JAMS Weekly Update
August 25, 2024
Dear JAMS Families/Estimadas Familias de JAMS
What a great start this week. I was so happy to meet our new students and welcome back our 7th and 8th graders. I met many parents and families and had a chance to connect with them. As I walked around campus and visited classrooms there was a lot of positive energy and smiling faces. From a school perspective, this is the most exciting and most difficult time of the year. We are working hard to build school and classroom cultures that reflect our core values of kindness, connection, and compassion.
This week we have a Title I parent presentation followed by the ELAC meeting on Thursday at 6 pm in the performing arts studio. Please review the Student/Parent Handbook with your child. We will review school expectations on Wednesday and Thursday during advisory with students.
Qué gran comienzo esta semana. Tuve el placer de conocer a nuestros nuevos estudiantes y darles la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de 7º y 8º grado. Conocí a muchos padres y familias y tuve la oportunidad de hablar con ellos. Mientras caminaba por la escuela y visitaba los salones de clase, vi mucha energía positiva y caras sonrientes. Desde la perspectiva de la escuela, este es el momento más emocionante y más difícil del año. Trabajamos arduamente para construir culturas de la escuela y del salón de clases que reflejen nuestros valores fundamentales de bondad, conexión y compasión.
Martha Chacón
Weekly Schedule/Horario de la semana
Monday, August 26: AM and 1-6; dismissal 3:15 pm
Tuesday, August 27: AM and 1-6; dismissal 3:15 pm
Wednesday, August 28: AM and Blocks 1,3,5; dismissal at 2:55 pm
Thursday, August 29: AM and Blocks 2,4,6; dismissal at 2:55 pm
Friday, August 30: All Classes, late start (9:35 am) dismissal at 2:50 pm
School Picture Day in the gym - students will go during PE classes
Fotos de la escuela en el gimnasio - los estudiantes tomaran las fotos durante PE
Thursday Evening
Title I Information Meeting at 6 pm and ELAC Welcome back meeting at 6:30 pm in the performing arts studio. Reunión informativa sobre ser escuela Título I a las 6 pm seguida por la reunión de bienvenida de ELAC a las 6:30 pm en el estudio de artes escénicas.
Picture Day/Dia de las fotos de la escuela
Picture Day is this Friday, August 30th. All students will be photographed in their P.E. class. (ISPE students can take their photo before school from 9:00-9:30a.m. or during nutrition.) There is no need to fill out any forms or submit payment on Picture Day. Approximately 1-2 weeks after Picture Day, you will receive an email link from Cornerstone to view your proof and order online. For more information and tips on what to wear, please see the linked flyer and click this video link: CLICK HERE TO WATCH!
La fecha del día de fotos será viernes 30 de agosto. Todos los estudiantes serán fotografiados durante su clase de P.E. (Los estudiantes en el programa de ISPE pueden tomar sus fotos antes de la escuela de 9:00-9:30a.m. o durante la nutrición.) No es necesario completar ningún formulario ni enviar pagos el Día de la fotografía. Aproximadamente 1-2 semanas después del Día de la fotografía, recibirá un enlace por correo electrónico de Cornerstone para ver su prueba y realizar el pedido en línea. Para obtener más información y consejos sobre qué ponerse, consulte el folleto vinculado y haga clic en este enlace de video: ¡HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA VER!
A Few Reminders
- Bring charged Chromebooks to school every day.
- The gate on 17th and Pearl Street will be open to allow students to drop off instruments. Please do not block the entrance to the teacher parking lot on 17th street.
- Students will begin to bring home textbooks this week. The books should stay home unless a teacher specifically asks them to bring a book to class. Textbooks are available online through the Clever app on the Chromebook.
- If skating, scootering, or riding a bike, please bring a lock. We have a large fenced area on the west side of the cafeteria where all items will be locked up.
- We will continue to offer free lunch and snacks for all students. You also have the option of sending a healthy lunch and/or snack with your child.
Algunos Anuncios
- Lleve Chromebooks cargados a la escuela todos los días.
La reja en la esquina de la calle 17 y Pearl estará abierta para permitir que los estudiantes dejen sus instrumentos en la mañana. No más les pido que no obstruyan el paso al estacionamiento para los maestros en la calle 17.
- Su hijo/a comenzarán a traer libros de texto a casa esta semana. Los libros deben quedarse en casa a menos que un maestro les pida específicamente que traigan un libro a la clase. Los libros de texto están disponibles en línea a través de la aplicación Clever en Chromebook.
- Si vienen en patines, en patineta o en bicicleta, traigan un candado. Tenemos una área grande cercada en el lado oeste de la cafetería donde se guardarán todos estos elementos de movilidad.
- Continuaremos ofreciendo almuerzos y snacks gratis para todos los estudiantes. También tiene la opción de enviar un almuerzo y/o snacks saludables con su hijo/a.
Cell Phone Policy: "Away for the Day"
At John Adams Middle School, we have an "Away for the Day" policy regarding cell phones. All students are required to turn off their phones and keep them in their backpacks throughout the school day. This helps minimize distractions and keeps students focused on learning.
If you need to get in touch with your child during school hours, please call the main office, and we will relay the message to them. Similarly, if your child isn't feeling well, they should go directly to the nurse's office. The nurse will assess the situation and, if needed, will contact you directly.
Thank you for your support us in providing your child with a cellphone free school experience!
¡Gracias por su apoyo para brindarle a su hijo/a una experiencia escolar sin teléfonos celulares!
PTSA Student Store/Tienda para los estudiantes
Volunteers needed/Necesitamos voluntarios
We plan to open up the Student Store on the First day of school. Student Store Zoom Training for ALL Volunteers Tuesday August 13 @ 6pm (zoom details will be emailed later ).
Anyone who has volunteered last year can be considered lead volunteer/or Volunteer.
We are looking for the following volunteers each day:
- Lead Volunteer - someone who has prior experience, sign for key to open/lock door; ensure that the money is counted and forms signed appropriately.
- Volunteer - any experience/food sales out the window
Because this is a parent volunteer position, your paperwork with the District must be up to date. Remember your volunteer status is good for four years, no matter which campus you participated in (ie Grant, Edison, Rogers, Muir). Questions regarding volunteer training - Brenda Osaki in the Main office. Any questions: contact Natalie Magallanes at 310-484-4419 or Ana Evangelista 310-498-2666.
Volunteer Application/Solicitud de voluntarios
Cualquiera que haya sido voluntario el año pasado puede ser considerado voluntario principal/o Voluntario. Buscamos los siguientes voluntarios cada día:
- Voluntario líder: alguien que tenga experiencia previa, firme para solicitar la llave para abrir/cerrar la puerta; asegúrese de que el dinero se cuente y los formularios se firmen adecuadamente.
- Voluntario: cualquier experiencia/venta de comida por la ventana. Debido a que este es un puesto de padre voluntario, su documentación con el Distrito debe estar actualizada.
Trouble with your child's schedule?/¿Problemas con el horario de su hijo/a?
Schedule Change Requests: To request a schedule change, please have your child pick up a form in the Main Office and return it to their grade level counselor. Counselors will review requests related to scheduling errors and adding/dropping classes. They will NOT take requests for specific teachers/periods. Elective class changes are not guaranteed and are based on availability.
Solicitudes de cambio de horario de clases: Para solicitar un cambio de horario, haga que su hijo/a recoja un formulario en la oficina principal y se lo devuelva a su consejera académica del nivel de grado. Las consejeras revisarán las solicitudes relacionadas con los errores con el horario y agregar/sacar clases. NO aceptarán solicitudes de cambios de maestros/períodos específicos. Los cambios de clases electivas no están garantizados y se basan en la disponibilidad.
Middle School Sports/Deportes
Registration is still open. Visit the Athletics Webpage for more information.
Fall Sports: Flag Football (Coed), Cross Country (Coed), Girls Volleyball.
Tryouts are August 27, 28, 29, & 30 from 3:30-6:30 pm
Aug 27 & 28 - LMS (applies to all students, regardless of their school of attendance)
Aug 29 & 30 - JAMS(applies to all students, regardless of their school of attendance)
Tryout expectations: Students are strongly encouraged to attend the entire tryout session. Each student can participate in up to 2 tryouts per sport, but no more. Since there are four tryout dates available, a student-athlete could attend all four dates if they are trying out for two different sports.
Deportes de otoño: fútbol americano de bandera (mixto), campo a través (mixto), voleibol femenino.
Las pruebas son el 27, 28, 29 y 30 de agosto de 3:30 a 6:30 p. m.
27 y 28 de agosto: LMS (se aplica a todos los estudiantes, independientemente de la escuela a la que asistan)
29 y 30 de agosto: JAMS (se aplica a todos los estudiantes, independientemente de la escuela a la que asistan)
Expectativas de la prueba: Se recomienda encarecidamente que los estudiantes asistan a toda la sesión de prueba. Cada alumno podrá participar en hasta 2 pruebas por deporte, pero no más. Dado que hay cuatro fechas de prueba disponibles, un estudiante-atleta podría asistir a las cuatro fechas si está haciendo pruebas para dos deportes diferentes.
Free and Reduced Meal Applicaiton
I am asking all parents to please complete the Free and Reduced Meals application by Friday, October 4. While California provides free meals to all students, this application is critical for securing eligibility for additional programs and resources, such as Title 1 funding for the 2025-26 school year. The state uses this form to determine which families qualify for benefits beyond free meals, and widespread participation is key. As a Title I school, John Adams Middle School depends on these funds to offer enrichment programs, interventions, and essential staff support for our students. Your cooperation in completing the application is greatly appreciated. Free/Reduced Meal Application.
Help JAMS Soar!
You still have an opportunity to contribute to both the Santa Monica Education Foundation and JAMS PTSA. So many educational opportunities are made possible for our students because of your financial support. Please consider making a donation of any amount to BOTH the Santa Monica Ed Foundation and JAMS PTSA. For more information about how your donation impacts JAMS students, please click on the buttons below the flier. Thank you!
¡Ayuda a JAMS a volar!
Need School Supplies?/¿Necesita útiles escolares?
We are pleased to inform you that we have backpacks and school supplies available for students who need them. If your student could benefit from these resources, please contact our Bilingual Community Liaison, Maria Salazar at msalazar@smmusd.org. We are here to support you and ensure every student has what they need for a successful school year.
John Adams Middle School
kind · connected · compassionate
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/jams
Location: 2425 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Phone: 310-452-2326
Twitter: @jamsdragonsSM