Raymond Central Public Schools
December 2024
Valentine's Day Fundraiser
The Journalism Staff has some unclaimed yearbooks from past years! They are first come, first served.
Here is what is available and prices:
1 from 1969--$10
1 from 1972--$10
1 from 1973--$10
2 from 1976--$10
1 from 1980--$10
2 from 1981--$10
2 from 1982--$10
1 from 1993--$10
5 from 2018-2019---$40 each
1 from 2019-2020---$40 each
5 from 2020-2021---$40 each
9 from 2021-2022---$40 each
8 from 2022-2023---$40 each
10 from 2023-2024---$50 each
Please email Mrs. Enevoldsen at cenevold@rcentral.org to reserve yours. Reservations are for 48 hours. If payment is not received/book is not picked up within that 48 hours, the reservation will be void.
District Health Information: Fall and Winter Virus Season is Here!
The viral season is upon us. There are many different viruses circulating around as usual this time of year. Some tips to stay healthy and keep each other healthy are hand Washing, getting rest, drinking fluids and staying home when ill. If your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, stay home. If your child has vomited, has stomach pains, or loose stools in the last day, stay home. Let's enjoy the Holidays and our time at home by keeping ourselves and each other healthy! Please do not hesitate to reach out to the School Nurse Amanda Ehlers with anything.
Greetings Mustang Faithful.
Welcome to 2025! As we start up a new year, we will continue to put systems in place to challenge our students. We hope to continue to offer a variety of opportunities for our students to flourish. Raymond Central boasts a larger array of school-sponsored school activities to choose from. We also offer classes and educational opportunities you often do not see in much larger schools. We encourage everyone to try something new and to stay connected. We will be relentless in our pursuit to share our story. While we continue to challenge everyone to raise the bar academically, we want to leave our imprint on the world in a positive manner. We want our story to be told our way in 2025. This takes continuous efforts by everyone.
Mustang Nation has never been stronger. Our students are demonstrating an elevated level of pride in all that they do. Winter activities are in full swing, and it seems that we are hosting something at home almost every day. Do your part….be proud of our school. Share your excitement in our school by supporting each other in all that we do. As always, we hope to continue to develop additional interest in student activities. We have a great school, with great teachers/coaches/sponsors, and exceptional students. Getting everyone to participate in at least one school offering so that they can become further connected to our school is a personal goal. Connected students often have a greater sense of school pride. Prideful students typically are more passionate about school and all it has to offer. We want everyone to get involved and find that “thing” that they truly enjoy.
As always, we continue to post a lot of information on the school district website: www.rcentral.org. Frequent stops there will help ensure that you are not left under-informed about anything happening at our wonderful school. Get connected with Raymond Central and check out the great things we are doing here. We are going to be relentless this semester about sharing the good things our school has to offer. We will be equally aggressive in sharing our accomplishments so everyone can join in the celebrations of our goings-on at RCHS.
Let’s go Mustangs! Help make 2025 the best year possible while we achieve goals we may have never thought possible before. See you in the hallways, in the classrooms, at the events, and out and about. Be visible! Be involved! Be prideful! If you have questions or need information, feel free to contact the high school office by calling (402) 785-2615. #Mustang Mentality, #RelentlessPressure, #BestHueofBlue
Mr. Lurz, Principal
Raymond Central Junior/Senior High
December Dates:
JH/HS Bell Schedule
Art Update
We had over 20 students submit their artwork for the Scholastic Art and Writing awards this year. Fingers crossed! Awards are announced January 29th.
The 2023-2024 Yearbooks will be here SOON! Once they are in, the Journalism team will start to distribute and will notify the district that the books have arrived.
The yearbook showcases EVERY student from Preschool to graduating seniors. This is our third year adding the whole district into our book and we are perfecting it every year.
Ordering for the 2024-2025 yearbook is now available! Forms are available below!
Order yours today!! Prices are:
$60 per yearbook until December 31, 2024
$70 per yearbook from January 1, 2025 to May 2, 2025
If you would like to order more than one yearbook, use the following discount pricing:
$110 for two yearbooks until December 31, 2024
$160 for three yearbooks until December 31, 2024
If buying FOUR or more yearbooks, price per book is $45.
Business and Senior Ads are available for the following sizes/prices:
¼ page for $50
½ page for $65
Full page for $115