Lincoln Bulletin
November 2, 2018
Lincoln School
Email: michelle.woodring@d303.org
Location: 211 South 6th Avenue, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-5436
Twitter: @Lincolnd303
Message from Principal
Special Activities at Lincoln
This week was quite a busy one at Lincoln! First of all, thank you to all of our room parents who provided a great afternoon of fun and treats on Halloween. Along with Wednesday’s festivities, of fun Halloween parties and parade we had our first pie throwing which was an incentive from our Run-a-Thon. Mr. Navis allowed students to throw a pie at him, the students loved being able to see this, so fun! I have lots of photos, but I am having technical difficulties and hope to share via Facebook and Twitter.
First graders participated in a learning experience lead by one of their classmates, this is highlighted in the District Newsletter. Kindergarten hosted a small museum in their classroom where the students shared a special object and wrote about the object including detailed illustrations.
Also, the PTO will host it's skating party this Sunday from 4:30-6:30 at Fun Way, come to join the fun.
CogAT Testing for 3rd and 5th Grades
All Lincoln 3rd and 5th grade students will be taking the CogAT Test next week. Students will begin testing on Wednesday, November 7th and will conclude testing on Friday, November 9th. Students will test for approximately 35-45 minutes each date of testing. The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) measures students’ reasoning abilities in three areas: verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative. Parents will receive a report with your child’s performance on these tests in January.
From the secretary
From the Secretary
Dismissal Reminder
Your child’s safety is our primary concern. The standard procedure is that a note is to be sent with your child on the morning of any change in that day’s dismissal. The office can only accept any dismissal changes prior to 2:30 pm.
Parent Teacher Conferences for Lincoln School
CUSD 303 has chosen an online system for parents to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. It is called Pick-A-Time. Lincoln parents will sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences through a link in Home Access Center starting on October 15th. You will have until midnight on November 14th to sign-up.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 19th 8:00 am - 8:00 pm, and Tuesday, November 20th 8:00 am - noon. Conferences are scheduled at 20 minute intervals.
Instructions on how to schedule a conference are attached to this email.
Weekly Update
Monday, October 15 – Wednesday, November 14 Pick-A-Time Conference Sign-Up
(see separate attachment)
Sunday, November 4 Daylight Savings Time ends
Lincoln PTO Skating Party at Funway
4:30 – 6:30 PM
Friday, November 9 End of 1st Trimester
Monday, November 12
Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:00
Board of Education Meeting at Munhall
7:00 PM
Wednesday, November 14 Pick-A-Time Conference closes at midnight
November 14-16 & 19 Lincoln PTO Book Fair in LRC
Thursday, November 15 Family Night at the Book Fair
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Monday, November 19 Parent/Teacher Conferences
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Tuesday, November 20 Parent/Teacher Conferences
8:00 AM – Noon
Wednesday, November 21 Report Cards open up on HAC