Jackson Library Post
News and events from the Tom Defosset Learning Library @ JMS
Look What's Happening @ the Library
Art Exhibits
The library hosts a rotating exhibit of student art year round.
Recommended Reading
Pleasure reading lists are displayed throughout the library. The new 2018 lists are ready for checkout!
7th Grade English
Students sharpen their writing and language skills in the library.
Spotlight on: The Texas Lone Star Reading List
The Texas Lone Star list is a recommended reading list developed by public and school librarians from the Young Adult Round Table. The purpose of the list is to encourage students in grades 6, 7, or 8 to explore a variety of current books. The Lone Star list is intended for recreational reading. The 2018 Lone Star books are now available for checkout.
Overdrive- 24 / 7 / 365!
Students can download the free Overdrive app from the Apple and Android app stores on their smartphones and tablets to enjoy year-round access to ebooks and audiobooks.
Overdrive App Setup Instructions - Select Jackson Middle San Antonio, TX for your library.
Log in using your student login and password.
Game Donations Needed
The Jackson Tabletop Club is looking for game donations. If you have any gently used board games, card games, dice games, etc… that are appropriate and interesting to students aged 11-14, we would love to have them for our permanent collection. Cooperative, strategy, and abstract type games that take 1 hour or less to play are a plus. Thanks in advance for your donations.
MANGA Donations Accepted
Manga (Japanese style comics) are in high demand at the Jackson Middle School library. Please consider donating your gently used Manga to our collection. We accept all titles with the ratings: All Ages, Teen, and Teen+.
Our library mission:
The Jackson Library is the hub of the school community. It is a safe, welcoming, warm environment for students, teachers and community members to collaborate, share, learn, and read through the access of relevant, current print and electronic resources. Exemplary reader’s advisory is the apex of our library’s ongoing mission to create life-long readers and learners.
About Us
Dana Hutchins, Librarian
Email: dhutch@neisd.net
Website: http://neisd.libguides.com/welcome_jackson_library
Location: 4538 Vance Jackson Road, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 210-356-4404
Twitter: @WWJacksonReads