Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - October 20, 2024

Halloween Parade - 10/30 @ 8:15am 🎃
Parents/Guardians: please enter/exit Gate 3
With construction complete, we're excited to bring back the Halloween Parade this year! Grades TK-8 will be participating. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend. Please note the following:
- Parents/guardians are welcome regardless of volunteer clearance status
- Parents/guardians will be asked to stand along the perimeter of the Lower Blacktop
- There is no seating available for parents/guardians, so please plan accordingly (folding chairs are allowed)
- All parents/guardians must clear campus by 8:45am as we resume school operations.
- Any parent/guardian visiting school for other business must enter through Gate 1
Shout Out a Staff Member! 📣
🎉 Congratulations 🎉
The following staff member(s) were recognized this week for AUSD's "Spotlight" or "Beyond the Call of Duty" badges. Thank you for all you do for Husky Nation!
Mrs. Alisha Adams (5th Grade)
Our School Theme for October = RESPONSIBILITY
Character Strong is our schoolwide social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. We are continuing our implementation of this curriculum this year! Our weekly student-led Monday Messages in October will connect to the theme of Responsibility. Students in every homeroom exemplifying this theme will be recognized at the end of the month during our Student of the Month breakfast.
Attendance Counts ✅
Make sure your child attends school daily!
The end of Trimester 1 is right around the corner! Who will have the best attendance? The homerooms with the best attendance will a sweet treat during SEL time!
Here are the current standings with 2 weeks left in Tri 1!!
- Ms. Nguyen (Kinder)
- Mrs. Acosta-Martin (6th)
- Mrs. Yoshida (3rd)
- Mrs. Kaur (7th)
- Mrs. Yu-Chen (8th)
- Mrs. Kawasaki (8th)
- Ms. Perez (4th)
- Mrs. J. Wang (5th)
Dia de Los Muertos Altar (Ofrenda) 💀
While we will not have a schoolwide Dia de Los Muertos event this year, we will be building an altar/ofrenda to acknowledge our loved ones who are no longer with us.
If you would like to participate, you can drop off photos of loved ones (including pets) to the office. Please be sure to write your full name and your child's name on the back of the photo so that we can return it to you.
The altar will be assembled the week of 10/28 and will be stay up until Fall Break (11/25-11/29).
Spooky Bash 2024! 👻
Spooky Bash is this Friday! 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are all participating in fundraising activities this year. Join us on October 25 from 4-8 PM for an evening of thrills and chills!
More information is available in our FAQ, and check out our menu for a preview of offerings. Admission is free, but to enjoy the maze, games, food, and activities, tickets must be purchased (CASH ONLY - $1 per ticket).
This event is entirely run by volunteers and donations – we need VOLUNTEERS to help make this event a frightfully good time! Volunteers are needed to help decorate the maze, event setup, cleanup, and run game booths. Please note that volunteer clearance is NOT A REQUIREMENT ONLY for the day of the event from 8:30 AM to 10 PM. If you're able to lend a hand, please sign up here.
You can also help by donating candy. Nut free treats will be happily accepted via a donation box placed outside the front office with a sign.
Let’s work together to make this year’s Spooky Bash the best one yet!
Join us for Reflections Awards Night! 🎨
We are excited to invite you to our Reflections Awards Night on Thursday, November 7, celebrating the incredible creativity and talent of our students!
Date: Thursday, November 7
- 6:00 PM: Art Gallery + Food & Refreshments
- 6:30 PM: Live Performances & Awards Presentation
Come enjoy an inspiring evening featuring beautiful art displays, captivating performances, and the presentation of awards recognizing our students' achievements in this year's Reflections program.
Refreshments are served at the event, so please click HERE to RSVP if you plan to attend. We look forward to seeing you there! Let’s come together to celebrate the arts and the hard work of our talented students.
We're SO Close! Help Us Hit 500 Members! 🎉
Thanks to your amazing support, our PTA membership drive is now 93% of the way to our goal! We only need 35 more members to hit 500 members and unlock the Giant Outdoor Chess Set and new sports equipment for our students!
New Deadline: November 8
It’s not too late to join the PTA! For every parent, relative, or friend who becomes a member, your student earns raffle entries for a chance to win cool prizes—and the more members, the more entries they get! More information about rewards and raffles is available here. Let's finish strong—JOIN TODAY and make a difference! Together, we can make this an incredible year for our kids!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities 👐
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
Ongoing PTA Volunteer Opportunities:
- Interested in helping plan and organize our PTA events? Let us know by submitting your interest here! (PTA)
- Interested in volunteering for Spooky Bash? Sign up here! (PTA)
Ongoing School Volunteer Opportunities:
- Husky Store: We're looking for volunteers to help re-open our Husky Store in November (11/21 and 11/22)! Please contact Mr. Perez, School Counselor if you are interested!
Hispanic Heritage Door Decorating Contest 🪅
Our door decorating contest was a huge success! We had more than 25 entries! The following homerooms are the winners and will receive an extra 20-minute recess supervised by Mr. B and Mrs. Saldivar! CONGRATULATIONS!
- TK-Kinder = Mrs. Gomez (Rm 5)
- 1st-3rd Grades = Ms. Gonzalez (Rm 14)
- 4th-5th Grades = K. Wang (Rm 18)
- 6th-8th Grades = Mr. Choi (Rm 28)
- Honorable Mention = Learning Center (Rm 36) & 8th Grade Homerooms "Tree of Life"
TK-Kinder Winner
Mrs. Gomez
Kinder - Rm 5
1st - 3rd Winner
Ms. Gonzalez
2nd Grade - Rm 14
4th - 5th Winner
Mrs. K. Wang
5th Grade - Rm 18
6th - 8th Winner
Mr. Choi
8th Grade - Rm 28
Honorable Mention
Mrs. Orozco and Mrs. Ridge
Learning Center - Rm 36
Honorable Mention
8th Grade Homerooms
"Tree of Life" Installation outside Rm 32
Mental Health Matters 💙
Mr. Christian Perez, School Counselor
If you feel your child may need some support, check-ins or possibly a referral for counseling services, please connect with our Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Mr. Christian Perez - perez_christian_1@ausd.us.
📣 ASB Announcements 📣
Mr. Calvin Ly & Ms. Kim Lim, Advisers
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets most weeks to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
ASB produces our monthly Wonderful Wednesday virtual assembly. In the month of September, 6th Grade teaches us how to show Responsibility. Our morning PA messages to start the week will also focus on this theme.
ASB proudly presents Red Ribbon Week 🔴
Keep Husky Nation safe and strong by staying away from drugs!
6th Grade - Spooky Grams! 👻
Help 6th grade raise money for Science Camp!!
Families are encouraged to submit an entry to the Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)'s 2024 National Red Ribbon Week Photo Contest! If you are a winner, Highlands could receive $1000!
Apollo Afterschool 🚀
Chyrstina Balderas, Site Director
The Apollo Afterschool program publishes a newsletter periodically to update everyone on their fun and exciting programs. Enrollment is open!
Upcoming Dates 📆
Don't forget - College Wear Wednesdays and Fun Fridays (Husky Spirit Wear)!
- 10/14-10/18 - Say Boo to Bullying Activity in the Spaw @ Lunch
- 10/15 - 4th Grade Walkthrough CA On-Site Experience (Shyu, Perez)
- 10/16 - School Site Council Meeting on Zoom @ 1:15pm
- 10/17 - Great California Shakeout Earthquake Evacuation Drill @ 8:15am
- 10/17 - 8th Grade Field Trip to MKHS to see Fall Play: "FOOLS"
- 10/18 - Last Day for 6th Grade See's Candy Fundraiser (forms and money due)
- 10/22 - English Learning Advisory Council Meeting, Library @ 8am
- 10/24 - Student of the Month @ Cafetorium, 8am
- 10/25 - Minimum Day (Site Professional Development)
- 10/25 - SPOOKY BASH, 4-8pm
- 10/30 - Halloween Parade @ 8:15am, Lower Blacktop
- 10/30 - End of Trimester 1
- 10/31 and 11/1 - PUPIL FREE DAYS - NO SCHOOL
- 10/31 - AUSD Food Fair (please call school office to RSVP)
- 11/1 - Adventures Day Camp
- 11/6 - Mock Trial - Round 1 Competition - Stanley Mosk Courthouse (DTLA) @ 5pm
- 11/7 - Fall Picture Makeups (new date)
- 11/8 - Report Cards Go Home Via Email
- 11/11 - Veterans' Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
- 11/12 - PTA presents Prismatic Science Assembly (6-7)
- 11/13 - Parent Engagement: EL Night, Cafetorium @ 6pm
- 11/14 - PTA presents MAD Science Assembly (TK-2nd)
- 11/15 - PTA presents MAD Science Assembly (3rd-5th)
- 11/15 - PTA presents Prismatic Science Assembly (7-8)
- 11/19 - AUSD Board of Education Meeting
- 11/20 - Adventures Fall Dance
- 11/20 - School Site Council Meeting on Zoom @ 1:15pm
- 11/21 - Student of the Month (Gratitude), Cafetorium @ 8am
- 11/21 and 11/22 - Husky Store Supersale @ Husky Spaw
- 11/25 to 11/29 - FALL BREAK - NO SCHOOL
Monterey Highlands School
📥 Email: highlands@ausd.us
🌐 Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
📍 Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
📲 Phone: (626) 570-6220
School Office Open Daily 7:30am-4:30pm
There is only ONE Husky Nation! Sign up for a school tour today!