MSD Community Update for March 13
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Important Dates
March 19th, Early Dismissal for Students
March 20th, Board of Education Meeting at 7pm
March 28th, Early Dismissal
March 29th, Spring Break Begins
April 8th, School Resumes
To access our live district/building calendar of events, click the calendar icon above and select the calendar of choice (under mains) to access all of your school's events.
Athletics & Activities
Team Stores
Looking for new Manville Gear? Click the buttons below to visit the Manville Team Stores to get your new merch!
Manville Education Foundation
Interested in Volunteering with the MEF?
The MEF is always looking for helping hands. Click on the photo for more information!
Preschool Registration
District Reminders
We're Hiring!
Are you interested in a career in education? Manville School District is hiring for positions including:
- Teachers
- Maintenance/custodial staff
- Classroom substitutes ($140 per day)
- Substitute custodians ($20 per hour)
Follow Our Schools on Social Media
Manville Recreation
Spring Sports are Here!
Manville Library
Community Updates
New Jersey Updates
The following information was obtained by Click on the images below to learn more about the different assistance programs for eligible homeowners.
Apply for Homeowner Flood Buyouts
New Jersey homeowners can submit buyout applications online, in English or Spanish, through the Blue Acres program from the Department of Environmental Protection. Blue Acres will approve buyout requests based on need and funding eligibility requirements.
Apply for Homeowner Flood Mitigation Help
New Jersey homeowners who are in flood prone areas and are interested in elevating their home to reduce their risk of flooding can apply for the Mitigation Assistance Program (MAP). MAP helps homeowners cover construction costs for property mitigation against flooding damage, including home elevation. MAP may also provide temporary rental assistance during construction. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Help for Homeowners in Financial Distress
New Jersey's Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance (ERMA) program provides financial assistance for eligible homeowners who have experienced a significant decrease of income or increase of expenses due to COVID-19 and have been unable to remain current with their mortgage payments.
Eligible homeowners can apply for up to $75,000 per household to cover mortgage reinstatement assistance and other eligible housing related costs, including delinquent property taxes and HOA dues.
Join 4-H!
Attention children in grades K - 3, you can join 4-H! The Somerset County 4-H Prep/Cloverbud Program includes free, non-competitive clubs led by volunteers. Clubs typically meet 1-2x/month beginning in September/October and finishing in August at the Somerset County 4-H Fair. Attached is a list of clubs for K - 3 that have openings. For information about Somerset County 4-H and a complete list of 4-H clubs, including standard clubs for youth in grades 4 - 13, visit
Around the Town
Place Your Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
As of November 2023, residential households in the U.S. can order one set of #4 free at-home tests from again. Here's what you need to know about your order:
- Limit of one order per residential address
- One order includes #4 individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests ( has more details about at-home tests, including extended shelf life and updated expiration dates)
- Orders will ship free starting the week of October 2, 2023
Food Assistance
The Manville Food Pantry will be open the second Saturday of each month at the Faith in Action Church at 228 S. Main Street. Please make sure to bring your ID and a bag.
Feeding Hands is also offering assistance the fourth Saturday of each month at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 34 South Third Avenue. See the flyer for dates and more details.
Food Pantry & WIC Information
Below are some resources from Somerset County. Click on the images for more information.
The New Jersey WIC Program is pleased to announce . . .
The All About New Jersey WIC Fact Sheet is now available in thirteen languages to meet the diverse language needs of New Jersey communities.
Languages available: Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, Gujarati, Haitian, Creole, Hindi, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Telugu, Vietnamese
- Who is eligible for WIC?
- What are the valuable program benefits?
- What foods are provided monthly and what is the cost savings?
Or contact your local WIC Program for print copies while supplies last!
Find the WIC Program in your neighborhood: or phone 1-800-328-3838
CIACC Corner
Somerset County's CIACC (Children's Interagency Coordinating Councils) has a number of resources available to residents.
- Disaster Recovery Case Management Free service for individuals or families with 1:1 support from a trained Disaster Case Manager that will assist in linking to resources. Case Managers also provide assistance with interactions with FEMA, insurance companies & other disaster-related resources/services. Spanish-speaking Case Managers are also available. See the flyer for more information.