WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Hi WJHS Families,
As we've shared before, we love it that so many of our students ride their bikes to school. It speaks to the spirit and values of our community. In this vein, we need your help to keep your children safe as they ride to and from school. Families and staff from both Highcrest and WJHS have observed and communicated unsafe riding from our students through parking lots during arrival and dismissal.
I ask that you please remind your child(ren) to stay on the paths and sidewalks when riding to and from school. We are fortunate to have convenient pathways for students to travel through town on their bicycles, and we need your help to remind young people to use these paths. The safety of our students and staff is always our top priority and thank you for reinforcing this message and your partnership in helping to keep D39 students safe!
Speaking of safety, over the past few weeks our students have been learning hallway protocols and ways in which we can all contribute to keeping our school and students safe. If you are interested in seeing one of these videos, please visit this link to check it out!
7th grade Curriculum Night was a lot of fun and we are looking forward to seeing our 8th grade families on Thursday! Here is the schedule - Curriculum Night begins at 5:30 PM for families with a student in band or orchestra and at 6:00 PM for all other families. Doors open at 5:55 PM.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Kate, Eric and Nicole
7th Grade Curriculum Night - thanks to all who joined us!
WJHS Clubs are Beginning!
In addition to Homework Club which is described below, we are also excited to announce the kick off of our optional clubs for students beginning in the coming weeks. One of our strategic plan action steps this year is to create opportunities for interest and supportive clubs for students that do not require fees or registration; they can operate in a sign up or drop-in fashion and students can attend them flexibly as they are able. We asked our students what interested them, and from their responses, we created a list of clubs (with more coming soon) that will be sure to get them involved!
A few clubs will start next week, and others will be added in the following weeks! Clubs are dependent on student attendance so please talk with your child about attending a club and finding a way to get involved at WJHS this year. Sign ups are posted around the school and some clubs are drop-in so no sign-up needed!
All of the clubs are hosted by WJHS staff, and will be held either during a lunch period or after school. After school, students may be picked up at the main entrance to the school after 4:20, or they may take the late activity bus from school, which leaves at 4:45 PM from the front of WJHS and drops students off at their local elementary school.
We will share additional information about new clubs as they are added throughout the school year, and we look forward to sharing news and updates with you as these initial clubs get off the ground and are running!
September 18: Pride Club: both lunches
September 19: Newspaper Club during 8th grade lunch
September 20: Drawing during both lunches
September 20: Board Game Club during 7th grade lunch
September 21: Mindful Coloring during both lunches
September 21: Lego Club, after school
Beginning October 2: Kindness Crew during 7th grade lunch
Clubs sponsored by the PTO can be found on the WJHS PTO website. These clubs will include:
Yearbook, after school
Craft/Art Club, after school
Dungeons and Dragons Club, after school
Latin Club, after school
Student Council, after school
High Five choir, after School
Some of our school and district clubs will begin later in the year. Tryouts for Science Olympiad will be in mid-late October, and tryouts for Math Counts are in December. More to come!
Homework Club has Begun!
Homework Club runs from 3:20-4:20 in the Learning Commons. This is meant to be a place for students to get some work done before they head home. Homework Club is supervised by WJHS teachers. If your child finds completing work at home a challenge, Homework Club may be a great resource. Homework Club meets Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays unless there is a staff meeting, and Thursdays.
Students do not need to sign up ahead of time and there is no fee to attend. After school activity busses are also available for students who need transportation home.
8th Grade Curriculum Night on Thursday!
It was wonderful seeing our 7th grade families last night - thank you for joining us!
We will host 8th grade families next week at WJHS! Please find the detailed information linked below. Please click on your child's grade for the correct schedule. Parents/guardians: your homework is to know your child's homeroom teacher and room number when you arrive! Our AMAZING PTO will be set up around the school to offer insight on iGNITE!, Spirit Wear, and more! Please stop by and visit with them.
SEL News!
District 39 has been working this year to improve our parent communication about Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in the district, and hope you all had an initial introduction to what you can expect as far as classroom SEL instruction this year. All of our grade level objectives, as well as other supports for families are available on the D39 SEL Website HERE.
District 39 is committed to providing a safe and equitable learning environment that fosters a mindset of empathy, respect, and belonging for all district students and staff. For that reason, elements of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging have been integrated into our SEL objectives, and we want to bring about more awareness for all of our students and families about various ways we can celebrate one another in our supportive community throughout the year. This calendar provides dates and information on many celebratory dates for students and staff of District 39.
Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15 and continues through October 15. There, are many opportunities to celebrate the history and contributions of those who came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central, and South America. In our local community around Chicago, there are many events where you and your family can experience this celebration, and additional opportunities are available on PBS or by checking out some of the virtual exhibits with your child(ren) available online through the Smithsonian Institution.
PTO Highlights
WJHS PTO Fall Club links to register will be available soon! Arts & Crafts, Latin, and Dungeons & Dragons Clubs are among the offerings that will start in late September/early October. For a sneak peak at what will be available, click HERE. Questions? Contact clubs@wjhspto.com.
The courtyard is opening at recess! The PTO needs volunteers to supervise this gorgeous quiet space where kids can play board games, doodle/draw, read books or just talk with friends. Come at 11:50am - 1:10pm any weekday to open/close up the courtyard by bringing out the games & supplies bin from our storage unit. For more information and to sign up click HERE. Questions? Contact volunteers@wjhspto.com.
Buy your WJHS 2023-24 Yearbook now and save yourself the worry about doing it later! Yearbooks are $28 each and can be purchased HERE. Yearbooks will be delivered to the school and distributed to your child the last week of school. ORDER EARLY because any extra copies available for in-person sales will be very limited this year. NOTE: When asked to “Search Name List”, your child’s name will not come up! Just click “Add a Name” and enter your child’s name. If you have multiple students at WJHS you can “Choose Your Quantity” and you will be able to enter each child’s name separately before check out. Our school code is 8211. Questions? Contact yearbook@wjhspto.com.
Learn research, writing and oral argumentation. Aces Debate Club is offering an after school 8-week class starting 10/2 at WJHS (Advanced Debate for returning debaters in Grades 7-8) or starting 9/29 at Highcrest Middle School (Intro to Debate for new debaters in Grades 5-8). Cost is $280. For more information click HERE or email instructor Aaron Vinson at acesdebateclub@gmail.com.
A complimentary car WJHS Magnet will be distributed in the Fall to all who have contributed to the iGNITE Fund! ANY contribution to the iGNITE (Enrichment) Fund is appreciated! These will come home with your student in November. Log into Membership Toolkit and click on “WJHS STORE” to contribute to iGNITE.
✅ Membership Toolkit & WJHS Online Directory Access HERE
✅ Contribute to the Teacher/Staff gift and iGNITE enrichment funds HERE
✅ Cafeteria Lunch Volunteer SignUp Genius HERE
✅ Purchase WJHS Spirit Wear HERE
District Update
Parent Education Events
Thank you to everyone who joined us both in-person and virtually for our Parent Education event on Wednesday titled “Supporting your Neurodivergent Learner: Strategies for Success.” A recording of this presentation is now available.. Please check out our Parent Education page for our full schedule of Parent Ed events and registration links.
D39 Communication Survey
District 39 is committed to providing timely and relevant communication in ways that fit your needs. In alignment with Goal 4 of our strategic plan, we are gathering feedback from families on District- and school-level communication preferences. Please take this brief survey to help us learn how to continue to effectively and efficiently communicate. Note: this survey does not include classroom-level communication from teachers.
Curriculum Night
Thank you to all the parents who have joined us at our schools for Curriculum Night presentations. We hope that you have found them informative and beneficial as your children settle into the new academic year. Our final Curriculum Night (8th grade) is set for Thursday, Sept. 21 at WJHS.
Board of Education Meetings
Our Board of Education will come together for its regular business meeting on Monday, Sept. 18 at 7 pm at the Mikaelian Education Center. The Board will hear a presentation on our Strategic Plan Action Steps for the 2023-24 school year and will conduct first and second readings of several Board policies. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings will be posted here the Friday prior to the meeting.
Community News
Destination Imagination (DI) is open for registration. DI is a STEAM problem-solving competition for kids K-12. The teams of 4-6 kids have parent coaches and compete at a tournament. The teams create a skit with specific creative and technical components and also practice building and acting instant challenges.
More information including info sessions and the sign-up form at Wilmette DI here
September 19 is School Night for Scouting! Stop by your local elementary school on Tuesday, September 19 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm to learn about Cub Scouts (Grades K-5) and Scouts BSA programs (ages 11-17). Join Scouts at BeAScout.org
Central Elementary School Cub Scout Pack 5: Attention Kdg - 4th graders! The first Cub Scout meeting - Tuesday, September 19 at 7:00 pm; Saturday/Sunday September 30 - October 1 - Cub Scout Campout.Contact Pack 5 leadership with any questions: cubscoutpack5wilmette@gmail.com
McKenzie Cub Scout Pack One is recruiting. A jam-packed 2023-2024 schedule includes spring & fall campouts, a museum sleepover, bowling and of course the pinewood derby. Contact ZakStambor@gmail.com for more information.
GOODFEST~RIBFEST at St. John’s Wilmette: Backyard BBQ’s Ribfest will be held Saturday, September 23 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Goodfest featuring local bands will entertain from 5:00 - 10:00 pm. Portions of the proceeds go to Family Promise North Shore.
Wilmette Historical Museum presents Auto Historica XIX: Muscle Memories Sunday, September 24 12:00 - 3:00 pm 609 Ridge Road.
The Wilmette Stars Special Olympics Team will have its first basketball skills practice on Tuesday, October 10 from 4:00 - 4:45 pm at McKenzie Elementary School. Practices will be held on Tuesdays through the second week of December. Students in grades 3-8 with an intellectual disability are eligible to participate at no cost. All athletes receie a uniform. The program is registered with Special Olympics of Illinois. Contact Joe Taylor at taylorjo@wilmette39.org or 224-220-4736 for more information.
Special Gifts Theatre presents High School Musical Jr. September 2023 - March 2024. This program is for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities ranging in age from 10-22 years. The musical theatre program held at The Skokie School in Winnetka on Mondays 4:15-5:30 pm has openings for students and peer mentors. See flyer for details.
Loyola Academy offers an advanced Mathematics course for 6-8 graders. The Math+ program includes 6 courses. Each Math+ course focuses on 1 major idea based on key concepts included in Stanford University’s introductory math sequence. The six session course will be taught at Loyola Academy on Saturdays from 2:00-3:00 pm starting on Saturday, September 23 and ending on October 28. The course costs $250. Families can sign-up at www.RedwoodPrep.com
Troop 2 Wilmette Open House
Join Troop 2 Wilmette for the Open House Tuesday, September 19 at 7:30 pm
at Crow Island Woods. Learn more about BSA's outdoor based leadership program
open to boys and girls ages 11-18.
Is your child curious about or ready to play hockey?
The Wilmette Jr. Trepans have options for your little hockey lover to learn the sport this fall/winter.
Visit the website for options to get started, including the House Mini-Mite Program (ages 4-6 yrs)
and a two-day "Try Hockey for Free" event in partnership with the Blackhawks (look for options at Centennial Ice Rink).
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family