Trailblazer Newsletter
May 22th, 2023

2023 PDS Spring Social
Friday, May 19th from 6-9 pm
Join us for Kona Ice, Pizza, Games, and More!!!!
Finals Schedule
Monday, May 22 Bell Schedule
2nd Period Final Exam 7:00 – 9:10 Test Starts @ 7:05
3rd Period Final Exam 9:15– 11:25 Test Starts @ 9:25
Tuesday, May 23 Bell Schedule
4th Period Final Exam 7:00 – 9:10 Test Starts @ 7:05
5th Period Final Exam 9:15– 11:25 Test Starts @ 9:25
Wednesday, May 24 Bell Schedule
7:00am Senior Graduation Practice
6th Period Final Exam
9th, 10th, & 11th graders 7:00 – 9:10 Test Starts @ 7:05
7th Period Final Exam
9th, 10th, & 11th graders 9:15– 11:25 Test Starts @ 9:25
Exam Lunch Fundraiser
In lieu of asking for goods donations for Exam Lunches next week, we are asking for cash donations and volunteers to help. If you are able to give even a little bit, it will make a huge difference!
With your contribution, we will be able to serve 550 students a meal to-go on Monday & Tuesday during final exams.
You can make a contribution of funds or time by clicking one of the following links.
Cash Donation: https://app.memberhub.gives/2022-2023-exam-lunch
Volunteer To Help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4aabae22a13-mayexam3#/
Thank you for helping us make a difference every day!!
Wednesday, May 24th
We want to thank students, families, teachers, support staff, and our community for your hard work and dedication as we close out the school year. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable summer!
The Graduate does not need a ticket.
Number of tickets for each graduate: 10
Gas South’s policy is “children under 24 months do not require a ticket to enter. However, in order for a child to have his/her own seat, a ticket is required.” This policy also applies to infant carriers.
Tickets will be distributed at the end of Graduation Practice.
Must meet requirements (see below).
Lost, damaged, and/or stolen tickets will not be replaced.
No extra tickets will be available.
Paul Duke STEM will not facilitate ticket exchanges or “sales”
Must have paid Senior Dues.
Graduation tickets will be withheld from seniors who have outstanding books, fees, fines, and/or items.
Most outstanding items/fees are listed in StudentVue (you may need to click fees)..
We are excited to announce that we will be offering summer school for our students at Paul Duke this summer! We will be offering morning and afternoon sessions.
The dates will be Monday, June 12 through Thursday, July 6. Morning sessions will be offered from 7:00am-11:00am and afternoon sessions will be offered 11:30am-3:30pm.
If you have any questions, please email Ashley Worley (ashley.worley@gcpsk12.org).
*Transportation will not be provided*
2023 PDS Escuela de Verano
¡Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que vamos a ofrecer la escuela de verano para nuestros estudiantes en Paul Duke este verano! Ofreceremos sesiones de mañana y tarde.
Las fechas serán del lunes 12 de junio al jueves 6 de julio. Las sesiones de la mañana serán ofrecidas de 7:00am-11:00am y las sesiones de la tarde serán ofrecidas 11:30am-3:30pm.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a Ashley Worley (ashley.worley@gcpsk12.org).
*No se proporcionará transporte.
Are available at no cost to children 18 & under and to our PDS Summer School students
at Paul Duke STEM High School
5850 Peachtree Industrial Blvd
Breakfast: 6:50 - 7:30 am
Lunch: 11:00 - 11:30 am
Serving Monday - Friday
We are excited to announce that the Paul Duke STEM chapter of the Technology Student Association (TSA) will be hosting a STEM camp for rising 1st graders to rising 6th graders from June 12th to 16th. The camp will run from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM each day, and will be held at the PDS campus. The cost of the camp is only $250 for the week and is an excellent opportunity for children to learn and explore new STEM concepts in a fun and engaging environment.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity!
Register your child today and help them develop their love for STEM!
Last week, we celebrated our 2023 retirees - Brent Henderson, Chris Shields, Diane Bond, and Durwood Dry. These amazing Trailblazers have been a huge part of the amazing work here at Paul Duke STEM. Their legacy will shine brightly. Congratulations to each of you! You will be missed.
PDS HS is designated a No Place for Hate for the 2022-2023 school year!
Certificate of Enrollment & ADAP
A Certificate of Enrollment is required to test for both driver's permit and driver's license. Students must submit a request form to receive this document. The request forms are available in the front office. The cost for this document is $3.
***Certificate of enrollment are valid for the 30 days. ***
If you lost your ADAP certificate, you may get a replacement from the front office. ADAP certificates can be replaced for $5.
Please note there is a 48-hour turnaround for Certificate of Enrollment and replacement ADAP certificate requests.
Parking Information
Eligible licensed student drivers must provide proof of insurance, a valid driver's license, and a completed parking application. Click here for an application. Additionally, students must pay $70 for their parking pass. Click here to pay through MyPaymentsPlus. Students parking without a valid parking pass will be subject to disciplinary consequences including a boot on their car.
Work Permits
Are you planning on doing some community services but don't know where to start?
Contact Ms. Dobbs in the Parent Center or email at olaya.dobbs@gcpsk12.org
We need students who:
*Love their community
*Have a passion helping others
*Bilingual preferred but not required
PDS text messages OPT IN!
Communication is really important to us and we want to make sure you are up to date with PDS school communications.
In addition to verifying that your cell phone number is accurate in the system, you also will need to subscribe to the text message service if you wish to receive emergency texts from the school system. You can do so by texting the word “SUBSCRIBE” to the number 67587. You will receive an immediate response by text. If you do not, please contact your wireless provider, as some providers do not accept texts that use short code (SMS) messages. (Note: If you subscribed to receive text messages last year, there is no need to resubscribe unless your number changed.)
SchoolMessenger messages from Gwinnett County Public Schools will come from the number 1-844-248-6644. Please add this phone number to your contacts so you can easily identify the call as coming from Gwinnett County Public Schools. If you miss a phone message, you can call this number to retrieve and replay phone notifications.
Change Information
Parents, if you have any changes to your student's phone numbers, emergency contacts, etc. please note that these can be made by you in the Parent Portal. However, address changes need to be made at the school. Thank you."
Download the Free Gwinnett County Public Schools App
Stay on top of the latest news, calendar events, and emergency information by downloading our free Gwinnett County Public Schools mobile app.
Parent Portal
Click here to access to the Parent Portal
Please contact Ms. Dobbs if you need assistance
at 470-323-3625
School Tours!
PDS is offering school tours to families interested in attending Paul Duke STEM. Click here to get started
Life 360
ife360 is a family communication, location and alert app for smartphones that allows users to share their locations with each other. Once set up on a phone, Life360 allows the administrating phone to set geo-fences defining chosen areas.
Screen Time lets you see exactly how much time your kids spend on their phones and tablets, the times of day they're most active, and which apps they use the most. You can also set app time limits, filter inappropriate content, and schedule "downtime" -- basically, shut down the device -- whenever you want.
Let your teen practice public speaking on you.
Effective presentation skills will help your teen achieve in school and in the workplace. But public speaking takes practice. To help your teen, be an audience. When your student has an oral report to do, suggest presenting it to you first. Ask your teen to make eye contact. Say if you can follow the argument and if your teen is speaking clearly. With practice, your teen will appear confident speaking in front of an audience. https://tpitip.com/?33cM18608
To receive assistance with food, visit foodfinder.us
Lilburn Branch (4817 Church St NW, Lilburn, GA 30047)
You can find us on Facebook!
Parents, if you’re on Facebook, join the Paul Duke Stem High School (PDSHS) class groups, a virtual community hosted by the PTSA, open to all PDSHS families, we look forward to seeing you there to share information, opportunities and maybe even a laugh. Find the graduating class that corresponds to your students and stop on by
We look forward to connecting, and as always thank you for your support!
Earn Cashback When You Shop Like Normal
Get hundreds in cashback for you and your favorite cause when you shop at the brands and restaurants you know and love.
Join the movement on Givebacks and earn cashback while supporting Paul Duke Stem PTSA
Earn perks with the Desktop Chrome extension in just a few clicks: https://www.givebacks.com/join/PaulDukeSTEMPTSA
Take it mobile and earn even more!
What is the PTSA?
The Paul Duke STEM High School PTSA brings parents, teachers, students and administrators together to promote education, expand STEM exposure and cultivate a strong community.
By working together through PTSA membership, volunteering, community partnerships, and financial contributions, the PTSA can help make a HUGE impact in every child's potential a reality!
Email us at pdshs.ptsa@gmail.com or check out our website at https://pauldukestemptsa.org
You can support Paul Duke STEM PTSA and our school by shopping at Kroger!
Simply visit http://www.kroger.com. Once logged into your Kroger account, search for Paul Duke Stem HS PTSA either by name or SI217 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. If you do not have a Kroger rewards card, please visit the customer service desk at any Kroger. The closest Kroger to Paul Duke STEM High is at 3455 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard
Over the years, Publix Partners has contributed more than $30 million to over 4,500 schools giving back to support education. Simply sign up for a Publix.com account, select Paul Duke STEM, the enter your phone number at checkout. Please note that you have to re-enroll each year.
The Paul Duke STEM High School PTSA brings parents, teachers, students and administrators together to promote quality education, expand STEM exposure and cultivate a healthy learning environment.
By working together through PTSA membership, volunteering, community partnerships, and financial contributions, the PTSA makes a HUGE impact in making every child's potential a reality!
Diamond Partner ($5,000 Donation or more)
About us
Email: olaya.dobbs@gcpsk12.org
Website: https://www.gcpsk12.org/pauldukestemhs
Location: 5850 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Norcross, GA, USA
Phone: (470) 323-3600
Facebook: facebook.com/PaulDukeSTEM
Twitter: @Paul_Duke_STEM