HHH September 13, 2024

December 13, 2024
Dear Happy Hollow Families,
I am thrilled to share some exciting news about a new initiative we are bringing to our school to support the well-being and emotional health of our students. In the upcoming weeks we will welcome to our school community Lily, a therapy dog in training who will be a comfort to everyone. Lily and her owner Fran will be joining us every Monday, providing a calming and supportive presence for students and staff alike.
We plan to introduce Lily and remind students of Archie during our upcoming All School Assembly on Monday morning. This will be an opportunity to share the purpose and guidelines for having the comfort dog at school, as well as to ensure students understand how to interact respectfully and appropriately with our new four-legged friend.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Eileen McManus. We also ask that parents/guardians notify Eileen McManus eileen_mcmanus@waylandps.org if their child is afraid or allergic to dogs.
Thank you for your support in making this initiative a success. I am confident that Lily will bring joy and a sense of calm to our school community just like Archie is. Looking forward to seeing the positive impact this addition will have on our school!
It is also important to note that our school has experienced an increase in gastrointestinal illnesses among students. To help prevent further spread, it’s essential for families to recognize symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and fever, and to keep sick children home for at least 24 hours after symptoms subside without medication. Proper cleaning with bleach and encouraging thorough hand washing are key preventive measures. Additionally, reporting absences along with symptoms allows the school to monitor and address the situation effectively. Together, we can work to maintain a healthy environment for everyone.
Please click here to see some more important information!
Nicolette Foundas, Principal of Happy Hollow
Student Council is Sponsoring: SPIRIT WEEK!!!
Monday: Wayland Pride (Wayland gear, wear black and/or orange)
Tuesday: Toasty Toes (wear your favorite, festive, fuzzy, or cozy socks)
Wednesday: Walking in Winter Wonderland (wear hats & scarves)
Thursday: Hoping for a Snow Day (wear white)
Friday: Pajama Day (wear cozies)
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Save The Dates!
We would like to invite all Wayland families with children who will be 5 years of age as of August 31, 2025 to a Kindergarten Information session (virtual) to learn more about the Kindergarten programs offered for the 2025-2026 school year. Information regarding our programs may also be found on the Kindergarten Information website.
You will learn about the opportunities and unique characteristics of our programs and Principals from each of the three Wayland elementary schools will be available to answer your questions. Also in attendance will be Wayland’s METCO Director and after school program (BASE) Director.
Important Dates:
Kindergarten Information Meeting:
Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 7:00 - 8:00 PM (Zoom, Meeting ID: 232 469 1198)
Spanish Immersion Information Meetings:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 7:00 - 7:45 PM (Zoom, Meeting ID: 232 469 1198)
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 10:45 - 11:30 AM (Zoom, Meeting ID: 232 469 1198)
Please note: This meeting is not required for Kindergarten enrollment, rather an opportunity to provide information to families with soon-to-be Kindergarteners! However, in order to participate in the Spanish Immersion lottery, a parent/caregiver MUST attend one of the two Spanish Immersion information sessions.
From Our Parent Teacher Organization
You Could Be The Newest Member Of The PTO Board!!!
Have you been reading the PTO updates, room parents, and seeing the posts on
social media and ever wondered to yourself how great it would be to join the PTO
Board? Well, now is your chance: We have a spot open to be the PTO Vice
President! This role is flexible and is as big as you want it to be, but the typical
commitment is monthly meetings, attendance at as many PTO events as you can,
support in PTO initiatives and projects and a great stepping stone to becoming
the President! Please send any questions to HappyHollowPTO@gmail.com
December and Q1 Events:
December is usually a quiet month (for the PTO, LOL), but we are busy planning for a fun Q1.
1) PTO COFFEE with Principal Foundas with guest speaker BCBA, Liz Korandonis.
When: Friday January 10th 8:15 - 9:00 am. Zoom Link: PTO Coffee with Principal Foundas and BCBA
Where: Happy Hollow (potentially art room) PLEASE fill out this survey to make sure your questions
are answered: Behavior Questionnaire
2) SAVE THE DATE: Game, Craft Night and Card Trading Event: January 24th, 6-8 PM.
3) SAVE THE DATE for the Happy Hollow Talent Show: Friday, March 21st at 6:30 p.m.
Calling all singers, actors, dancers, musicians, comedians, magicians and more...In case anyone wants to start planning their acts during the vacation! Register Here (Deadline 2/7): Talent Show Sign Up
Please note THIS IS NOT A DROP-OFF EVENT! Students in the audience are expected to sit with their caregivers/parents and remain seated for the show. If a student needs a break, a caregiver/parent will have to accompany them. The performers have worked very hard and we want to ensure they have everyone's attention during the show!
Additional Save the Dates:
February 7th : PTO Coffee with Principal Foundas
March 18 - 21 - Book Fair
March 26 - Art Show
March: Tape Art
Anyone who walks the halls of our building must be CORIed or escorted. This means that everyone who visits their child's classroom, volunteers in the building, visits the book fair/field day or attends field trips must be CORIed.
- CORIs completed with other town departments are NOT transferable to the schools.
- We cannot allow you into our building without a valid Wayland Public Schools CORI on file
To complete a CORI application please present in person at any Wayland Public School Office (or central office) with valid government issued photo identification
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For information about our School Committee, after school enrichment opportunities, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below.
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