Fox Tales
2024-2025 FIRST WEEK Information
School Year 2024-2025
Location: 6363 South Waco Street, Aurora, CO, USA
Phone: 720-886-8700
Twitter: @FHE_Foxes
Welcome Back!
Thank you to everyone that joined us Thursday night at our meet the teacher night. It was so exciting to see so many families join us. A huge thank you to our PTO for helping to make this night happen.
We are so excited to welcome your children into the classrooms this week. Please remember we are on a modified schedule this week. (see below) Also, keep in mind our first bell rings at 7:50 and this is when we open our doors. We have staff waiting at each door every day until 8:00ish. Our day ends at 2:45, EXCEPT on WEDNESDAY when our day ends at 1:45.(See below for more info regarding pick up and drop off.)
This past week our staff spent time discussing our why and what drives us every day, our team values and our school value of connection. As well as taking time to connect and learn and prepare for an amazing year!
We look forward to all the ways we will be CONNECTING with you all this year!
Ashley Gray-Principal
Laurie Condon- Asst. Principal•First Day of School Info:
Monday, Aug. 12: 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students ONLY
3rd grade students will meet their teacher on. the blacktop, near the playground. Each teacher will be outside to greet their class.
4th grade and 5th grade students will meet their teacher at the door closest to the bus loop. Each teacher will be outside to greet their class.
We will have staff available to help kiddos carry items if need be. Because everyone has seen the classroom and dropped off supplies, we are asking you to say your goodbyes here!
Tuesday, Aug. 13: 1st and 2nd grade students ONLY
Meet your teacher on the blacktop near the playground, we will have staff available to help kiddos carry items if need be. Because everyone has seen the classroom and dropped off supplies, we are asking you to say your goodbyes here!
Wednesday, Aug. 14: ALL STUDENTS ATTEND... PREK and Kindie FIRST DAY!
1st-5th grade students will walk into the building. Their teacher will be IN their classrooms.
Kindergarten students will line up out font of the front door. Please have your child line up with their teacher. Because you will have already dropped off supplies, pleas say your goodbyes here and line up in the main hall. We are so excited to continue our tradition of clapping in our kindies and welcoming them into our fox family! Please have your child wear their new CLASS OF 2037 T-SHIRT! After we welcome our kindies in, please proceed to the library and join our PTO for coffee!
•Drop off Info:
For dismissal, students have multiple choices and they need to know which one they are. Please discuss this with your child.
We dismiss our students at 2:45 and students that are being picked up in the car loop line will walk to the front with their teacher and wait until they see you. Please note, if you have children in multiple grades, each child will be with their teacher until you pull through the pick up lane.
- Your should have already heard from transportation in your child is riding the bus. Each grade level has a staff member that will gather our bus riders and walk them to the bus.
- If your child is registered for Discovery Club, the kids and walk to the cafeteria/gym.
- If you are picking up your child and staying in the car, they are a car rider. They will walk out with their teacher and wait with their teacher until they see you drive up.
- If you are parking your car and walking to your child or they are allowed to walk home, they will walk out to a designated spot (check with your teacher) and they will stay with that teacher until you pick them up or they start walking home.
Below are examples we have been asked about:
CAR RIDER First Example:
You have a child in 4th grade, 2nd grade and Kindergarten. You enter the parking lot, a staff member sees you and radios to each grade level. First YOU stay IN The car. please do not get out of your car. Second, the teacher helps your child move to the front of the group and waits for you. As you drive past the 4th grade group, your child gets in the car and you continue on around the loop. As you pass the 2nd grade, your 2nd grader gets in the car and you continue around the loop to the Kindergarten area, where your kindie gets into the car and you leave the parking lot.
CAR RIDER Second example:
You have a 2nd grader you are picking up and you enter the parking line. The staff sees your car and radios to 2nd grade. You will stay in the pick up lane until you have your child. Once your child gets into your car, you may then pull out of the pick up lane and go to the drive through lane on the left and proceed safely out of the parking lot.Important Informarion to know...
Main office: 720-886-8700
Attendance Line: 720-886-8795
Attendance App: CampusHub Access Code: FOXES
Clinic: 720-886-8710
Before & After Care (Discovery Club): 720-886-8762
Cafe: 720-886-8763
District Preschool Phone Line: 720-554-4052
School Day Hours for K-5
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday: 8:00 am - 2: 45 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 1:45 pm***
First bell rings at 7:50. The tardy bell rings at 8:00.
Fox Tales: Every month a school newsletter will be sent to families either by text or email. Please make sure your contact information on Powerschool is up to date so you don’t miss out on information regarding upcoming school events, district communications, and a message from Principal Gray.
Attendance: All students should be in their classrooms before the tardy bell rings at 8:00. Students who arrive after 8:00 will be marked tardy. If your student will be absent or late, please notify the main office by calling the attendance line or by using the attendance app: CampusHub.
Pick-up & Drop-off: In effort to have all students in their classrooms before the tardy bell rings at 8:00, please allot plenty of time for car loop traffic, especially on days with inclement weather. Dogs are not allowed on school grounds during school hours.
Secure Vestibule & Raptor: All Fox Hollow visitors must use the Raptor kiosk to sign in and check in at the main office to pick up your visitor badge. There is a button above the kiosk for office assistance.
Parking Lot Procedures: If you are using the car loop, you must remain in your vehicle at all times and pull all the way forward. If you would like to walk your student to the school entrance, you must park in the parking lot and walk your student across the car loop using the crosswalk.
Playground Hours: During school hours (8:00am - 2:45pm) Monday thru Friday, the playground is closed to the public. These hours also apply on Wednesdays as there are still Pre-School students using the playground until the end of the school day at 2:45 pm.
Pet Policy: Dogs (with the exception of service animals) are not allowed on school grounds during school hours.
Emergency Procedures: Fox Hollow will have monthly evacuation drills, periodic lockdown drills and shelter-in-place drills. In the event of a weather emergency during the school day, please remember that our concern is the safety of the children. Children may be held inside after school if the weather is threatening.
Helpful Websites:
Fox Hollow Elementary:
Fox Hollow PTO:
EVERY Wednesday... Dismiss at 1:45!
The last two years, we dismissed all elementary schools one hour earlier (1:45PM) every Wednesday to enhance our elementary teachers' professional development and training opportunities. We had such success with this time we will be continuing this again this school year. In addition, for families who participate in after-school childcare, the after-school program will be extended every Wednesday at no additional cost. For families who need care, you can register with our school's program. See Section "Before and After School Care" for additional information.
•Back to School night and Family Connections Meetings:
The start of the school year provides us with many opportunities to reconnect and build relationships. This year, our teachers will hold Family Connection Meetings. The purpose of these meetings are to:
Listen and build relationships with families.
Learn more about our students in order to provide authentic and relevant learning experiences, celebrate each individual for their diversity, and begin to build relationships built around empathy and kindness.
Information to share with your teacher:
- What do you want us to know about your child?
- What are your child’s assets/strengths, both in and out of school?
- What is important for us to know about your family?
- Tell us your hopes for your child for this year and beyond.
Families will have the option to sign up for a 15-20 minute in-person OR virtual meeting with their child's teacher. The sign up will be sent to you in an email, All Family Connection Meetings will occur prior to Friday, August 30.
•Discovery Club:
Our Before and After School Care program ("Discovery Club") runs before school between 6:30-8:00AM and after school between 2:45–6:00PM (1:45–6:00PM on Wednesdays). Please call 720-886-8761 for more information.
Interested in working at Fox Hollow?
Apply online or call the office!
For help with translations:
Please contact Fox Hollow office for support with this resource in your language.
እነዝህን መረጃዎችን በተመለከተ በቋንቋዎ ዕገዛን ለማግኘት ከፈለጉ እባክዎን ተሊሌን በዝህ እሜይል ያግኙዋት
يرجى االتصال بـ )جميعة صباحي أو جاودة العلمي( على ) org.cherrycreekschools@jsebbahi أو org.cherrycreekschools@jdajanialami للحصول على الدعم مع هذا المورد باللغة العربية.
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귀하의 언어로 이 자원에 대한 지원을 원하시면 (리아 리) 에게 ( 로 문의하십시오.
कृपया जेम्स रसाइथिीिाइथ मा तपाइथको भाषामा यो संसाधनको सहयोगको िागी सम्पकथ गननहथ ोिा।
Пожалуйста, обращайтесь к Ларисе Бака по адресу: для получения поддержки с помощью этого ресурса на своём языке.
Fadlan la xiriir Omar Nur cinwaanka emaylka si aad u hesho macluumaad ku qoran luqadaada.
Si necesita ayuda con este recurso en su idioma, póngase en contacto con Ilse Chavez Maldonado en, Rosa Han en, Helena Gognat en o Monica Pantoja en
Vui lòng liên hệ với Thuý Ngọc tại để được hỗ trợ về tài nguyên này bằng tiếng Việt.
Principal at Fox Hollow Elementary School