Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
REMINDER- Anyone interested in taking CCP classes for 2nd semester must apply by Dec.1st. See your School Counselor if you have any questions!
Please click here to order a yearbook.
Drama Club will hold auditions for our Spring show on Dec 5th and 6th. Meet in PAC after school. Auditions open during the hours of 3-5.
We have 2 options for the Spring, and will choose the show based on show availability and casting options. The two show possibilities are Little Shop of Horrors and CLUE!
If interested in the musical, please come prepared to sing a song from the show, or a song that showcases your vocal range. We're only looking for 1 minute or so of music; enough to really see style and range. Bring music you can sing along to with you; please don't bring sheet music.
Monologues are welcome, and good to have prepared. Choose something comic or dramatic, and again, in the 1 minute range. Sides from the shows, or other shows will be available too. Both shows are a bit melodramatic, so showcasing your ability to be bold and take risks on stage is recommended.
Rehearsals will begin in January. Notifications of casting will go out ASAP, but know that gaining the rights to perform either show is not guaranteed, so final confirmation on the show and casting could shift after original cast notification. Not an ideal situation, but our best option.
Thank you all! Please consider coming out to join us!
Monday, November 25th
Tribune-NO MEETING this week
Tuesday, November 26th
Mock Trial 5:00-7:00 PM Room 315 (both teams)
Monday, December 2nd
Setting Stone 3:00 PM Room 320
Tribune 5:30-6:30 Room 315
Tuesday, December 3rd
Art Club 3:00-3:45 PM Room 603
Mock Trial 5:00-7:00 PM Room 315
Wednesday, December 4th
Robotics Club 3:00 PM - Room 412- All are welcome and snacks provided
Diversity Club 3:00 PM Room 400
Chess Club 3:00 PM Room 603
Thursday, December 5th
Drama Club 3:00-5:00 PM Spring Auditions PAC
Mock Trial 5:00-7:00 PM Room 315 (Team 1 Only)
Friday, December 6th
Drama Club 3:00-5:00 PM Spring Auditions PAC
Saturday, December 7th
Robotics Club 9:00 AM-12:30 PM Scrimmage, Miami University-All students are welcome to attend
Monday, December 2nd
7:00 PM TMS Beginning Bands Concert, PAC
Tuesday, December 3rd
7:00 PM Baseball Meeting, Cafe.
Wednesday, December 4th
Thursday, December 5th
7:00 PM TMS Orchestra Concert
Friday, December 6th
Community Flyer Page
Click here for the community flyer page.