The Bedford Buccaneer
May 28, 2024
Tuesday, May 28th - CSF Dollars for Scholars Ceremony-BHS -6pm Check in/7pm start
Thursday, May 30th-Senior Prom Stroll - BHS
- 3:30-4pm Students line up outside cafe entrance (fill out name cards)
- 4pm-4:40 Prom Stroll (Starts Cafe end of Jenks trail exit at main office)
- 4:30-4:45pm Class picture in main lobby
- 4:45-5:15pm Load buses
- 5:15pm Buses departed
Thursday, May 30th-Senior Prom-6-10pm-Gibbet Hill
Monday, June 3rd-Graduation Rehearsal & Breakfast- BHS Cafeteria - 8:30am-10:30am
Tuesday, June 4th-METCO Banquet- Franklin Park William Devine Golf Course - 6:30pm-8:30pm
Thursday, June 6th- Graduation-Tsongas Center starts at 6:15pm/Senior are to arrive at 5:30pm
Monday, June 17th- Last Day of School
Wednesday, June 19th-No School-Juneteenth Holiday
BHS Rotating Day Calendar 2023-2024
Senior Prom
Class of 2024 Prom
May 30th @ Gibbet Hill - Barn
Prom Stroll May 30 2024 Timings:
- 3:00-3:30 pm Set Up
- 3:30-4:00 pm Students line up outside cafeteria entrance (fill out name cards)
- 4:00-4:30 pm Prom Stroll (start cafeteria end of Jenks trail, exit at main office)
- 4:30-4:45 pm Class picture in main lobby
- 4:45-5:15 pm load busses
- 5:15 pm buses depart
Dismissals & Attendance
BHS Parents & Caregivers:
Spring is a very busy time! If you know in advance that your child will be out of school or dismissed early, please notify the main office a day or two ahead of time. This will allow us to prepare dismissal passes for your student to pick up in the main office and not interrupt classrooms. You can do this by sending in a note, leaving a message on the Attendance line (781-918-4561) or emailing kara_gallagher@bedfordps.org
Please be sure to leave the full name and grade of your student date and time of absence or dismissal.
Thank you.
All Night Graduation
We are especially in need of volunteers to work the 2nd shift of the All Night Graduation Event on June 6-7! This event relies on parent volunteers to keep the students safe, and to ensure we are able to hold this party in the future for the Classes of 2025, ‘26, ‘27, and beyond! Pay it forward- volunteers at the event CANNOT be senior parents. We need the help of Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior parents to chaperone the event for our graduating seniors. If you have never been part of the event, please consider joining us! It is lots of fun for parents as well. We have had a proud tradition of over three decades of this substance-free, fun-filled event for our graduating seniors and we are looking forward to continuing the tradition for our 2024 graduates and for many years to come!
All Night Graduation Volunteers: 2024 ANG Volunteers (signupgenius.com)
Additionally, we need more volunteers on Thursday, June 6 during the afternoon and early evening of graduation to help us finish decorating for the event. No need to have decorating experience, we just need volunteers to get things into place for the evening! Many hands make light work! Thank you in advance for making the All Night Graduation Event a success!
Bedford's Relay for Life Event - June 1st
Join us for a night to remember at Bedford's Relay for Life event, Saturday June 1st on the track! This year's event is Hawaiian/luau themed, so show up in tropical attire! We've got tons of fun lined up: games on the turf, live music, face painting, water balloon toss, limbo, and more. Food and raffle tickets are also available for purchase, and Hawaiian leis will be given out to the first 100 people. Bring your friends or family and let's have a great time while supporting the American Cancer Society.
In the midst of all of the fun and celebration, we will come together to honor cancer survivors, lives lost, and those still fighting the disease. Cheer on survivors and caregivers during their lap, or drop in at 9 for our moving, glowstick-lit luminaria ceremony! Participants, supporters, and anyone else who drops in walk the track through the night to symbolize how as long as cancer never sleeps, neither will we.
No money is required to stay up until 11pm, and you can come as early as 2pm.
key parts of the event include:
4:30pm - Opening Ceremony 4:45 pm - Survivor/Caregiver Lap 5:00 pm - Team Banner Lap 6 pm - Fight Back Ceremony This ceremony symbolizes the will and drive of a survivor to fight back against the disease. 9 pm - Luminaria Ceremony and glowstick lap Each luminaria bears the name of someone who has battled or is battling cancer. This ceremony of light symbolizes the hope and perseverance with which everyone continues to fight. Join us on June 1st for lots of fun with friends while supporting a meaningful cause! Reach out to rflbedfordma@gmail.com with any questions. See you on Saturday!
Important information regarding youth summer jobs
(617) 727-2200
Dear Parent/Guardian:
As the summer jobs season approaches, we at the Attorney General’s Office and your superintendent’s office want to make sure that students and their parents and guardians are aware of the laws that are designed to protect young workers.
The Attorney General’s Office enforces laws relating to the employment of workers under 18 and
the payment of wages, including, but not limited to, the following:
Minimum wage. The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $15.00 an hour.
Minors younger than 14 may not work. There are few exceptions to this prohibition, including
babysitting, working as a news carrier, agricultural work or working in entertainment (with a special
Work permits. Workers under 18 need a new work permit for every job. The application for a work
permit must be filled out by the parent/guardian, child and employer and then submitted to the school district where the child lives or attends school. Minors who are 14 or 15 also need a physician’s signature on the work permit. For more information about work permits and to download an application, visit www.mass.gov/dols/youth.
Hazardous Jobs. Teens under 18 years of age may not do certain kinds of dangerous work. For a list of prohibited jobs, please visit the Attorney General’s website (www.mass.gov/ago/youthemployment).
Supervision. After 8:00 pm, all workers under 18 must have the direct and immediate supervision of an adult supervisor who is located in the workplace and is reasonable accessible to the minor, unless the minor works at a kiosk/cart/stand in the common area of an enclosed shopping mall with on-duty security.
Legal Work Hours. Massachusetts law controls how early and how late minors may work and how
many hours they may work. These laws are based on the minor’s age. For more detailed information,
please visit www.mass.gov/ago/youthemployment.
Immigration Status. These protections apply to all workers, regardless of immigration status, including undocumented workers.
Reviewing this information with your child is the first step toward ensuring a safe work experience. If you are concerned about a possible violation of these laws, please file a complaint at www.mass.gov/ago/fld, or contact the Attorney General’s Fair Labor Division at (617) 727-3465.
Together, we can help our teens make a safe, informed, and successful transition into the working
Andrea Joy Campbell
Attorney General
Dominican Republic Trip - February 2025
“Hello everyone. There are still slots available for the trip to the Dominican Republic in February 2025. The trip will include ziplining, snorkeling, sightseeing of traditional landmarks, white water rafting, a waterfall adventure and many more fun activities. If you would like more information CLICK HERE for our presentation. If you would like to sign-up, please fill out this APPLICATION FORM. If you are interested and/or would like more information please contact Mr. Olson or Mrs. Billouin in person or via email kristofor_olson@bedfordps.org or beth_billouin@bedfordps.org Thank you.”
Panama & Costa Rica Trip February 2026
Hello BHS students and families!
We are excited to announce that a trip to Panama & Costa Rica over February vacation in 2026 has been approved! This trip will be open to all BHS students with priority given to the Class of 2026 and the Class of 2027. Please read on for additional information.
Travel to Panama & Costa Rica with BHS in February 2026! In Panama, we’ll visit the Panama Canal, hike to a waterfall, visit a local indigenous village, go snorkeling and take a boat ride with dolphins. Then cross the border by foot into Costa Rica, where we’ll visit a sloth rescue center, zipline, relax in the hot springs, kayak, and take part in a folklore evening. The cost per traveler is $3843 (a discounted rate for accepted student travelers who enroll by May 23rd) plus $200 for tips/incidentals paid just before the trip. Check out the full itinerary and additional trip details!
Interested in finding out more? Students and caregivers are welcome to join us at 7 pm on Monday, April 29th for a trip overview on Google Meet. Please use the following link to join: https://meet.google.com/mvj-ueqf-yji
Students who are interested should fill out our online application form - you will need to use your BHS email to fill out this form. Applications will be accepted through May 3, 2024. The trip has a capacity of 32 students - if we have more applications than spaces, a lottery will be used to select students. Students will be notified of their acceptance status via school email after review of the applications. Students accepted will receive an email on how to register for the trip on Explorica’s website.
If additional spaces are available after May 25th, applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis until the trip is full! We are opening registration early to take advantage of the current discounted tour price.
Please reach out to Ms. Leshay at sarah_leshay@bedfordps.org with any questions.
Student Messages
Please help AP Spanish help Nicaragua!!
"Hey BHS parents and students,
We are students in Ms. Taub’s AP Spanish class and we are working on a project connecting poverty and education. We are looking to raise funds for Nicaraguan students in poverty and you can help! We have established goals with APwithWE.org and have set a goal to raise $200 for these children to leave an impact in our world. The following PDF contains information about the organization we are partnering with, Seeds of Learning, and their mission.
If you do decide to donate, please click the donate button in the top right corner on the website and leave a donation note that you are helping us Bedford students out! If you could send a screenshot proof of your donation to nadav_yaniv-2025@bedfordps.org that would also be greatly appreciated so we can provide evidence of our impact in the lives of these kids.
If you have any further questions and would like to reach out to Ms. Taub, here is her email address: lisa_taub@bedfordps.org" or go to https://www.seedsoflearning.org/
Student Information
Food Bank
Student Volunteers needed at the Bedford Food Bank service! We are looking for students 15 years or older to help at the food bank. Get community service hours while helping your neighbors in need. We are looking for students available in the summer and also the fall. Reach out to Mallory, Youth Services Coordinator at: mfuller@bedfordma.gov
Or call 781-275-7727 for more info.
For information about the food bank service visit:
Thank you,
The BHS Lookout
The Lookout Student Newspaper is excited to share our February Newsletter with you.
Buccaneer's Book Library
BPS Performing Arts Department
BPS Performing Arts Department calendar
Counseling Corner
May 23rd Presenters
On Thursday May 23rd BHS students had the opportunity to hear from Bob Kalantari, President and CEO of Engineering and Planning Management, Inc. and Doug Seed, UMASS Lowell Admissions Representative. Bob gave an in depth presentation on nuclear energy and its role it can play in decarbonization. Bob also spoke about public misconceptions, the geopolitical impact, and careers in the field. Doug gave an overview of the Engineering Programs at ULowell and an overview of their admissions process.
Both presenters made the connection between the high school classroom, higher education, and the real world application of what is being taught in schools.
On Monday May 20th, thirty-six seniors who participated in the High School Senior Internship in Education Program (HSSIEP) received a $2,000.00 scholarship as part of completing the program. BHS handed out over $72,000.00 to its graduating seniors.
HSSIEP is a program that is funded by the Department of Secondary and Elementary Education and managed by MASSHIRE, Youth Connections Department. The program was created to help grow the educator pipeline by engaging aspiring educators with paid internships that provide opportunities to explore the teaching profession in an authentic and meaningful way.
Bedford High School has been participating in the program since 2021.
Extracurricular Club-Student Meetings
List of Clubs and Activities
Lost and Found
Students please take a look through the lost and found in the main office. At the end of May all items will be donated.
Student Opportunities
Horticulture Club - Spring Plant Sale
Hello BHS,
The horticulture club is busy planning our second annual spring plant sale and our first plants have been growing like mad! As a result we would like to offer an early bird special on tomato plants.
If you are interested in purchasing tomato plants for $5 each or 3 plants for $12 please fill out this form.
Plants can be picked up from the greenhouse (H107) or delivered to you during flex block.
Elizabeth Billouin (she/her)
Science educator
Bedford High School
Attention Sophomores! Leadership opportunity
The Commissioning Committee for the USS Massachusetts invites middle and high school students within the Commonwealth to participate in an essay contest. Twelve winners will be awarded, invited to the commissioning ceremony in Boston, MA, have their essays framed and permanently installed within the submarine, and will be invited to the post-reception ceremony.
- Task: Research and write an essay on one event in history or aspect of the role of Massachusetts in the development of the United States Navy. The essay could center on an individual, an event or moment, a specific ship, a policy, or a place at a particular historical time.
Follow rules and guidelines and submit your essay before 15 June 2024
Questions? Contact The USS Massachusetts Commissioning Committee
Work Training at Lahey Hospital
Are you interested in becoming a Nursing Assistant (NA) at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Burlington, MA? We are offering a three-week paid training to become an NA. No prior experience necessary! Trainees will be taught acute care skills needed to be a successful NA. If successful, after the program is over trainees will move into a full or part time Nursing Assistant job on a Medical-surgical unit or the Emergency Department.
How do I apply?
• Apply online at www.bilh.org/careers
• In the “Refine results...” keyword field, type in JR45530
• Then click "Search" to find the job
• Next, click on the “Nursing Assistant Training Program” link to apply
This is a great program for anyone looking to become a nurse, doctor, PA, or just get into healthcare!
Please let me know if there are any questions at all!
Thank you
Emily Dodge Beck Sloat
Senior Program Manager,
Workforce Planning and Development
Beth Israel Lahey Health
Human Resources, 529 Main Street, Suite 400
Charlestown, MA 02129
Class of 2024
Class of 2024 Events & Information
🌟 Attention Parents! 🌟
We're excited to inform you of our 12th-grade BBQ party, where the seniors will be celebrating the culmination of their high school journey! The event promises a safe and enjoyable environment for your seniors to unwind, connect with friends, and create some last memories before they graduate. From games and energetic music to treats and BBQ, there will be something for everyone to enjoy.
We are asking for your help to make this BBQ one to remember as we send off our seniors with love and support! Here is the link to donate!🎓🍔🎉
Graduation Photos
Geskus Studios will be taking the pictures at graduations. If interested in ordering your students photos:
1. Create your account at: my.photoday.com
2. Click "Add Gallery" with Access Code: PGKH26757
You will receive a text or email once your photo is available
3. Once your photo is available, upload a photo of your graduate then select your packages, prints and novelties an check out.
Any questions please contact Geskus Studios at 1-800-948-1120 ext 1
BHS Graduation 2024 - USB
Nurse's Office- Allergy Season
When calling the absence line please school due to an illness, could you please specify whether the illness is Flu, cold/respiratory, gastrointestinal or COVID related.
Absence Line: (781)918-4561
or select #1 from the main menu of (781)275-1700
Seasonal Allergies
Dear parents/guardians, as most of you know, spring allergy season is upon us and some people are affected to different degrees. I just wanted to remind you that I do not provide allergy medication, including nasal sprays, antihistamines or eye drops. Please be proactive about your student’s allergies and have them take their prescribed allergy medication before school, so they will be comfortable for the duration of the school day. Depending on the severity of the pollen allergy, those with seasonal allergies can feel pretty miserable during this time of the year and allergy symptoms can have a significant impact on learning. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you. - Annmarie
New Covid-19 Guidelines from DESE (4/2024)
At the end of last week (3/28/24) the Massachusetts Department of Public Health released updated guidelines for COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses to reflect the recently updated CDC guidance. Instead of guidance specific to testing positive for COVID-19, this updated information is for respiratory viruses like Influenza, RSV and COVID-19 as they share similar transmission methods, symptoms and prevention strategies.
Staying home to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses
There is no longer the requirement to stay home for 5 days if you test positive for COVID-19.
When you have ANY respiratory virus- stay home and away from others if you have respiratory virus symptoms. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose and headache.
Return to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
𐄂 Your symptoms are improving and,
𐄂 At least 24 hours have passed with no fever and without the use of
fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol and Motrin
It is important to note that the guidance doesn't end with staying home and away from others when sick. The guidance recommends taking added precautions over the next 5 days. Some recommendations for schools are:
Wear a well-fitting mask except when actively eating, drinking or outside.
Keep distance from others, especially the elderly and those who are immunocompromised.
As always, practice good respiratory hygiene and wash hands or use sanitizer frequently.
Annmarie Vaughan, BSN, RN
HighSchool Nurse
Bedford Public Schools
School Council
School Council Website
Meeting dates-Time is from 2:30-3:30pm unless noted
Athletics Infomation
Link to the Athletics Webpage
Link to Schedules
Link to Athletics Handbook
Link to Baseline test at home instructions
Follow Athletics on social media
Twitter: @BedfordBucs
Instagram: @bedfordathletics
Student Item Drop Off Location
To minimize visitors entering the building this year we have moved the student item drop off location to the vestibule located by the main doors. Please ring the bell and we will let you in. We encourage you to try to meet your student after school for the items but in the event that does not work please leave items on the table right inside the vestibule.
The high school is not responsible for electronics, money, keys, sports equipment, etc. left at the table. Students can check for the item dropped off in between classes and at lunch.
If your student forgot their school iPad please bring that into the main office.
BHSPA Grants for the BHS Community
As part of our mission to contribute to different initiatives, programs, and events that impact the students, faculty, staff, and supporting the community at BHS, the BHSPA has many events that we regularly fund and support. We also invite faculty, student groups, and individuals to submit grant requests for special projects, programs, and tools that will have a positive impact on the BHSPA community. If you have an idea to propose, please download, fill out the application and follow the instructions.
Bedford SEPAC (Special Education Parental Advisory Council)
Bedford SEPAC (special education parent advisory council) is a volunteer group of parents/caregivers that work to provide networking and support for Bedford parents/caregivers of children receiving special education services. In conjunction, they work closely with the school administration on special education needs and concerns. All are welcome!
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BEDFORDMASEPAC/
Webpage: Bedfordsepac.com
How Do I...
Get dismissed? Please bring a note to the main office in the morning. (or call 781-918-4561) Students will be given a dismissal pass to show the teacher and head right out of class at the dismissal time. This helps us to reduce the number of class disruptions.
Get a locker? Your Advisor will supply you with a lock. You will select a locker, then your Advisor will record your locker number and combination just in case you forget it. It happens!
Get a Parking Sticker? The Parking Sticker application may be found here.
Get my Aspen ID? If you need your ID or are having trouble logging in please contact tech_support@bedfordps.org
Find my lost items? The lost and found bin can be found in the student office.
Pick up a dropped off item? We encourage you to try to meet your student after school for the items but in the event that does not work please leave items on the table right inside the vestibule. (Parents/Guardians, please label item your dropping with name) Please note; we do not interrupt classes for drop offs. Students can check for the item dropped off in between classes and at lunch.
Bedford High School Parent/Guardian & Student Sign off Agreement Form here
Find out more about grading and courses? You may find this and many other helpful pieces of information in your Program of Studies found here
The 2023-24 Bus Routes have been posted on the Transportation Web Page
Know who to contact for help? (please see page 6)
Bedford High School
Bedford High School Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:45am - 2:24pm
Wednesday 7:45 am - 12:55 pm
9 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 781-275-1700
Absence Line: 781-918-4561
Fax: 781-275-6664