What's new with Watkins Middle?
A weekly reflection and preview of all things WMS
WMS updates and reminders
- May is mental health month. In conjunction with the 'Save our students Act' requirements set forth by the state, SWL mental health support staff have crafted a resource sheet for families that support both educational needs and mental health service provider's information.
- Yearbooks are in and will be distributed this week!
- We've received complaints from folks living in the neighborhood to the south of the middle school. Please avoid parking on Deer Path Court to pick up your child. Our neighbors have not been able to get their mail in some instances because parents are blocking their mailboxes. Please use the parent pick-up/drop off line and not neighboring areas. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
- WMS is sponsoring a culture fair in conjunction with our black light Art show. We have an assortment of school day and evening activities planned.
- On May 14th a food truck from Tlaquepaque will be present for Tacos. Open to all students
- On May 15th a food truck from Platinum Kitchen will be here for Momo. Again open to all students.
- Then on the evening of May 15th all WMS families are invited to attend our Black light Art and Culture fair from 5-7pm (See flier below). In addition to student created black light art there will be food trucks, henna artists, and musicians. Plan to attend.
- Students in 8th grade Spanish 1 will have a food truck visit from Dos Hermanos on May 16th. Students in Mrs. Correa's class will be able to cash order items from the menu. Take a look at the menu items here.
- Sixth and Seventh grade will have end of year class assemblies where students are recognized for honor roll, perfect attendance, and an assortment of other academic and behavior recognitions. This will take place during the school day and is a student only event.
- 8th grade recognition is scheduled for May 22nd, and does not include all students. Those students receiving awards and their parents are invited to attend (invites to come in the coming days). The ceremony will take place in the gymnasium, and will be followed by and clap out for all 8th graders. 8th grade parents who do not attend the ceremony are still invited to join in the clap out portion of the day. Parents are invited to park in the areas indicated in on the parking map. Parents participating in the clap out will be permitted to enter the building to begin lining up at 2:00. The clap out will commence at 2:15 with 8th grade students walking through the halls. Be advised that the remainder of the building will be releasing for the day shortly there after. 8th grade parents are invited to stay with their students in the building until the buses and car line clear. This will help alleviate additional traffic congestion.
- The last day of school, May 23rd is our building wide field day. This is an incentive based event. Students earn their way to participating by avoiding In-School & Out of school suspensions.
- Interested in getting a jump start on school supplies next year? WMS will be joining the K-5 classes with 1st day of school kits. See ordering information here.
24-25 school supplies
Get a jump start on ordering school supplies for next year with our new ordering system. Hassle free!
Culture night and blacklight art show
we hope you will come out to join us Wednesday night from 5-7pm. This should be a great event for all SWL families.
Annual WMS Science fair
We are excited to welcome in a whole host of families and guest to check out our student Science fair projects on Friday!
Laser cutting products
Students in 6th grade engineering got the opportunity to design an object of their choosing to utilize the laser cutter in class this past week.
8th grade design
Students in Mr. Schone's engineering design class engaged in a roller coaster design challenge. Students are tasked with designing aspects of the roller coaster to see who can make a marble stay on the tracks the longest.
Computer Science
Mr. Oyster's Computer Science 8 class worked collaboratively to design code through various challenges presented to them.
Careers interviews
7th graders have been working all semester on resume building, job interest fields, and soft skills associated with different employability skills.
Interviews continued
Multiple staff and outside guests came into the careers classes to put students interview skills to the test.
thanks for the support
Thank you once again for supporting our Ag program through our second annual flower sale. Although the weather was not helpful many of you still braved the elements to come in and support the program.
Please click the link below for all of your athletic ticketing and scheduling needs.
- Varsity Ticket events are $7 up to 1 hour before the event. At the gate tickets are $8 (use of a card includes a fee at the gate). Middle School tickets are $5.
- All athletes should enter and exit the building through the 600 hall (Door 7) entrance before and after practice each day.
Upcoming Events
5/13-14 Spring MAP testing
5/15- Black light Art show and culture fair (5-7pm)
5/17-Science Fair
5/17-8th grade farewell dance-6pm
5/21 6th/7th grade End of year recognition (during Class meetings)
5/22 Talent show-AM
5/22 8th grade Recognition-12:30 PM
5/23 Field Day-last student day
Contact us
Email: jball@laca.org
Website: https://wms.swl.k12.oh.us/
Location: 8868 Watkins Road Southwest, Pataskala, OH, USA
Phone: (740)927-5767
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gowatkinsmiddleschool
Twitter: @WatkinsMiddle