College & Career Newsletter
March 9-15, 2025
Welcome Students & Families
Scroll through for important information regarding College/Career
How to reach us?
For general questions and inquiries please email (Please do not use the link at the bottom of this Newsletter to contact us)
Ms Ignaitis: tignaitis@seq.org
All HCA, Study Skills Students and Last names A-L
Ms Yeager: tyeager@seq.org
All DAA, ELD Students and Last names M-Z
Important Dates and Deadlines
April 16th - SAVE THE DATE - Junior Meeting for Students Applying to Schools that Need Letters of Recommendations and/or a School Report ZOOM
April 23th - School Day SAT - SEE JUNIOR SECTION for Sign-up Information
Interested in a Career in Nursing? Career Club Meets This Wednesday! Wed March 12th in the College and Career Center at LUNCH
Wed March 12th in the College and Career Center at LUNCH
A registered nurse will be here to speak to students about a career in nursing
Also, learn more about the different levels of nursing in the Career Section below
Financial Aid Planning Night For Grades 9-11th on March 5, 2025 Recording
Go to our website under Evening Presentation Resources for Handouts
English Recording Passcode: ngR89V*H
Spanish Recording Passcode: *YEg5GahInterested in Learning About Opportunities in the Military?
Different branches of the military would love to provide a presentation on Career Opportunities, Travel and Education exploration for both part time and full time. Those interested in participating are encouraged to sign up at the College and Career classroom.
Edgenuity Lab is open!
Students completing Edgenuity credit recovery online courses for graduation and/or UC/CSU A-G requirements are required to take unit tests and cumulative tests in the Edgenuity lab in-person. The lab is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4pm-6pm in Room B-8 with Mr. Calles. The deadline for seniors is May 30, 2025.
NACAC (National Association of College Admission Counselors) Virtual College Fairs
What's a National College Fair?
- Free and open to the public, National College Fairs are the perfect place to kick off your college search.
- Admission representatives from schools across the country are all gathered in one place. Their goal: To encourage you to learn more about their institutions, and help you sort through the qualities you’re looking for in a college.
- Explore your options. Each fair draws representatives from 175 to 400 colleges. The schools are located throughout the US, and from around the globe.
- Ask questions. What’s college life like? What majors are popular on campus? Chatting with representatives from a variety of colleges can help you cement your own preferences.
Register for March 23 HERE
Register for April 27 HERE
Northwest 5 Consortium Admissions Event
Learn more about the colleges in the Northwest 5 Consortium: Lewis & Clark, Puget Sound, Reed, Whitman, and Willamette.
Families can hear a short presentation about the liberal arts in the Pacific Northwest, and then meet with admission counselors from each institution in a more casual, college-fair-style setting.
Palo Alto/San Jose - Eastside Preparatory: March 23 9-11 am 1041 Myrtle St, East Palo Alto, CA 94303
History of Graphic design class at Foothill College
This class fulfills VPA requirements and gets UC/CSU credits for high school students. It's free, it's online asynchronous (no Zoom meetings) Perfect for busy high school students who need to get there VPA units.
Class - GID 1, History of Graphic Design CRN40384
Class is April 7 - June 27
Sign up starts Mar 3
What does Holistic Admission mean according to Stanford University?
At Stanford, we practice holistic admission. This means that each piece in your application is reviewed as part of an integrated and comprehensive whole.
One piece tells us about your background and life experiences, another about your school and your academic achievement. We learn from others about your character and intellectual contributions. In your essays, we learn about your ideas and interests, and what is meaningful to you.
Each year, in conformance with the law, we aim to enroll a class of diverse backgrounds and experiences, talents, academic interests, and ways of viewing the world.
In a holistic review, we seek to understand how you, as a whole person, would grow, contribute and thrive at Stanford, and how Stanford would, in turn, be changed by you.
Just as no two Stanford students are the same, each applicant to Stanford is unique. This means that as we review your application, we pay careful attention to your unique circumstances. We take into account your background, educational pathway, and work and family responsibilities. By focusing on your achievements in context, we evaluate how you have excelled in your school environment and how you have taken advantage of what is available to you in your school and community.
Academic Excellence
The primary criterion for admission to Stanford is academic excellence. We look for your preparation and potential to succeed. We expect you to challenge yourself throughout your educational journey and to do very well by maintaining a strong academic record.
The most important credential for evaluating your academic record is your transcript. Please know that our evaluation goes beyond any numerical formula. There is no minimum GPA or test score, nor is there any specific number of AP or honors courses you must have on your transcript in order to have your application reviewed or be admitted to Stanford.
For more complete information on our curriculum guidelines, please visit our Academic Preparation page for first-year applicants and our Academic Preparation & Transfer Credit page for transfer applicants.
Intellectual Vitality
We want to see your commitment, dedication and genuine interest in expanding your intellectual horizons, both in what you write about yourself and in what others write on your behalf. We want to see the kind of curiosity and enthusiasm that will allow you to spark a lively discussion in a seminar and continue the conversation at the dinner table. We want to see the energy and depth of commitment you will bring to your endeavors, whether that means in a research lab, as part of a community organization, during a performance or on an athletic field. We want to see the initiative with which you seek out opportunities and expand your perspective.
Extracurricular Activities
Learning about your extracurricular activities and nonacademic interests helps us understand your potential contributions to the Stanford community. Students often assume our primary concern is the number of activities in which a student participates. In fact, an exceptional depth of experience in one or two activities may demonstrate your passion more than minimal participation in five or six clubs. You may also have work or family responsibilities. These are as important as any other extracurricular activity.
In general, we want to understand the impact you have had at your job, in your family, in a club, in your school or in the larger community, and we want to learn of the impact that experience has had on you.
In some cases, exceptional abilities in athletics may influence our decision if the applicant is otherwise well-qualified, but such abilities never, by themselves, ensure admission to Stanford.
It is important to know these variables are not listed in order of importance in our evaluation and selection process. We review applications holistically. No portion of the application is considered without the rest of the application.
Full site available here.
SUMMER PROGRAMS: Do you need an official transcript?
If you need a transcript sent to a summer program, request in Naviance.
“Colleges” tab on the top of the homepage
Scroll down to “manage transcripts” (Under Applying to College)
Click the red button “Plus”
And then click “Other transcripts”
Finally, complete the information needed for the transcript request.
THERE is a 5 School Day turn around to send the transcripts, so plan accordingly!
Local College Advisor Expert - Alice Kleeman at RWC Library - open-ended Q&A- Juniors Only
Monday, March 10, from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m., in the Redwood City Downtown Library Community Room.
The session will be an open-ended Q&A. Students can ask questions about UC and CSU admission, private-college admission, transcripts and GPAs, letters of recommendation, college essays and UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQ), financial aid, scholarships, testing, and anything else that is on their mind. Students who want to propose questions before the session (or who have questions about the library series) can communicate with me at AAKleeman@gmail.com.
The session is for high school juniors only, not students at other grade levels or parents. Students who plan to attend should pre-register here:
Are you Planning on Applying to a College That Requires Letters of Recommendation and/or a Counselor Report? Junior Meeting to Understand the Required Process at Sequoia
April 16th
ZOOM 7-830PM
There will be a STRONGLY RECOMMENDED meeting for Juniors planning on applying to a Private, Common App, and/or Coalition App College on Wednesday, April 16th from 7:00-8:30 pm on Zoom. The meeting will review the specific process and due dates to complete required school documents on Naviance and the Common Application. This meeting is very important for both parents and students!
The meeting will be posted on the website and RECORDED
Links are available on Sequoia calendar too!
English Meeting ID: 933 3097 6617 Pass Code: 242415
Spanish Meeting ID: 929 7370 4386
SAT School Day Testing Confirmation
If you are the official registered list for the SAT School Day on April 23rd at Sequoia, you received an email on February 12th with your next steps.
No other students can be added at this time but you can email tyeager@seq.org if you'd like to be on the waitlist.
College Board Account
If you took the PSAT in the Fall, you may have created a Big Future app account to see your PSAT Scores. This is the not the same as a College Board Account. If you will be taking the SAT, make sure to create a College Board Account.
Signing up for testing
As you are considering different schools to apply to, make sure to check out their testing policies. If you need or want to take a test, it is your responsibility to sign-up and register for the tests.
Use these links below to sign-up for the SAT or ACT:
Do You Need Accommodations for Testing?
- Your 504 or IEP accommodations are not covered for outside testing.
- If you want accommodations for the SAT or ACT, you need to request them separately through the College Board or ACT.
- It is the responsibility of the families to research and provide all necessary documentation since these tests are not associated with Sequoia.
- While families can submit their documentation on their own, Sequoia can also complete the final submission step. For more information about this process, go to our website: The College Board Process for SAT/PSAT and The Process for ACT
Monthly SHS Scholarships & Student Opportunities Lists
Updated MARCH list is NOW AVAILABLE. The March list is a work in progress so check back for updates.
Click HERE to go directly to the Sequoia High School website for the most updated scholarship and student opportunities lists. How to Access Scholarships on Naviance (9-12th Grades)
If you find a scholarship you are interested in and want the link to the website or more information be sure to log in to your Naviance account, under the College tab, click on Scholarships and Money, then Scholarship list, and put the name of the scholarship in the search box, then click on the name of the scholarship.
Ninth Circuit Civics Contest
Due: March 7th (extended deadline to March 14th)
Grades Eligible: 9-12th
An essay and video contest for high school students. 2025 Topic: When Duty Calls: Why Exercising the Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship is Important to Me" WEBSITE
Growing Up in America Art, Essay & Video Contest (AACI)
DUE: March 15th
Contest theme for 2025: Managing fear is about finding ways to stay calm, asking for help, and taking small steps to feel brave and turn it into strength. This theme is about your understanding of fear and learning how to manage it.
An art, essay and video contest for All kindergarten through 12th grade students in any school in the nine (9) Bay Area counties are eligible to participate, regardless of their background or cultural identity
Rotary Club District 5170 Richard King Annual Youth Speech Contest Speech Contest
DUE: March 21st
Purpose: To increase personal knowledge and awareness of the importance of being able to speak effectively before a group. Winners move to the next level of competition. 2025 Theme: Service Above Self. If interested, come to College and Career Center for more information. WEBSITE
The Business Professionals of America Club- join today!
The Business Professionals of America Club is an amazing opportunity to develop skills in business, finance, technology, and more through participating in virtual competitions. Competitions include Social Media Marketing, creating a Start-Up Enterprise, and Ethical Leadership and Decision Making. Members can win awards and scholarships through these events and through community service or leadership. There will also be potential travel opportunities to the National BPA conferences! This club meets every other Friday in Room 253 and will meet next on March 14.
Senator Becker Internship Program
Due March 10th
Grades Eligible: 9-12th
Experience day-to-day of working in a state legislative office. Assist with legislative research projects, data analysis, social media content creation, and more. WEBSITE
Golden Gate National Park Conservancy Youth Leadership Program: LINC Summer High School Program
Due: March 10th
Grades Eligible: 9-12th
Linking Individuals to their Natural Community (LINC) is a summer program for high school students focused on service learning and conservation in local communities and parklands. Upon successful completion of LINC summer program you will receive an educational award of up to $2,400. WEBSITE
Stanford Young Investigators SUMMER INTERNSHIP
DUE: March 15th
8 week summer commitment! Students are supervised directly by graduate scholars, post docs and lab managers. This program enables graduate scholars to serve as supervisors, prepares high school scholars for college and helps strengthen the connections between Stanford and local high schools. WEBSITE
Chicano Latino Youth Leadership Project 2 Day Event
DUE: March 16th
Students will be housed in the Bay Area. All institute activities take place in Berkeley / Oakland. Must be able to attend the entire weekend; no exceptions or accommodations will be made. WEBSITE
Stanford Medical Youth Science Program (SMYSP) SUMMER PROGRAM
DUE: March 17th
5 week science and medicine based enrichment program for low income, first-generation juniors interested in science, medicine, and healthy living. WEBSITE
Questbridge College Prep Scholars
Due: March 20th
Grade 11
The College Prep Scholars Program equips high-achieving high school juniors from low-income backgrounds with the knowledge, confidence, and resources to apply to top colleges.
We are looking for high school juniors who have shown outstanding academic ability despite financial challenges. We take a holistic approach to reviewing applications, and we do not have absolute criteria or cut-offs for GPA, standardized test scores, income, or other factors. WEBSITE
WOW! That’s Engineering Conference
WOW! That’s Engineering is an award-winning conference for high school girls/non-binary students. At the event, attendees will get to learn about different engineering fields through a series of workshops and design activities hosted by industry professionals. Our participating organizations this year are Altera, Lucid, Lockheed Martin, Capella Space, Nokia and more! Our keynote speaker and college panelists are excited to share their experience and give valuable advice. We also have an engineering design challenge where participants can tackle real-world problems, present their solutions to a panel of judges from various companies, and win prizes! This is a great opportunity for attendees to make new friends, understand what it takes to be an engineer, and consider their academic options in higher education.
Date: Sunday, March 23, 2025
Where: One Washington St, San Jose, CA 95192 (Diaz Compean Student Union @ San Jose State University)
Price: $10 (Please email swesjsu.wow@gmail.com for a code if you have any difficulties with this amount, no proof required!)
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/SWEWOW25
*We only have 100 spots total so please register before the spots fill up.
Civic Service Fellowship
Can Apply All Year
All Grades
Rhizome, a nonprofit organization built by and for students, is offering a community service, leadership, and civic engagement opportunity through their Civic Service Fellowship. Their website includes info on how the Fellowship boosts mental health determinants, leadership skills, and community connectedness while making an impact and receiving service hours. Check it out if you’re interested in civics, service leadership, or learning how to make a genuine impact.
MIT Open CourseWare
Grades: 9th-12th
MIT OpenCourseWare is a free and open collection of material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum. No registration. WEBSITE
Second Harvest Silicon Valley
all year
Grades Eligible: 9-12th
To sign up to volunteer, visit our website by selecting one of the following options: Sort food at our warehouses, Distribute food to community members - Distribution sites are located in nearly every neighborhood in Silicon Valley,
Deliver food to homes – Load your vehicle and deliver healthy groceries to homes of seniors and other homebound clients in Santa Clara or San Mateo County. You must be 18 years old to volunteer for this activity. WEBSITE
Do you love dogs? Doggie Protective Services (DPS)
DPS Rescue is searching for new volunteers for our biweekly events in Palo Alto! We welcome volunteers of all experience levels and backgrounds, ages 14+, and offer community service credits/sign-offs if needed. Complete form on their WEBSITE.
San Mateo County Historical Association
Available All Year
Eligible Grades:9-12th
The San Mateo County Historical Association offers a number of free public programs throughout the year for Lunar New Year, Happy San Mateo County Day, Fourth of July (half-price admission), Victorian Days, Día de los Muertos, and Hometown Holidays. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with craft activities and gallery monitoring for these events. Interested students can email carmen@historysmc.org for upcoming volunteer opportunities. WEBSITE
Project Read - Redwood City Library Volunteer Opportunities
This is a great opportunity for SHS students to be matched with a younger student to tutor once or twice a week.
If interested contact:
Email - rclread@redwoodcity.org
Phone- 650 780-7077
For more information go to their website and scroll down to the Teen Volunteer Section.
(Flier in College and Career Center)
City Trees Volunteer Opportunities
CityTrees loves working with volunteers from our community. The easiest way to volunteer with CityTrees is to sign up for an upcoming event.
There are opportunities all year round
Camp Volunteer Opportunities at Marine Science Institute
There are both year around and summer volunteer opportunities at the Marine Science Institute. This is a great place for volunteers interested in science to help younger students learn about science.
Friends of the Redwood City Library
Eligible Grades:9-12th
Volunteer to staff the Bookstore in the Downtown Library. This requires a 2-hour per week commitment. Volunteers chat with customers and accept payment. There are Saturday shifts plus shifts from 4 to 6 and 6 to 8 in the afternoon/evenings. WEBSITE
Girls That Code - Online Activities
They “release activities bi-weekly— some online, some offline, of varying levels of difficulty. Each activity features a woman in tech who pioneered innovative technology.” Click here for more information
Volunteer Ronald McDonald House Charities
Help families able to stay close to their sick children
Families with critically ill children are going through some of the hardest moments of their lives. By helping us keep our programs running smoothly, hosting in-kind drives or fundraisers, and spreading the word, you make it possible for families to keep their focus on their children
Year long opportunities to volunteer
For more information, click here for their website
Volunteer Opportunity with Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is in need of volunteers, 16 years old and older, to help at our construction site in Daly City. If you are curious about Habitat and how you can get involved, we are holding informational sessions to provide a glimpse of our work. In these sessions, you can also expect to hear about the Covid-19 protocols currently in place to ensure the safety of volunteers.
Click Here for more information on how to volunteer
How to Pay for College Using Overlooked Strategies from U.S. News & World Report
Students and parents should consider these ideas for making college cheaper.
Paying for college is no small feat: Annual tuition and fees at ranked four-year colleges for 2021-2022 ranged from about $10,300 for in-state public schools to about $38,200 for private institutions, according to U.S. News data.
Here are some other options you may not yet have considered for easing the financial burden of attending college:
529 college savings plan
College 529 savings plans, which offer an opportunity for families to grow their savings tax-free as long as the money is spent on qualified educational expenses, were used to pay a greater percentage of college costs than other savings options like non college savings accounts and retirement accounts.
Local Scholarships
Colleges and universities may offer institutional scholarships, but students can also chip away at the cost of college further by taking advantage of local scholarships, which are typically offered by local organizations, nonprofits or places of worship.
These may not equate to large award amounts like some national scholarships do, but local scholarships are often much less competitive.
Some companies also give out scholarships to dependents of their employees.
Financial Aid Appeals
The FAFSA uses "prior prior year" information to determine a family's financial need. For example, the 2025-2026 FAFSA uses 2023 federal tax returns. However, families who have had a recent change in their financial situation – like job loss, salary reduction or high dependent-care costs – can request a financial aid appeal, sometimes called a professional judgment, from a college.
No-Loan Schools
There are some schools, like Amherst College in Massachusetts or Stanford University in California, that aim to meet each student's full demonstrated need without loans. That means financial aid comes in the form of scholarships, grants and work-study. These financial aid packages are sometimes limited to students from lower- or moderate-income households.
Employer Tuition Assistance
Many students juggle additional responsibilities outside of earning a degree, including being a parent or working. But some companies, including a number of fast-food chains, offer tuition assistance to help employees afford a college degree.
Note that depending on the employer, the funding may be capped at a certain amount.
Regional Tuition Exchange Programs
Public schools tend to be less expensive than private colleges before financial aid is applied, but there can be a significant difference between attending a public institution as an in-state and out-of-state student. Tuition and fees at ranked public colleges for in-state students averaged $10,338 in 2021-2022, according to U.S. News data. The cost for out-of-state students was more than double, averaging $22,698.
Under the Western Undergraduate Exchange, for instance, students who apply to certain programs pay no more than 150% of the in-state tuition rate at participating institutions.
Full article available here.
Two and four-year college bound seniors, complete this Free Application for Federal Student Aid online today regardless of your family income.
Go here to learn more.
CA Dream Act
California Dream Act allows undocumented and nonresident students to receive certain types of financial aid funded through public universities, state administered financial aid, university grants, community college fee waivers, and cal grants.
Go here to learn more.
CSS Profile
The CSS Profile is an online application that collects information used by nearly 290 private colleges and some public university scholarship programs to award non-federal aid.
Go here to learn more.
Should You Pursue an Associate or a Baccalaureate Nursing Degree? From NurseJournal
To practice as an RN, entry-level registered nurses can graduate from either:
- An associate degree in nursing (ADN) program, or
- A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) program
The program must be accredited to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), which every state requires to get an RN license.
Nurses who graduate with a BSN typically enjoy greater responsibility and higher pay than candidates who graduate with an ADN. However, a BSN takes four years to complete and most ADN programs can be completed in two years.
Most employers prefer to hire nurses with a BSN degree. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing records a growing body of evidence that demonstrates a strong link between education level and patient outcomes.
However, it may not be possible for you to initially complete a four-year degree. If you start off with an ADN, pass the NCLEX, and earn your RN license, you can then attend one of the many RN-to-BSN or RN to master’s in nursing program bridge programs while you are working. This means you can work while completing your education.
What Steps Can You Take to Pursue Your RN License in High School?
From NurseJournal
There are several ways high schoolers can prepare for a nursing career. The length of time it takes to complete an ADN program depends on the program. For some, you must complete prerequisite classes before entering the nursing program. Other schools include the prerequisite classes in the nursing program.
Seven Steps For High School Students
1. Take IB Courses
2. Take Community College Courses
3. Volunteer at Local Hospitals or Medical Centers
4. Seek Shadow Programs Opportunities
5. Take Basic Life Support and First Aid Program
6. Join HOSA - Future Health Professions
7. Set Yourself Apart - There are limited spaces a nursing program can admit - It is essential that your application is as attractive to the school as possible
Recreation Leaders I/II and Program Coordinator positions with San Carlos Parks and Recreation Summer Camp programs
Must be 16 or older to apply
San Carlos Parks and Recreation is looking for individuals who are passionate about giving back to the community, motivated, enthusiastic, and responsible. Engage a fun and positive leadership experience while also having the opportunity to make an impact on kid’s lives. Come join our Parks and Recreation staff as a Recreation Leaders I/II or Program Coordinator in our Summer Camp Programs! Learn more and apply today at https://www.calopps.org/city-of-san-carlos
Part-time Grader Assistants Needed San Carlos Math and Reading Center Kumon Tutoring Center
ELIGIBLE GRADES/AGE: Juniors and Seniors
$17.00 hour Looking for students with good math and reading skills who are available to work approximately 6 - 8 hours per week on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Ideal part time job for high school or college students. Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
If interested email qualifications and resume to kumonsancarlos@gmail.com
Mathnasium of Redwood City, a Math-Only Learning Center
ELIGIBLE AGE/GRADE: 16yr+ (Must have own transportation)
Looking for high school students with exceptional math skills through Algebra I and Geometry to join our team! We offer competitively paid part-time jobs at Sequoia Station with flexible scheduling and ongoing training opportunities. Join us for the opportunity to make a REAL difference in a child’s life by passing on a love for math!
Our starting salaries are $17.00-$19.00 depending on what level of math the instructors can teach.
If interested, please apply online
Pick up a flier in the College and Career Center
Hummingbird Music School is looking for fun and talented high school musicians to join our team of Music Teachers!
Part-time work is available teaching after-school group Piano Classes at local elementary schools, as well as private lessons (in all instruments) in-person or online. Pay is $60/hour for group classes and $45/hour for private lessons. Please apply online at http://hummingbirdmusicschool.com/about
How To Videos for students now on our website!
CaliforniaColleges.edu provides free college and career planning tools for California public school students and educators, including an academic planner where students can track their A-G completion status and admission eligibility for UC and CSU. CaliforniaColleges.edu also allows students to easily launch and track their applications to UC campuses and for financial aid. Keeping all this information in one place makes the college application process easier and smoother, not only for students, but for their school districts and the campuses to which they are applying.
If you didn’t register for an account last year- see the slide below to register
Complete the 2024-2025 Meal Application
We want all families to complete this confidential meal application so that qualifying students can receive reduced cost bus passes, internet, prom tickets, grad night tickets, college application fees and IB testing registration. To complete the meal application, click here.
Needs to be completed every year!
Past Newsletters
Dec 8-14, 2024 COLLEGE TIP: What are the Best Techniques to Help Students Manage Stress? JUNIORS: SAT School Day Sign-up, FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION: Sticker Price vs. What You'll Actually Pay
Dec 15-21, 2024 COLLEGE TIP: There Are Organizations Out There That Need Your Help! CAREER: All about Trade Apprenticeships
Dec 22, 2024-Jan 11, 2025 COLLEGE TIP: It's Not Too Late to Get Involved, FINANCIAL AID: How to Apply to Scholarships, JUNIORS: Sign Up for School Day SAT
Jan 12-18, 2025 COLLEGE TIP: Reflect on Who You Are as an Applicant While Updating Your Naviance Resume CAREER: Career in Radiology
Jan 19-25, 2025 COLLEGE TIP- Consider Out of State Colleges, Deadline for Juniors to sign up for Sequoia's School Day SAT
Jan 26-Feb 1, 2025 COLLEGE TIP: Top Priorities in Choosing a College - From College Vine CAREER: Careers in Gaming
Feb 2-8, 2025 Click Here COLLEGE TIP: Location, Location, FINANCIAL AID How to Talk with Your Parents about Paying for College from CollegeData.com
Feb 9-15, 2025 COLLEGE TIP: Summer Opportunities- NOW IS THE TIME TO RESEARCH AND APPLY CAREER: Think About Getting a Summer Job You Can Do While You Are Going to School/College - Get Certified As a Lifeguard
Feb 16-March 1, 2025 COLLEGE TIP: Entering contests FINANCIAL AID Nine surprising facts about the cost of attending the University of California from UC Newsroom JUNIORS: SAT School Day Testing Confirmation
March 2-8, 2025 COLLEGE TIP:What is The Common App? From The Common App CAREER:Should You Pursue an Associate or a Baccalaureate Nursing Degree? From NurseJournal
Sequoia High School College & Career Center