WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
For the second year in a row the Student Council Winter Dance was a hit! We are so proud of our student leaders who advocated for a dance or social event, came up with ideas and made it happen. For this year they were able to reflect on last year’s dance, and work to improve the event for 2024 based on feedback and experience. This process involves so many of the “must have” skills for entering college and the workforce in the 21st century: communication, collaboration, creativity, leadership, adaptability, decision making…and more! I’ve linked some photos of the event here if you’d like to check them out. Thank you to all of our adults who helped support the Student Council and students as they navigated their way through creating this special opportunity and helped make Paris Glows At Night so much fun!
I saw on the news this morning that it is now officially the warmest February on record and is supposed to be 70 degrees on Sunday - we hope you are able to get out, enjoy this amazing weather, and have a great weekend!
Warm regards, (pun intended!)
Kate, Eric and Nicole
March SEL
Many of our SEL lessons in District 39 help students learn about themselves, their emotions, their families and their traditions as they also learn about others’ perspectives. This helps to create a community of belonging for all of our students at our schools and in our classrooms.
Learning about traditions that are the same as, and different from your own helps your child increase their understanding of the world around them. This month we have the opportunity to learn more about Ramadan, which begins the evening of March 10 and ends around April 9 with the holiday of Eid-al-Fitr. During this holiest and most important month for Muslims around the world, many practice fasting during daylight hours. Enjoy reading a book together about Ramadan to learn more! District 39 teachers are aware that many students will be celebrating Ramadan, and are prepared to make accommodations for students to be able to participate. Please make sure you reach out and let us know if your child is participating so that we can support them as needed.
As a reminder, this calendar provides dates and information on many celebratory dates for students and staff of District 39.
Winter Clubs!
We have updated our WJHS Winter Clubs. We have linked the lists below:
*After school clubs are open to students in both grades.
Lost & Found
As you can imagine, lunch boxes that are left behind at school, start to get pretty smelly after a couple of days! We hold off on throwing them away until the end of every month, but they do become pretty disgusting. If you believe your child has left behind a lunch bag/box/container at school, please come to WJHS as soon as possible to look through the lost and found. We cannot keep these after 30 days for the reasons outlined above. Thanks!
Safety Concerns at Drop-Off and Pick-Up
The safety of students is our top priority and we need your assistance when it comes to dropping off and picking up your children. Morning supervision begins at 7:55 AM and the doors open at 8:15 AM. Students have 10 minutes to get to their lockers and then homeroom once the front doors open. On days when there is inclement weather, students wait in the auditorium until 8:15.
We understand that dropping off or picking up your child from school can be hectic, in particular in the winter months when fewer children walk and ride bikes. The district creates maps and instructions for drop-off and pick-up. I am linking ours here. Families may use the front circle drive for drop-off and pick-up, and may also coordinate a safe place to drop off and pick up that is planned in advance. For example, many families drop off their children at the corner of Wilmette Ave. and Locust Rd. and then students walk the last couple of blocks to school. Whatever you decide, please do not allow your child to run across the middle of Locust Rd. We have a crosswalk directly in front of WJHS and the Mikaelian Education Center and ask that you please remind your child to use this crosswalk if they are dropped off on the west side of Locust, and to not run across the road in front of moving vehicles to try and get to the school. Thank you for your help.
8th Grade Families: Upcoming Events
8th grade students will take the Illinois Science Assessment during 7th and 8th periods on March 4 through March 6.
8th grade graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 5:30pm in the new Winnetka Main Gym, at the Winnetka Campus of New Trier High School on Wednesday, June 5, 2023. We are excited to offer one graduation ceremony this year for the entire 8th grade class, set to take place at 5:30 pm. Due to space in the gym, each student will be offered four tickets for family.
PTO Highlights
During February the WJHS Latin students traveled to New Trier High School in Winnetka to watch Latin 439 and Latin 5 classes perform two original Roman comedies. Actors answered audience members’ questions after the show. This trip was paid for by the iGNITE Fund for Enrichment.
The PTO’s fund for Enrichment is called iGNITE. With parents’ donations, iGNITE pays for field trips, guest speakers/authors, sponsors the fall Battle of the Books and spring reading challenges and supports other enrichment activities. Thank you parents for donating to iGNITE!
⭐Serve lunch at WJHS - sign Up HERE
⭐Liaison for Edukits (school supplies) - email president-elect@wjhspto.com
⭐Thank you to parent Joe McGann, who volunteered to be the Civics & Safety Rep this year!
Save-The-Date! New Trier Parents Association is hosting a New Trier 101: Introduction for Incoming Freshmen Parents Tuesday 4/9 6:30-8:00pm at Cornog Auditorium (Northfield Campus). The Northfield Campus Principal and a group of experienced New Trier parents will share knowledge and tips on a variety of topics in a Q&A session.
The New Trier Parents Association (NTPA) is looking for parents of incoming freshmen (Class of 2028) to get involved during your students’ years at New Trier! There’s something to fit every schedule. Click HERE to learn more about how you can support your student’s high school experience.
District News
Registration for Spring Elementary School Parent/Teacher Conferences Opens Monday
Families with children in elementary school, please save the dates of March 21-22 (Thursday-Friday) for spring parent/teacher conferences. As in the fall, we will be using the Meet the Teacher platform for these meetings. You will receive an email this afternoon with instructions for scheduling your conferences online, with registration opening on Monday (March 4). Video conferences are encouraged and set as the default within the registration system; however, requests for in-person conferences will be accommodated.
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education gathered on Monday evening for its monthly business meeting. The Board heard a presentation with our mid-year update of our 2023-24 strategic plan action steps and also heard, and approved, a bid for the summer 2024 asbestos abatement project at McKenzie. Additionally, the Board also accepted the FY23 audits for both District 39 and the Wilmette Community Special Education Agreement (WCSEA) and conducted its second and final reading of several Board policies. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings will be posted online the Friday prior to the meeting.
Parent Education Event
Please join us for our next Parent Education event, “School Refusal and Encouraging Positive Attendance,” which will take place on Wednesday, March 13 at 11 am. Families can participate in-person at Highcrest Middle School or virtually via Zoom. Registration is currently open for this event. Visit our D39 Parent Education website for our full schedule of events, registration links, and archived recordings.
New Trier Performing Arts Division Presents Free Shows for Children
Audiences of all ages are invited to New Trier High School’s upcoming production, “Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook,” on Saturday, March 16 at 11 am and 1 pm in the McGee Theatre at New Trier’s Winnetka Campus (385 Winnetka Ave.). Tickets are free for children age 13 and under with a school ID, and on sale for $5 for adults both at the door and online. Running time is 40 minutes.
Registration is Open for D39 Summer Enrichment Program!
Registration is open for our D39 Summer Enrichment Program. This program provides a variety of academic and hobby-based courses for students currently in grades K-7 and runs from July 2-31. This year, K-3 courses will be held at Romona Elementary School with grades 4-7 being offered at Highcrest Middle School. Please reference our SEP Registration Guide for more details on the registration process and visit our D39 Summer Enrichment Program website for more details on this wonderful summer option.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family