Nourishing News
July 2023 Updates
Holiday Closure
July 4th Holiday
Region 6 ESC will be closed on Monday, July 3rd and Tuesday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Wishing you and your family a fun and safe holiday! 🧨
CACFP Updates
TX-UNPS July 4th Claim Processing Schedule
Claims will not be processed for payment on Tuesday, July 4, 2023. TDA will resume claim processing Thursday, July 6, 2023.
CACFP Renewal Applications for 2023-2024 open in TX-UNPS on July 1, 2023
You can find the PY 23-24 CACFP Application Renewal Information on the CACFP Bulletin Board in TX-UNPS.
Application Processing:
June 28, 2023. If you are renewing for participation and do not need to make any changes to your authorized representatives’ TX-UNPS user access/user rights, please do not re-submit a FND 101 form/Certificate of Authority form.
» TDA can only process complete applications; only complete applications will be reviewed for accuracy.
» Incomplete applications will be returned to the CE without any review for accuracy having been conducted.
Application Due Dates:
We recommend submitting your application by:
» August 15, 2023 if you are notified that you are a Tier 3 Renewal, and/or if you are a Dual Sponsor (a sponsor of Centers as well as Day Care Homes).
» August 30, 2023 if you are a sponsoring organization, a Tier 2 Renewal, and/or are making significant changes to your previously approved application packet.
» September 1, 2023 if you are an independent center and/or Tier 1 renewal.
General Application Processing Info
» CEs must review the CACFP Handbooks published by TDA (copies are available on SquareMeals) on a frequent basis to ensure that the CE is aware of current rules and guidelines issued by TDA and/or USDA.
» TDA can request that additional supporting documentation be submitted by any CE in order to ensure that a complete application review has been conducted at any time in the application review process.
» TDA can only process complete applications. Incomplete applications will be returned to the CE for corrections.
» TDA has up to 15 days to review an application packet submitted for approval and to notify the CE if the application packet is incomplete.
» Once a complete application packet is submitted to TDA the CE will be notified of the application approval/denial within 30 days.
» It is suggested that each CE designate at least two (2) authorized individuals as an authorized TXUNPS user for the CE in the event that one of the authorized users becomes unavailable and the application packet must be updated, and/or any additional authorized representatives must be added.
» TDA cannot discuss the application with anyone other than a noted authorized CE representative.
» Technical assistance in completing the renewal application is available by contacting our local Educational Service Center (ESC) or by contacting your local Community Operations Regional Field Office.
Application Budget Detail
» Data from the most recently approved budget detail will roll over from 2022/2023 to 2023/2024.
» Via Memo CACFP08-2015, Assessing Costs in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, USDA provided a tip sheet with the same title to assist in the determination of the allowability of costs in the CACFP nonprofit food service. The tip sheet has been posted for your use here under both “CACFP Policy & Handbook” and “CACFP Administration & Forms.” The tip sheet and the link to USDA’s FNS Instruction 796-2, Financial Management –Child and Adult Care Food Program have been put in the same location for convenience and ease of use.
Documentation Submission
» You may upload your supporting documentation directly to TXUNPS via the CACFP application packet in the Checklist Section. Documents must be uploaded in PDF format.
» Any documentation/information not provided as part of the application packet in TX-UNPS should be submitted via .
» ALL CEs must be prepared to submit a compensation plan as part of the application for participation in the CACFP (refer to FNS 796-2, Rev.4 for additional guidance). Previous review and/or approval of the compensation plan DOES NOT EXEMPT a CE from this requirement; if the compensation plan is requested as part of the application packet the CE must provide it for review and approval
Annual Audit Requirement for Renewal Applications
If the organization is a Non-Federal Contracting Entity (including States, federally recognized Indian Tribes, local governments, nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations) you must complete the annual audit screen located at Applications >> Annual Audit. Renewal applications will be returned for correction if the Annual Audit screen has not been completed.
Upcoming USDA Surveys
FNS provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to children and adults at various center-based settings through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). FNS is preparing to conduct two brief (20-minute) surveys, one of adult day care centers and one of emergency shelters participating in CACFP in 2023. The surveys will examine their operations, policies, populations served, and barriers that may limit participation of other eligible groups. These data will help FNS better understand these two types of CACFP outlets, which have historically received less attention than other
MENU Module will be offline after August 31, 2023
TDA will not support MENU Module after August 31, 2023.
MENU Module Q&A document and options for CEs after contract period ends can be found on Please send any additional questions to your local Education Service Center.
NEW: Following a recent USDA Management Evaluation (ME) of the CACFP, the following clarifications are being provided to all Sponsoring organizations in reference to the documentation requirements as they pertain to an at-risk site:
Applies to ALL NON-School Food Authorities (SFA) CE’s: Attendance Area Verification for all at-risk sites:
» Non SFA CE’s must submit documentation verifying that the address of the At-Risk site is within the attendance area for the qualifying elementary, middle or high school information entered in the site application.
» Area eligibility documentation is valid for 5 years.
» CE’s are responsible to provide all eligibility documentation prior to the expiration date for all of their approved at-risk site to re-establish eligibility.
» All CACFP At-Risk sites that are not licensed must submit documentation demonstrating compliance with city, county or state health and safety requirements with their application.
» All Non-ISD sponsoring organizations wishing/planning on sponsoring a school campus/a site that is located on a school campus MUST provide a signed agreement from the appropriate District Office/District Official for each (of the) site(s) that the non-ISD sponsoring organization is submitting for approval. The agreement must confirm that the appropriate District Office/District Official has given permission for the non-ISD sponsoring organization to service the school campus/site that is located on a school campus (the agreement must include all of the school campuses/sites located on a school campus that the non-ISD sponsoring organization is submitting for approval), the program that the non-ISD sponsoring organization is allowed to operate on each of the school campus/site that is located on a school campus, and the effective date of the agreement. Please note that if the school district in question is providing the same services as proposed to be provided by the non-school entity there may be a conflict of interest and/or a possible non-compliance issue; school-districts will receive priority of service as decreed by program rules and regulations.
SFSP Updates
Summer Meals Fact Sheet
This resource is an overview of the need for summer meals, basic facts about the program, and ways both individuals and organizations can get involved
Turnip the Beet
The Turnip the Beet Award recognizes outstanding Summer Meal Program sponsors across the nation who work hard to offer high quality meals to children that are appetizing, appealing, and nutritious during the summer months. High quality summer meals provide daily energy and help make sure children are healthy and ready to learn when they return to school in the fall. The Turnip the Beet Award program was created to showcase sponsors who are going above and beyond to ensure that children in their care are receiving high-quality meals that are both nutritious and appetizing.
Applications Due September 1, 2023
Submit the following to TDA at
The Summer Meals Toolkit
Offers healthy menu planning ideas and tips for serving meals family style.
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Child Nutrition on Demand
The moment you have been waiting for is here: Introducing Child Nutrition On Demand!
Over the years, ICN has led thousands of trainings, offering child nutrition professionals the knowledge, networking opportunities, and encouragement to improve child nutrition programs. During these trainings, learners shared a desire to hear others' stories and how they navigated specific topics. The Child Nutrition On Demand video series brings together child nutrition professionals to share their experiences while providing an educational and actionable outcome. Each video includes a corresponding action plan so you can plan your child nutrition program's future.
Click here to watch the Child Nutrition On Demand trailer. Make sure to click "Notify Me," so you won't miss the live, virtual launch party on July 17, 2023 at 2PM CT!
Connecting Nutrition with Food, Fitness & Crafts
Thursday, July 20th at 2pm ET
Nutrition education goes beyond serving healthy meals and snacks. Incorporating nutrition education in multiple facets through recipes, active games, and fun crafts can help reinforce the importance of keeping our body healthy. Learn how you can tie in the foods we eat with easy, nutrition-related activities throughout the year.
Earn 0.5 CEU for attending this Zoom webinar brought to you by the National CACFP Sponsors Association.
Taking a Fresh Look at Afterschool Meals
Thursday, August 17th at 3pm ET
Did you know that the Afterschool Meal Program can help fill the nutrition gap that may exist for millions of low-income children when the school day ends? The Afterschool Meal Program provides federal funding to afterschool programs operating in low-income areas to serve nutritious meals and snacks to children 18 and under after school, on weekends, and during school holidays.
Join FRAC to learn how to get started and for strategies to increase participation at existing programs.
2023 CACFP Virtual Summit
Tuesday-Thursday, August 15-17 from 11:30am-4:30pm ET each day
Looking for food program training? Join us for three days of workshops on nutrition, program administration, operations, management, and more! There are 12 hours of Continuing Education Units available to be earned.
Standard registration is $149, increasing to $199 after August 3, 2023. Your registration fee also includes access to the on-demand sessions, available through August 31, 2023.
Afterschool Meals and Summer Meals Comparison Chart
Navigate the transition between Summer and Afterschool Meals with this helpful side-by-side comparison of requirements. This chart highlights key differences and similarities in the CACFP At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program and the Summer Food Service Program.
Best Practices for Streamlining Applications for Year-Round Program Operations
This guidance recommends options for streamlining the SFSP and CACFP application process for experienced program operators in states where the same administering agency is responsible for both programs.
Racial Equity Learning Lab
In partnership with the USDA, the National Farm to School Network is implementing the Racial Equity Learning Lab (the “Lab”) to advance racial equity within the farm to school movement. The Lab will be a collaborative space, designed for small groups to foster an intensive learning experience and engage around the challenges and opportunities for working with diverse, multi-racial audiences in their farm to school organizations, networks, and communities. Access a recording of a recent webinar about the Lab here.
If you are interested in applying to be part of the Lab’s first cohort, complete the interest form here by June 30th.
iLearn offers free, self-paced online learning for child nutrition professionals. Users have the flexibility to complete courses or view webinars over multiple sessions on desktop, laptop, or mobile devices. Courses align with USDA’s Professional Standards Codes and SNA Key Areas. Learners can also tailor their experience to a particular area of interest.
The Child Nutrition Sharing Site (CNSS) is an online information center providing child nutrition professionals with a means for sharing effective resources related to program operation. The CNSS aids in the collection and sharing of State and local resources by providing a centralized place to store, organize, manage, and share knowledge and tools with your peers.
Calendar of Events
Huntsville, TX 77340
This guidance is not considered all inclusive.
Please see for further guidance.
Note: If TDA makes changes to the website, direct links in this announcement may become void.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This program is funded by USDA.