McKinley Elementary School
2024-2025 Weekly News--January 13-17
No School---January 20
Principal's Message
At McKinley School, we use PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) to teach our students the positive behaviors we want them to demonstrate in school. Students receive "Bulldog Bucks" when they display those behaviors. These bucks go into a basket in the classroom where there is a drawing for students to receive weekly prizes. Each week those bucks are emptied into a "tower" in the office. We filled the tower and had a schoolwide celebration today! See photos below where selected students from each class got to spray silly string all over me! Each student also received bubbles and got to play with them at their last recess. What a way to celebrate positive behaviors!
As a reminder, no toys should be to school from home. This includes Pokeman cards. We have also had students bringing money from home as well. Please check backpacks regularly to ensure that these items remain at home.
Our office is open from 7:45-3:45. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office or you can reach me by email at tcockerill@susanvillesd.org
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Cockerill
Joke of the Day
Here are the jokes for this week:
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Tank. Tank who? You're welcome.
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad to be here today?!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Owls. Owls who? They sure do!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad to be here today?!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? McKinley School. McKinley School who? We aren't the McKinley School Owls, we are the Bulldogs!
Upcoming Events
1/20 No School--Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
1/24 PTA Spirit Day--Super Hero Day
1/24 PTA Family Game Night
1/27 Early Release 1:35--TK-2
1/31 January PBIS Awards
Bulldog Tower Celebration
Every grade level got a turn to put silly string all over the Principal!
What Our Bulldogs Are Learning
Here's just some of the learning happening in our classrooms this week!
- TK students in Ms. Mankins' class had the opportunity to learn about musical instruments. They also took a field trip to Eagle Lake Village to sing and spent time with their second grade buddies.
- TK and Kindergarten students in Mrs. Jenner's class have been working on counting and finding partners of ten in math.
- Kindergarten students in Mrs. Alexandru's class are working on handwriting.
- TK students in Ms. Coleman's class were writing in their journals about a time they were sick.
- Kindergarten students in Mrs. Tancreto's class have been learning about how polar bears and other artic animals keep warm. They made predictions and experimented with "blubber" to see if it would keep their hands warm in ice water.
- First grade students in Ms. Wiens and Mrs. Chicas' classes have been learning different strategies to solve addition problems. They share their different strategies and learn from each other.
- Mrs. Torres' first grade students made a list of adjectives to describe their friends. Then they did acrostic poems using their friends' names and these adjectives.
- Each week students go to our STEM lab where they do science, technology, engineering, and math.
Library News
From Our Librarian, Mrs. Passwaters
Staff Feature
Miss Kim WIens, First Grade Teacher
Miss Wiens remembers sitting in class laughing and giggling with her friends and enjoying each others' company. She also remembers a Beauty and the Beast fairy tale book that had really pretty pictures that she enjoyed reading.
Miss Wiens is a talented seamstress and her goal is to sew more often.
Miss Wiens can be reached at kwiens@susanvillesd.org.
Lost and Found
Mr. Brown
PTA Information
2024-2025 School Calendar
Community Information
About Us
Traci Cockerill, Principal
Leanna Wood, Administrative AssistantEmail: lwood@susanvillesd.org
Website: https://www.mckinley-school.org/
Location: 2005 4th Street, Susanville, CA, USA
Phone: (530)257-5161
Facebook: facebook.com/MckinleyElementary