Morse Street School News
January 3, 2025
A Message From the Principal
Dear Morse Street Families,
We wish you a Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday filled with joy and laughter. We are thrilled to welcome our students back to school ready for learning. At this time of year we love to review our Hopes and Dreams and set updated goals for our next phase of our learning year. Ask your child what goals they have set for themselves as a learner.
As you know one of our school goals this year is to reduce our percentage of chronic absenteeism. Attendance at school everyday matters for long term success. Creating good habits early sets a foundation for future success. During the 2023 - 2024 school year our Chronic absenteeism rate was at 12.36%. Currently, I’m pleased to report that it is at 7.44%. Thank you for your continued support in scheduling your vacations outside of school time, and making sure your child gets to school every day on time.
We have started to think about the next school year and are ready to receive registrations for Pre-k to start the 2025-2026 school year. We have a free public Pre-k that runs five days a week, either morning or afternoon session. If you know of a child that would be eligible please spread the word. See the information below for more information. In the following month or so we will be extending the invitation to our Kindergarteners who are not currently attending our Pre-k to register for the next school year as well.
We look forward to continuing our work together,
Julie Nickerson
Spread the news!
Pre-K Pre-Registration
We are excited to welcome all children who reside in Freeport and will be 4 years of age on or before October 15, 2025 to join our free public Pre-K in the fall. Please complete the pre-registration form, or contact the school office by calling 207-865-6361.
Our half-day Pre-K program is designed to prepare students with the foundational skills needed to be successful in Kindergarten and beyond as well as instill a love of learning in these important early years.
We are happy to offer 64 spaces, 2 classes of sixteen in each AM & PM session. If there are more children registered than spaces available, priority will be given to those with academic or developmental needs, and the remaining places will be determined through a lottery (It is not typical that we will fill all 64 slots).
We will be hosting a Parent Information night on Thursday, January 30th at 6:00pm and then screening on Friday, February 7th, 2025
Important Reminders
1/14: Freeport Elementary PTC 6pm @ MLS
1/20: Martin Luther King Jr., Day -No School.
1/23: Supporting Anxious Kids, Parent Night at MSS 6-7 pm,
1/30: Incoming Pre-K 2025-2026 Information Night, 6-7pm *updated
2/5: Early Release. Students released at 11:50 am, NO PRE-K
2/7: Pre-K Screening for 2025-2026 school year * updated
2/11: Freeport Elementary PTC 6pm @ MLS
2/10-2/14: Parent Teacher Conferences
2/13: Read-A-Thon
2/17:2/21: February Vacation
3/4: Gelato Fiasco PTC Fundraiser
3/7: Visiting Author
3/11: Freeport Elementary PTC 6pm @ MLS
3/14: No School, Professional Learning Day