Queen of Apostles School
Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November, 2023

Term 1 Week 5- Thursday 6 March 2025
God of Goodness and Mercy,
Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you. Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart and soul, noticing the times I turn away from you. Guide me as I humbly seek to repent and return to your love. May humility guide my efforts to be reconciled with you and live forever in your abundant grace. Give me the strength to make myself available to you every day as I prepare for Easter. Amen.
Dates to Remember
Ash Wednesday
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Our PP to Yr 6 students attended a very reverent Mass organised by Miss Jenzen. Lent is a time when we begin to prepare for Jesus’ great self-sacrifice on Good Friday and then his resurrection on Easter Sunday. We look during this time of Lent for ways that we can show self-sacrifice. People used to like to give up sweets or cool drink for Lent. Personally, I like to give up my time to help others that need it. What will your Lenten promises be?
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests take place for all Year Three & Five Students from Wednesday 12 March.
The assessments will be conducted in the following order for both year levels.
Wednesday 12th March = Writing
Thursday 13th March = Reading
Monday 17th March = Conventions of Language
Tuesday 18th March = Numeracy
Catch up assessments for those who are away on these days will available until Monday 24th March.
All Year 3 and 5 students participating will have opportunities to sit online practice tests so they are familiar with the system and types of questions they may encounter.
Interschool Swimming Carnival
Good luck to all our swimmers competing in the Interschool Swimming carnival next Friday 14 March at the Fremantle Leisure Centre. I know that you will give a great account of yourselves in the competition. I thank Mr B for his work in preparing the swimmers for this event. Go Queenies!
Footy Tipping
The P&F footy tipping competition starts tomorrow evening. If you haven't joined up already there is still time. The competition has been very close over the past couple of years and there has definitely been some good banter during that time. Please see the P&F section of the newsletter for instructions on how to join.
The Government of WA have amended the Working with Children Act last year with the changes implemented to better protect children. Catholic Education WA has mandated this process for all volunteers, including parent volunteers in schools. This includes parents who wish to volunteer at sports carnivals, in classrooms and at P&F events. Could we ask that all parents fill in the Volunteer Declaration (link) even if you have no plans at this stage to volunteer at school. If you filled out the form last year you will need to do it again this year. Parents who wish to assist teachers on excursions will need to be on this list. Your information will be stored securely in accordance with CEWA’s Information Stewardship. We highly value parent volunteers' time and contribution to our school community and thank-you for taking the time to submit the form below.
Any grandparents that wish to volunteer in the classroom or assist in the canteen will need a Working With Children Check. Please note this does not include drop off, pick up or attendance at our Grandparents Mass and Morning Tea. Grandparents that would like to volunteer at school, please contact the school office and we can assist you in the process.
2025 Term Dates
Term 1: Wed 5 Feb – Thur 10 April
Term 2: Tue 29 April – Fri 4 July
Term 3: Mon 21 July – Fri 26 Sept
Term 4: Mon 13 Oct – Fri 12 Dec (Students) Fri 19 Dec (Staff)
2025 Pupil Free Days
28 Feb = Pupil Free Day
3 March = Labour Day
11 April = Pupil Free Day (Parent Interviews)
28 April = Pupil Free Day
2 June = WA Day
3 June = Pupil Free Day
22 Aug = Pupil Free Day
25 Aug = Pupil Free Day (Catholic Day)
Best Wishes
Mark Ryan
Welcome to our latest School News
Faction Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to all involved in our Faction Swimming Carnival.
Our students in yrs 4-6 seemed to thoroughly enjoy the day - doing their best in the pool and supporting their friends along the way.
Thank you to the many parent volunteers who helped in a number of different ways.
Thank you also to our wonderful staff for making it happen.
If you took photos that you are happy to share, please send them via Seesaw or send to ross.bridgeman@cewa.edu.au
Final results – Luemmen (158) Flynn (125) Magdlen (114) Canning (76)
Yr 4 Champions: Xavier and Evie
Yr 4 R/Up: Declan and Hazel
Yr 5 Champions: Jesse, Georgia and Hannah (Tied)
Yr 5 R/UP: Cornelius
Yr 6 Champions: Hudson and Eva
Yr 6 R/UP: James and Jack (Tied) and Olivia
Dates for 2025
Term 1: Wednesday 5th February to Thursday 10th April
Friday 28th February - Pupil Free Day
Monday 3rd March - Public Holiday (LABOUR DAY)
Friday 11th April - Pupil Free Day - Parent interviews
Term 2: Tuesday 29th April to Friday 4th July
Monday 28th April - Public Holiday
Monday 2nd June - Public Holiday (WA Day)
Tuesday 3rd June - Pupil Free Day
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th July
Friday 22nd August - Pupil Free Day
Monday 25th August - Catholic Day (School closed)
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Friday 12th December
Queen of Apostles Parish News
Dates for Sacraments for 2025
Confirmation workshop will be on Wednesday 21st May at 5.30pm
Reconciliation workshop will be on Wednesday 20th August at 5.30pm
Eucharist workshop will be on Wednesday 27th August at 5.30pm
Sacrament of Confirmation will be on Sunday 14th June at 10.30am Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation will be on Tuesday 16th September at 6.30pm
Sacrament of Eucharist will be on Sunday 21st September at 10.30am Mass.
Welcome to our latest P&F Update
Queenies P&F Footy Tipping Competition
The AFL Footy season starts tomorrow, so this is the last chance to sign up for the 2025 Queenies P&F Footy Tipping Competition. Please see below for information on how to sign up or click this link https://www.footytips.com.au/comps/queenies_2024?p=Riverton
Wellness Week
The P&F are supporting Wellness Week by providing free icy poles to the students on Friday.
Queenies P&F Colour Explosion
Let’s Paint the School with Colour!
Welcome to the most vibrant event of the year – the 2025 Queenies P&F Colour Explosion!
Scheduled for Friday 4 April, from 1:45pm to 2:45pm on the Annex Oval, this event is not just about fun; it’s our major fundraiser for the year! Registration will open next week.
What's happening:
Registration: It's open! Ensure your child is part of this fantastic day by registering via the provided QR code or our Trybooking link.
Fundraising: Let's hit our goals for new classroom furniture and Ninja Playground enhancements. Don't forget to use the hardcopy Fundraising Form for cash donations and record online donations too.
To Register or Donate visit https://www.trybooking.com/CXUNM or scan the QR code below: