, or free-time play.
Instead of watching television after dinner, encourage your child to find fun activities to do on their own or with friends and family, such as walking, playing chase, or riding bikes.
Be safe! Always provide protective equipment such as helmets, wrist pads, or knee pads for activities such as riding bicycles, or scooters, skateboarding, roller skating, rock-wall climbing, and other activities where there may be a high risk of injuries. Ensure also that activities are appropriate for the age of your child.
How is it possible for my school-aged child or adolescent to meet the recommended levels of physical activity?
Many physical activities fall under more than one type of activity. This makes it possible for your child to do two or even three types of physical activity in one day! For example, if your daughter is on a basketball team and practices with her teammates every day, she is not only doing vigorous-intensity aerobic activity but also a bone-strengthening activity. Or, if your daughter takes gymnastics lessons, she is not only doing vigorous-intensity aerobic activity but also muscle- and bone-strengthening activities! It’s easy to fit each type of activity into your child’s schedule – all it takes is being familiar with the recommendations and finding activities that your child enjoys.
School-based physical activity programs can also help children meet the recommended levels of daily physical activity. Find out how.
Also see tips for giving children a healthy body and mind when they are out of school for the summer.
What if my child has a disability?
Physical activity is important for all children. It’s best to talk with a doctor before your child begins a physical activity routine. Try to get advice from a professional with experience in physical activity and disability. They can tell you more about the amounts and types of physical activity that are appropriate for your child’s abilities. Learn more about special considerations for children and adolescents with disabilities.
Thank you,
Jen Wutzke RN, BSN (she/her)
School Nurse
Hello Cubs
It's finally getting warmer out there! As it gets warmer sandals and flip-flops are fun and fashionable to wear, but difficult to run and play in. Please remember that your student has recess daily. Ask your child what days they have P.E. I'm sure they can tell you. That way you can plan fashion and appropriate shoes accordingly.
Be safe, be active
Mr. Nurvic
Oak Harbor Public Schools and Crescent Harbor Elementary will use ParentSquare to communicate with you from your child's school, classrooms, and groups. ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect. To sign up at ParentSquare.com Simply enter your email or phone number inside the Register square and then select Get Started.
Once you've signed up for ParentSquare, don't forget to download the ParentSquare Mobile App to send and receive school communications on the go! Download for iOS or Download for Android
Changing Notification Settings in ParentSquare
Are you overwhelmed with the number of emails, texts and app notifications you are getting from ParentSquare? Set your notifications to Digest and you will receive one email and/or one text and/or one app notification providing access to all ParentSquare information at the end of the day. Note: If you receive notifications by email, you'll receive a daily digest email from your district and schools separately if there are posts that day.
How to Change Notification Settings in ParentSquare
- Go to www.parentsquare.com and log in.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to your name in the upper right.
- Select My Account.
- Click Notification Settings.
- Select Off, Instant or Digest for each type of notification (Email, Text, App), and for each school or district if there is more than one. Please note, you cannot turn off urgent alerts.
- Click the X in upper right to return to Home.
Happy May Cub Families!
We are nearing the end of the school year, but we’re not done yet!
We are hosting our second annual Color Run, and the kids are thrilled about it! Please be sure to register your student, and share those donation links! May 10th is our big event and we are still looking for a handful of volunteers to assist with various tasks so it’s an amazing day!
Mark your calendars for May 20th-24th for our BOGO book fair! It’s the last of the year. Details will follow shortly!
Do you think PTA would be a good fit for you? Do you love to Volunteer and get involved in your child’s education? Then we are looking for YOU! The current PTA board will be moving onto new adventures, so we are looking for motivated parents who’d love to step up and make sure the students and staff can continue with fun events, fundraisers, and more next year!
You can contact us at ptacrescentharbor@gmail.com if you’re interested or have any questions!
Mr. Riffel - Counselor
- My wife and I have had over 40 different foster children live in our home, and we have adopted 4 of those children.
- I am an avid woodworker and have built kitchen cabinets, bookcases, tables, chairs, and other furniture. I have also remodeled 3 homes.
- I have spent my entire counseling career in the OHSD - 33 years total. I was a middle school counselor for 14 years and an elementary counselor for 19 years. This will be my last year as I plan to retire at the end of the school year.
Mrs. Ward - 4th Grade Teacher
- I have a horse named Scarlet. I love to go on trail rides, especially on a sunny day.
- I love spending time with my family, especially visiting Mexico during Spring Break.
- I enjoy people with a sense of humor and love kids because they can be hilarious!
Ms. Zalapa - Office Assistant
- I am originally from Phoenix, Arizona. I miss saguaros and thunderstorms. Whidbey is home, now, though!
- I have two human children, Adelaide (1st gr) and Dorian (5th gr), a cat named Mrs. Dinah Willow Waffles, a Guinea Pig named Marshmallow, four fish all named Fishie, and a crested gecko named Nubs. I have had a lifelong obsession with chickens (thanks to my grandmother) and now I have five of my own! Their names are Prudence, S'Mores, Tallulah, Bluebell, and Imogene.
- I am in school to become a special education teacher and will be student teaching at CHE in the fall!
Ms. Potter - 1st Grade Teacher
- I make jewelry, which I sell at the Tilth Farmers Market in the summer.
- I've been a teacher for 35 years.
- If I wasn't a teacher, I would want to deliver babies.
Mrs. Conway - Kitchen Staff
- Ice Hockey is my favorite sport to play but football is my favorite to watch.
- My hometown is in a Netflix series.
- I've been playing guitar for 15 years.